How long is too long?

How long is too long?

Very long is too long.

I wish there was more time.

When you are no longer providing good or new content in the gameplay.

It's only too long once it's obvious things are being added solely for the purpose of padding.

long enough for the game to become stale

>160 hours for completionists
Where do I play Persona 1? I don't wanna start with apparently the best games in the series so I'll go by numerical order. Is the PS1 or PSP version of Persona 1 better?

It’s too long when I stop enjoying myself. I found persona 3 and 4 too long because I stopped enjoying both around the in-game month of december.

I actually enjoyed P5 the whole way through even though it was longer, although it had way too much repetitive dialog that could have been cut to reduce the length.



For the record I don't think I have ever played a game that continued to have new or well made content past about the 40 hour mark and that is at the far end of the bell curve.

I would have been happy for it to be longer, amazing game.

>92 hours
>Rushes party member character development
>Plenty of time put toward renting DVDs and driving around in a boring random dungeon

Play persona 1 for psp if you want to play it, but it really has nothing to do with persona 5. Persona 3-5 may as well be called something else because they have nothing in common with the first 2 games.

Also, whilst I think 5 is the best one it’s certainly not a unanimously agreed statement.

This is No Good Tora

say something mean to him

I don't even remember a single thing about the first game outside some dude with a white suit and mask was there at some point.

Don't be mean to him, he's a good person.

Does 1 have a good story at all? I really have no idea how the games work at all.

Completely depends on the game. Some games can justify 80+ hours, many SMT/Persona games do, and some games can hardly justify 10 hours (not that this is a bad thing, if its the appropriate length for the game it is and the price is appropriate I'm all over it. Many of my favorite games require less than 10 hours to beat).

Nah the story isn’t great. Although the story in all of them isn’t all that great. 2 has the best story but nobody plays these games for the plot. People play it for the relaxing life sim fused with JRPG battles, the characters and the music.

Honestly just go and watch some gameplay of 1 and 5 on YouTube and see if you’re interested in either.

I wish P5 was longer, the first playthrough was amazing and I finished in 96 hours. I wish it didn't skip over the MC going to prison, I would've loved getting a small adventure of him going through the equivalent of The Shawshank Redemption.

I played 3 and am interested in playing P4 and P5 but fuck that is going to take months with my job.

Damn son how many hours a week do you work?

Normal full time job. Are you bad at math or something?


When the gameplay starts feeling like a chore

My first playthrough was about 150 Hours and it was fine, the ending dragged a little and there was some weird pacing in the second half, specifically the part where Mona leaves and that horrible entire hour of exposition after you finish Sae's Palace.
It didn't feel as climactic as P3 but at least it wasn't that awful "You found the culprit except you didn't because it's Adachi, SYKE it wasn't really Adachi either!" garbage from 4.

My first Xenoblade 2 playthrough also took about 190 hours and I'm still fighting endgame bosses which are pretty badly designed and rage inducing. Never got bored with either game because they're really good while I dropped Tales of Berseria after 40 Hours.

>100 hour game
>entire hour of exposition
Wut da fug :DDDDDDD

if the content+gameplay doesnt get stale or repetitive then it can last as long as it wants

what website is that?

100 hours is the absolute limit for a SP JRPG before it gets stale

what game are you going to look up buddy

I wish it was longer

Are you pretending to be retarded? Of course there is way more than just one hour of exposition in the game but the part where they explain your grand plan of tricking Goro was literally an hour of nothing but continued exposition

If I wanted a badly written story that slows to a crawl every time something happens because the characters have to sit down and explain what actually happened I'd play metal gear.

ty sir

nioh: complete edition. 141 hours for completionist....I thought I was getting close.

I'm not.

how the fuck is it that high? i didn't beat it yet but no way, that has to be some bullshit like grind every weapon to max level

I wish they cut out all the boring filler arcs like kaneshiro and okumura.

Completiotnist for Nioh is literally autism.
If you just play through the game like a normal human being, only grinding armors you really want you will be done with the main game by 50 hours and all the DLC in another 20.
Don't listen to retards who will tell you shit like "the game only starts at new game plus!"

Persona 5 is really weird time wise for me. i put in like 90 hours into my first run, but it didn't feel anywhere near that long. And it wasn't that it was so fun that time flew by either. It's a great game but I didn't have nearly as much fun with it as I did the other games. P3 & 4 took me both around 60 hours and they felt twice as long as P5.