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Everyone who wanted COD already has it, while PUBG officially came out later and more people are just learning about it.
Everyone already knew about pubg at launch, it's the reason fortnite has been so popular for the last half year
>casual shit beats other casualshit
both games are pure garbage normalfaggot tier shit
accept it
PUBG won
>made battle royale the main genere for the past decade
Fuck that, i'm getting off this ride before it even starts
Okay, PUBG won
Then wut ? Still shitty gamd
wow. one piece of shit has more success than another piece of shit.
if it weren't for chinks pubg wouldn't be anything
Cod WWII is just an arcade shooter just like the previous games but with ww2 environment, and customization is really necessary on any multiplayer mode these days. also, they never said every aspects of the game gonna be historically accurate.
and at the end of the day, they are still shit
Just get back to fortnite
This is fucking embarrasing
why the fuck I would play fortnite?
give me 400€/$/£ and I will, there's no other way I am going to play any of this shit
>Xbox games charts
>Asher Madan
thanks pc players,truly the master race.
Literally fucking kill yourself if you play any of these games, any Moba, Overwatch, or enjoy any eSports.
Literal gay fucking cancer.
There is nothing wrong with pc having popular exclusives instead of being a cod/fifa multiplat machine.
It's nothing to do with them being exclusives, it's to do with them being bad games.
No one buys a PC to play an actual wide variety of genres anymore. 95% of PC gamers only play the same 5 or 6 games (Dota, LoL, PUBG, Overwatch, Fortnite) and literally NOTHING else.
Not to mention that these games hold the majority of the responsibility for the introduction of lootbox cancer and retarded Twitch streamer culture into video games.
>this after tbc
>esports lmao
>indie devs are faggots except chad
Same could be said about the PS4 and people only buying Bloodborne honestly
Can I have a (you) because I don't want to post low effort bait about PUBG?
The exact same thing applies to console but replace those games with cod, fifa, gta
That gay shit is kinda hot
you should really play some video games
What are you complaining about? Did those games impact the availability of other games you play? There are a wide selection of rpg, action, adventure, platformers, weeabshit whatever the fuck else you want to play.
PUBG is so bad right now and Bingbonghole won't even do shit about it because they're an Asian company.
>Play PUBG
>Having good time with friends in squads
>Get up against a last squad
>We all get wiped by your typical "XingXauLau"
>Aimbot, Wallhacks, Speedhacks.
>Queue squads with randoms
>N/A Servers
>Get decent loot
>Teammate gets on mic
>"You speaka Chinese?"
>Instantly team killed for good loot for responding in english
This game is garbage, and the Chinese ruined it.
No one buys a PS4 ONLY for Bloodborne unless they primarily play games on other consoles/PC.
Yes but the difference is that CoD/FIFA/GTA only players don't pride themselves on being "hardcore gaymurrs". Those are people who take an hour or two out of every other day to play normie games for fun.
Modern PC gamers are nerds who will literally spend thousands of hours playing the SAME FUCKING GAMES for literal YEARS and will justify it with "but uhhhh the updates make it different!"
>Did those games impact the availability of other games you play?
Yes, nigger. Devs have for the past decade been gradually shifting towards an industry where multiplayer-only, MOBA/team FPS/esports shit is dominant. You have literally killed video games.
The game isn't fun
>muh sales
>le wacky maymay chicken dinner XDDD
PUBGfags need to fuck off to Reddit
Over the past decade the console top 3 have been cod, fifa and gta with the exception of when minecraft got ported.
PC has at least varied between league, dota 2, minecraft, H1Z1, CS and pubg.
It gets even worse if you look at the lower down games where on console it's just older versions of cod/fifa and maybe a few games like skyrim but pc it regularly changes.
Honestly we need to separate Sup Forums between /console/ and /pc/.
It would be interesting, because it would be revealed that /pc/ posters literally play nothing else other than the same 5 games over and over, and largely have a massive community overlap with Reddit.
>capitalism is bad
wew lad. There are plenty of current gen rpgs ect, cry more or actually pay for your games
>console players don't do this
>PC players do this
So your whole point is just an asspained userbase argument?
>PC has at least varied between league, dota 2, minecraft, H1Z1, CS and pubg.
That isn't variety, faggot.
>League and Dota
Same game.
>H1Z1 and PUBG
Same game.
>on console it's just older versions of cod/fifa and maybe a few games like skyrim but pc it regularly changes.
No, it doesn't. The only difference on PC is that different developers will claim the flavor of the month every couple of years. So 5 years it was TF2, now it's Overwatch. It was LoL, now it's Dota. It was H1Z1/Day Z/whatever other faggot shit, now it's PUBG.
PC gaming is LITERALLY more cancerous than Fifa/CoD/GTA. At least those 3 games are fun.
I want to, but I have an exam in two weeks and have to learn. And I waste too much time here shitposting
It has LITERALLY been cod/fifa/gta every year but 1 for the last decade on console vs at least 6 on pc. And the only time they've been overtaken was minecraft (port of a old pc game), and inevitably pubg (again, port of a old pc game) in the future.
