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Is Sony waging a Jihad on cardboard?

It's just the german announcement for the january sale, picked up Dark Souls 3 since the deluxe was 29.99.

You need to market to an expanding demographic of-course,smart move.


I think you meant "exploding" demographic

Finally Sony is adapting to the current year Europe.

its funny because there are a lot of arabs in germany

Only infidels use cardboard

is this fucking real?

>The Chadphet Muhammad had a Loli wife and was responsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire
>The Virgin Jesus was killed by the Roman Empire

It's clearly fake you absolute mongs

Your talents are wasted here user. You should get a twitter handle.

Soyboys in full damage control

>tfw arabs are the most redpilled people

lurk more you fucking retards

It makes sense though, considering the native Germans are too busy doing arbeit to pay for immigrant housing it's not like they will ever play games marketed at them.

jihad on high prices

>Sony aren't allowed to sell to arabs

Are yoh guys retarded or something?

>check link
>those replies
It's like low tier youtube comments.

>There are people so new they didn't see these when they were posted constantly a month ago




only a matter of time until ps4s start exploding

>Playstation Europe

Is that from this year's?

>The state of sonyslimes





I'm very excited for this level of stupidity now, thank you.

nobody gives two shits about the cardboards anymore

only the kids with no games are still trying to force that meme


I want their Miis

What's the issue? A lot of European's first language is Arabic, and it's in Sony's best interest to advertise to them too.

You know whats the best?
[spoilers]he wears it from the very start, when i thought it was just a gimmick. Part 1 subs out since 16th

They're not selling to Arabs, they're selling to Europeans with Arabic heritage. There's a big difference.

>i-it's okay when Sony does it

Oh my god, user, you just made my day

>Sup Forums agit-propaganda from a month ago
good thread

When Sony does what? Tries to sell their products in Europe?

You realize Nintendo also sells their products in Europe too, right?

the dude runs multiple ps store accounts and posted the arab vid on the wrong account, it happened once.


Wow I can't believe that they would tweet in a language that a significant portion of the people on this planet speak. What they would sell things to those people? Unbelievable honestly.

Why does it link to the European Playstation Sale then? If it was truly a mistake and he meant to post it on the Middle Eastern account then wouldn't it link to their sale?

If you think they love Europe more than their home countries you are truly naive

Especially when it's the European twitter account. Europe being a place with many Arabic speakers.

All the social media accounts for PlayStation Europe, Middle East and Africa are ran in London at Great Marlborough Street.

Source: I run one

>esponsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire
cant tell if being ironic or if it is american education


Because the website changes to your geolocation, jackass.

If this was just a mistake then why does it link to the European playstation sale?

Oh my god they're promoting their products to people who speak a different language. How fucking despicable. I'm never buying a Sony product again.


I'm not in Europe though, dipshit.

This just in: a large number of people in the US speak Spanish!

Very well done, made me go back to Sup Forums after not going there for over 6 months.

Well Europe is already majority mudslime so I don't see why sony wouldn't market to them.


Why wouldn't they market towards The New Europeans? Their money is worth just as much as the old European's is.