I need a palette cleanser Sup Forums

I need a palette cleanser Sup Forums
who's the cutest character in vidya?

I couldn't tell if he kills her at the end.

I love Reisen!

Painwheel is a qt


I really like this guy's artstyly and designs, but man does violence against lolis make me feel depressed. Wish he was less of a ryonafaggot.


I hate how I know what this is.

He doesn't. It's implied that he talks her out of it and he was only imagining what happened. In the full volume there's even a short epilogue scene where he watches her perform at a ballet recital even though her own father fails to show up.

I would have honestly loved this if there wasn't such a blatant age difference. That's a legitimate turn-off for me.

>hardcore abuse and torture is fine
>but age gap is not
Kill yourself.

It's voluntary. When it's between consenting adults, there's a weird level of romance to it.

Yes, I know that makes me sound supremely fucked up. For the record, I don't like seeing permanent damage or anything like that. My ryona tastes have also significantly mellowed out as I've gotten older, though I'm always worried that it's going to spike back up again. It's weird to feel ashamed of something that you can't really control.

>Look up that artist
>He made a tomboy doujin
>A cute little button with short, fluffy hair, freckles and teeth missing although those teeth are missing because she removed them so the guys dick could fit in.
>The doujin is vomit focused.
>She has a crossover doujin with nipple torture girl from same artist
Fucking hell man.

>It's weird to feel ashamed of something that you can't really control.
Tell me about it.
Violence is offputting, but I was mainly jesting, hang in there, bud.

The stuff he makes is far too extreme for me to fap to, but I actually liked the one in OP just for the story & the feels





Ciel from MMZ of course

aritist: Minori Kenshirou
doujin: Higyaku Hime Pain Princess

I was 110% ready until that spoiler.
Then it just kept getting worse. Fucking nips.

No contest.

Extreme stuff is harder to take seriously and thus has less emotional impact. Also black&white cartoon vomit/scat is miles apart from the effect live action equivalent has.

That's kind of what I mean. Halfway through this shit, I'm usually sucked out because it's so over the top my suspension of disbelief can't take it and I lose interest. Not knocking anyone into it, but it's really not my thing.