Steam has never been this dominated by the same few games.
We already have a PC board it's called /vg/ where 80% of the generals are dedicated to PC games. Sup Forums doesn't need more board splits.
Am I missing something? Battle Royal has been the hottest genre for years.
Yes, but PC gamers still insist on shitting up Sup Forums with threads about the same games that have generals on /vg/.
Reminder that the most played games on PS4 right now is Fortnite
literally fox and the grapes
The cancer originated on PC, and peecee gaymurs are to blame for the fact that it has now spread to consoles.
Call of Duty hasn't been relevant since whatever year the PS4 came out.
They ruined the game by making enormous maps.
>actually having some kind of brotherly feelings for random idiots using the same console
I rather Sup Forums be "shitter" up with threads about games than actually shitting up Sup Forums with console war and wojack threads. The explosion of cardboard threads when LABO was announced reveals how much consolefags care about games here. But you're just a sperg with a hateboner for PC so you'll never admit it.
you said it was a fotm Sup Forums
Sup Forums also said R6 Siege is DOA
>best selling game in history
Nothing can top Tetris' sales though.
>peecee gaymurs are to blame for the fact that most consolefags would rather play PC's sloppy seconds than their own games
Imagine wasting your life like this being this pathetic. I feel sorry for your parents.
Except it was DOA but picked up after the team behind it actually worked on it.
literally false it had around 20k at the steam stats alone at the start and neve really dipped
>PC gamers being autistic and refusing to play anything other than the same 5 shitty games doesn't affect the rest of the market
Devs see what's happening on PC, they see the ridiculous amounts of money and hours that people are willing to put into gay ass battle royale, team FPS and eSports shit, and they obviously realise that this is a cash cow waiting to be made so long as they can expand it across all platforms.
Casual gamers don't care. They buy an Xbox One/PS4 and whatever's most popular is what they play. It's harmless. The PC gamers are to blame because they pretend that they're serious, high-cultured, refined connoisseurs of the industry, but in actual fact have the lowest brow taste in games and literally only play whatever multiplayer streamerfaggot esports game is most popular in any given year.
>bing bing wahoo #12912091
>yet another sport games
>1 exclusive a year
the state of console
Meanwhile there's PUBG, with the highest playerbase purely because the entire population of China is playing it and hacking, and legitimate players are being banned for honking their horn and generally existing in the vicinity of streamers. Not to mention it's incredibly clunky looting system and the abysmal optimisation.
Yeah? 20k is fucking garbage, the fuck are you smoking bro
People bought and played the new CoD?
>garbage is now the same as DOA
>steam numbers don't include the whole numbers so we can assume that it is +50 - +100 percent of the steam stats
Thank god I'm not smoking the shit you are currently sucking on
You must be a gg player, because 20k is fucking dead as fuck, especially for a fucking FPS. You're deluded.
I can't wait to see Activision/ EA make their own BR style game.
Hollow Knight was the best game of 2017. Eat shit.
>ignoring that these are only steam numbers
lol you know that this is not the number of people owning the game but currently playing?
talk about deluded you fagget
God I wish that were me
>fun single player game
>kids toy that is irrelevant to video games
>fun games that you can play with casual friends
>lots of fun multiplats
What's the problem, PC gaymur? Not enough eSports for you?
Literally who?
>casual crap
>lol and dota 2 released
>shitty mobas everywhere
>pubg released
>shitty battle royales everywhere
Just why. Just fucking why.
>Every game needs to be hardcore streamerfaggot eSports shit that you have to pump 1000 hours into before even having one modicum of fun
Why are peecee gaymurs so anti-fun?
China region lock when?
why are you so fucking salty, jesus christ. don't care about esports? fine, don't play those games. i play only on pc, and 90% of my gaming time i spend on single player games alone. the only 'fotm' game i own is overwatch, and i only play that shit on qp and arcade for an hour a day.
>can't handle a little competition or challenge
I can handle it just fine, nigger, I just don't want to waste my life playing the same gay ass MOBA for years just so I can compete with some smelly Europeans who've played nothing else since 2004.
ITT: Sonycodders seething hard af
>the only challenging games are MOBAs
then don't waste your life playing some gay ass moba for years just so you can compete with some smelly europeans who've played nothing else since 2004. it's that simple.
Minecraft sold more
Gtav sold more
Tons of games sold more
Why be original when you can just half assed copy a successfull concept?
>people actually think pubg isnt getting BTFO by cod and fortnite
But will it dethrone FIFA?
It's only just came out whereas fortnites been out on console for ages. I'd be amazed if it doesn't get to number 1.
Yeah now I can believe that it's got hundreds of thousands, bit it was literally dead tier at the start bro, cmon.
It wont for a simple reason, the Chinese audience don't play xbox and even if they did they can't cheat so they'd be no insentive
I would be more amazed if it did reach number one considering the only people who play pubg are the chinese and dont play on xbox.
>Posting the US ranking
as soon as PUBG became more playage on OG xbox, it will be 1st or 2nd