Jesus this board really is nintendogaf one announcement and that's all the threads containment board when?

Jesus this board really is nintendogaf one announcement and that's all the threads containment board when?

vast majority of the threads are mocking the announcement, though

Pokemon got a board think it's about time lads

What's gaf

Is that you being gay as fuck?

Haha epic ftw

how about we make /cw/ - consolewars instead?
we could move all the wojack spam there too

That would be fine doubt it will help much mate

Make /nin/, /sny/, /xbo/ and /pcg/
I'd love to see which board has the most traffic and which one has the most shitposting.

I think you mean /soy/

/nin/ and /sny/ would have about equal shitposting, they'd constantly attack each other
/xbo/ would be dead as fuck
/pcg/ would be Sup Forums with more wojacks