what are the peak games in every genre? if someone were to develop a horror, fighter, action, fps, rpg...etc what game must he study in each genre?
What are the peak games in every genre? if someone were to develop a horror, fighter, action, fps, rpg...
Subjective as fuck matters,
but for horror, you really need to check out Resident Evil Remake and Silent Hill.
The PS1 era survival horror trio in general is pretty damn gud stuff.
RPG: Fallout (1,2,NV)
Third-person Action: Jedi Knight Outcast
RTS: Rome Total War
Stealth: Thief
Racing: hahahahaha
Space: X-wing/Tie-fighter and Bridge Commander
Doom 1, Half-Life(s), STALKER
Super Mario Bros 3, 64, Jak & Daxter
SF2, DOA2, Super Smash Bros Melee
MGS, Thief, Splinter Cell 3
C&C: Red Alert, Warcraft 3
>RTS: Rome Total War
nani the fuck?
Dragon Quest 3, Final Fantasy 7, Persona 5
Super Metroid
I can't enjoy any other metroidvania, god I hate that term. Everytime I try to play something like Hollow Knight, Axiom Verge or Guacamelee I'd just rather play Super Metroid. Those games aren't bad but they just don't bring anything new to the table.
>multiplayer fps
Team Fortress 2
10 years of development went into making as fun an FPS experience as could possibly be developed, and it worked. TF2 is an FPS that's easy to learn and hard to master, with enormously varied gameplay covering almost every FPS trope in existence (grenades, shotguns, rocket launchers, smgs, rifles, knives, sentries, throwable piss, you name it) leading to pretty much endless replayability.
Starcraft: Brood War. 3 very diverse factions which all still manage to be quite well balanced at all levels of play, a great campaign story and group of missions which serve to educate the player for multiplayer while also being entertaining and well-written, an immersive and iconic aesthetic, and high levels of micromanagement skill (the real-time portion of RTS) mixed with strategic depth (the strategy portion of RTS).
Wait shit I want to add Rise of Nations to my RTS answer
Skyrim is the best game of every genre. Just mod it to turn it into the perfect game of your favorite genre.
WRPG: Ultima 7
JRPG: Final Fantasy 6 (best I can come up with, but there probably is no "peak" in this genre)
FPS: Doom
2D Platformer: Mario 3
3D Platformer: Mario 64
Puzzle: Tetris
Third-Person Shooter: Resident Evil 4
Stealth: Thief Gold or Thief 2
Racing: One of the Mario Karts or Gran Turismos
City Building: SimCity 2000
Business Sim: Capitalism Plus
2D Fighting: Street Fighter II (any version)
3D Fighting: Tekken 3
Metroidvania: Any of the first 3 Metroids
RTS: Warcraft 3
MMORPG: Ultima Online
Strategy RPG: Tactics Ogre
Action RPG: Bloodborne
Sports: Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
I'd recommend swapping FF6 with Chrono Trigger, but other than that you've got pretty good taste, user.
>swapping FF6 with Chrono Trigger
Not a bad suggestion actually.
Rock of Ages 2 is the best racing game ever made.
For horror, Dino Crisis. He should also play Resident Evil 1, and Silent Hill 3.
For fighters, Super Turbo, but also whichever Guilty Gear people think is the best this week, and Melty Blood AACC.
For "Action", DMC1, but also Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma, NG2, NG3RE, Phantasy Star Portable 2, Shinobi and Nightshade, and capcoms arcade brawlers: primarily Alien vs Predator, Armored Warriors, Battle Circuit, The King of Dragons, and The Punisher. Bayonetta 1, Onimusha, Soul of The Samurai, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Severance: Blade of Darkness would be good too.
For FPS, Duke Nukem 3D, but also every other build engine game, The Ultimate DOOM and some DOOM II level wads, HaloCE, CoD4 and MW2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and the multiplayer for Quake 3, and Unreal Tournament 99&2004.
For TPS, Resident Evil 6, but also RERevelations 1, Vanquish, and Max Payne.
For Platformers, Megaman Zero games, but also Super Mario Bros. 3.
For Stealth, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, but also MGS1&4, Thief, and Dishonored 1.
>and MW2
let's be realistic, it was a buggy poorly balanced low-counterplay mess which was fun because you were 12 and everything was awesome user, it wasn't a shining example of good FPS game design.
This isn't even open to debate, MW2 does not belong in the category "peak games of the FPS genre," it has too many gameplay flaws.
Classical CRPG: Fallout 1 or 2, take your pick
Strictly FPS: Difficult, I'm going to have to say Half Life
Third person shooter: Going with Max Payne on this one
RTS: Probably Red Alert 2
Flight sim: IL-2 Sturmovik
Turn based strategy: The original '94 Xcom
Transcends categories: Deus ex, VTM: Bloodlines, System Shock 2
TPA: Dark Souls
RPG: Baldur's Gate 2
FPS: Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life
RTS: Battle for Middle-Earth 2
Stealth: Thief
>tfw so many places cite Fallout 1/2 as the GOAT RPG, but you just can't stand post-apocalyptic scenarios
damn Todd looks like THAT?
so overrated
literally what is special about this game? The gameplay felt wooden and the spooks were just jumpscares
AI/lighting/grafics/gameplay technology, satisfying guns, not that i can stay up late to defend FEAR though
also not sure if this is the right filename