>Dragon Quest: Builders on Switch runs at a stable 60fps
When the fuck is this out?
Dragon Quest: Builders on Switch runs at a stable 60fps
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with gamecube tier graphics i'd fucking hope it runs at 60 fps
It's ps2 at best.
PS4 runs it at 30fps
Does it? I didn't want to buy DQB for the third time but 60fps cud b gud.
for real?
February 9th.
>PS4 runs it at 30fps
No it fucking doesn't you retard.
Square Enix had nothing to do and worked hard
thats the ps vita version
PS4 is 60 FPS, the Vita is 30 FPS.
>Nintendo Switch version looks and runs worse than the PS3 version.
Top fucking kek.
I tried the demo version, the framerate was shabby. Definitively not 60.
PS4 is 1080 at 30fps.
Switch is 720 at 60fps.
>PS4 runs it at 30fps
>Lying on the internet
For what purpose?
PS4 is 1080p, 60fps
PS3 is 720p, 60fps
Vita is 540p, 30fps
>already have the game on ps4
>but portability and 60fps is tempting me
>PS4 is 1080 at 30fps.
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
Which is why the wording is 'solid' and not 'smooth'
It's only 30fps in handheld mode.
When's 2 coming out? I already have 1 on PS4 but I'd rather get 2 on switch
>30fps Handheld
>720p TV
Bros....I thought the Switch was powerful.
>Switch is barely more powerful than a 6 year old Vita.
Really makes you think.
DQ Builders was one of the titles I was looking at when I got a PS4 - having never played a Dragon Quest game should I go for Builders or that other one that’s out (or coming out? Idk) like the standard Dragon Quest main title
>post the only place were it runs at 60fps
lmao, just admit that sony version are now worthless
This game is nothing like actual Dragon Quest, it's a better minecraft with a Dragon Quest skin on it. It's actually a really good game.
I've never played any Dragon Quest games either, except for Heroes, but that's just a musou game as well, doesn't count.
No news so far.
Minecraft is 1080p 60FPS on the switch
>Sony versions run better, run at a higher resolutions, and are cheaper to buy
>Switch version uh.......um....exists? Doesn't run or look as good as the PS4 version when docked, looks slightly better in handheld mode than it did 2 years ago on a half a decade old handheld.
Now how about you actually discuss the game and quit with your bullshit.
Oh right, you don't actually have any interest in the game at all.
>Switch runs better
>You get to play anywhere
>You get MORE content
Literally superior, the rest is shit.
>, it's a better minecraft
It's just a shitty rip off nothing better than MC
So standard ps4 framerate then
Stop arguing and buy my game!
I wanna marry Pippa
And already have more games.
It makes you think even more.
On switch!
You have to be +18 to post on this site.
Indeed you need to go back.
>More games than the Vita
Are you fucking high?
Vita has over 1500 games.
Depends on what you want out of the game. If you want a Lego autism simulator, Minecraft is the better game. If you want an actual video game with solid gameplay with not complete trash combat and actual quests and a story to do, Dragon Quest Builders fucking annihilates Minecraft.
Literal shovelware don't count maty
I don't think you're allowed to use the word "annihilate" in any context or meaning against the best selling game in the world bar tetris
This thread, literally all the footage of the game, every frame rate test of the game, google.
Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that sales determined quality. I guess we all have to drop every game for Minecraft and PUBG now. Clearly they have the best gameplay because they sold more.
>stable 60
Its 30 in the demo with frequent dips though
It's not you autist
Go right ahead and move those goal posts up your ass, save everyone some time.
>sonytard are to be told that no one give a crap about shitty games
not that surprising actually.
>>You get to play anywhere
You still still just play it at home, user. Only difference is that you won't stop playing when you go take a shit.
>>You get MORE content
Yes amazing content.
Both of these things tradeoff visuals, FPS and price. Claiming that these things don't matter is just dumb.
Can you repeat that in English?
and it's 60 in docked, so more than on the ps4.
>It's just a shitty rip off nothing better than MC
Story, better AI, better combat, doesn't look like ass, more interesting world, more scripted events and things to discover, etc.
Minecraft is just a big block builder and little else. It's more about creating and sharing while DQB is a by far stronger SP experience.
>so more than on the ps4.
It's already been well established that the PS4 version runs at 60 dumbass.
But please, continue with this bullshit consolewar trash rather than discussing the merits of the actual game, it really is riveting stuff.
the fps drops on ps4 non stop, constantly drop to 57, it's shit.
Switch framerate tanks all the time as well. What's your fucking point champ?
It doesnt outside of the beta version champ.
Care to back that up with literally anything?
Yeah, didn't think so.
>the fps drops on ps4 non stop, constantly drop to 57, it's shit.
You're confirmed megaretarded if you think you could actually tell such a difference while playing the game.
Learn to count, you can even use your fingers if it helps.
It drops from 60 to 50 fps in his image, are you blind?
>Soyboys more interested in how shit their version of the game runs than discussing the actual game.
Not enough cardboard or something?
This thread makes it clear that Switch fags don't deserve this game.
This board is not about discussing games anymore. It's fucking pathetic.
t. the specie that ruin this place with hundreds of cardboard or anal vore meme thread a day
I just looked at the video the ps4 was dropping frames too.
>It's ok to act like a niggers because other people act like niggers
Literally nigger logic.
No one ever said it didn't?
Do you faggots even know what you're arguing about?
I don't know if they both drop what are you guys arguing about?
How about you read the thread before posting?
I mean, if you're not even going to bother to read the thread, or follow the conversation, why bother posting?
This game will sell a lot simply it's gonna be the first time you can play it on the go on a portable.
>See comfy DQB thread
>Miss the old comfy threads
>Open thread
>It's just insecure Soyboys lying about how much better the Switch version is
Why do you faggots do this?
>it's gonna be the first time you can play it on the go on a portable.
Nintendo fans truly are manchildren.
>DQB threads are full of shitposting now
Thanks nintendo
Looks like false information and maybe a little of baiting going on.
>better AI, better combat
I mean you are not wrong but don't try to make it sound like they are good. Shields only give you stats so no block button, you have your basic attack, a generic charge spin and explosives. And the AI is almost just as brain dead. The world dragons and sand golems can be beaten so easily by running in circles or digging holes and luring them.
Give them a break, first they get cardboard shit and then they find out DS Remaster is actually more expensive on the switch than on the superior platforms.
When is the sequel coming out? Bought this for my little sister and she spent a whole month waking up at 5am to play it. Loved it.
I can play it anywhere with my Vita.
So Shitch has then how many games? 2?
you can tell the difference dumbass, problem is sony ponies have never seen more than 15fps so it's obvious your eyes are not trained.