When your product is garbage on a national level

>when your product is garbage on a national level

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It's for kids, so it's worthless to them in distracting whitey from being flooded by rapefugees.

Labo? More like Nintendo GARBO hahahaha, what a joke

is this actually real

It wasn't halal enough for our German brothers

Before it's assembled yes, it would look like just cardboard.

Do you genuinely think they would throw away a clearly labeled box delivered to them from Nintendo with bundled software or are you the type to fall for onion articles?

the article title is clickbait, basically one of the clean up crew thought the opened product was trash

Yeah. Cleaners aren't paid to think, they're paid to throw anything that looks discarded away. Loose cardboard siting around an office looks like junk.


no way the onion still exists

To be fair, that did look like rubbish.

>Opened, empty champagne bottles on the floor is art, now

It'd be funny if it wasn't so close to the truth.
Meh, I don't see why people give a fuck about this. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

I don't see how it's not arr
It's a depiction of the consumerism and lavish luxuries enjoyed by the bourgeois durimg the 80's
How is that not art?

anything that expresses something is art now, if you dont call it art the art justice warriors just lose their shit
its the same with everything nowadays, everybody wants to say their piece but dont want you to say yours if they dont like it

Yeah. Janitorial staff are beaten when they ask questions and their superiors pretend they don’t exist unless needed, so they’re left uninformed when there’s something different in their lane. Hell, they were probably screamed at for not removing cardboard boxes quick enough from previous events.

if I take a shit on the floor, is that art?
serious question, i need some cash

>that did look like rubbish.
Yeah, that was the point of the work. I was just highlighting the fact that even staff at an area that might have higher awareness of trash/not trash still are janitors that just default to "I'm paid to clean not to think, bin it." So it was less "lol, this cardboard toy looks like trash" and more "this cardboard sitting on a desk looks like cardboard siting on a desk that doesn't contain documents or materials and so is likely trash."

Nooooooo don't trash it

Depends. Are you currently a trendy artist? While your poop may be considered art by some folks, no one will give you money for it unless a worthy name is attached.

If you frame it the right way, and elicit an emotional response that means something to someone to a point where they're willing to pay for it, anything can be "art"

Yeah but it's meaningless art
Which isnt in and of itself bad as long as you get a reaction

are these posts art?

Yes, Nintendo actually are making these.

Why do switch owners always make this face whilst sitting in a box and consuming soy?

They could be.

Art is a nebulous term, it can be literally almost anything from painted pictures, to music, to dance, to a photograph of something completely mundane and even a bunch of shit strewn across the floor that's meant to convey something.

It means different things to different people which is why you have such strong reactions and dumb arguments about what is and isn't art.

There are arguments to be had about technical skill, intention, design and interpretation but the definition of art is such a pointless thing to argue about.

am I art?

>meaningless art
So Dadist art?

You're art to me, dearie

>You mistook this pile of rubbish for rubbish? SUCCESS!
Good job.

It's pretty lazy art, anyone could replicate it as shown they by the museum. Definitely not worth showing at a museum as something great when besides actual pieces of art that took months to complete and still evoke feelings representing society.

The thing with modern art is that it believes no effort should be rewarded as long as it represents something.

Rubbish is in the eye of the beer holder user.

Thanks for the laugh

I have a Switch and I love it but honestly I think this just shows the biggest problem with it. Even the blue YouTube Muppet said it, when you get bored of it, you're going to have this hunk of cardboard laying around. It might be fun at first for kids, but it's not something that's pretty enough to put somewhere, and it's not sturdy enough to reliably disassemble and store somewhere.

You don't get to tell me how to be an adult.

No but they are kino.

the german tweet at the bottom says a cleaning crew mistook it for trash and almost threw it away.

>when you get bored of it, you're going to have this hunk of cardboard laying around.
So it's just like my wii-u, except I can burn the cardboard for warmth.

>I could be anything I set my mind to. I could be a football player, or a king, or a spaceman!
>Next time you see me, this town will be eating out of the palm of my hands!
>user, is that you?
>Uh, I, uh... [closes his box]

I mean shitposting on greek walls are considered art

I think the only big looking thing is the backpack and the fishing rod

>as they mistook it for garbage

I'm pretty sure the whole reason that they are made out of cardboard, is that when your kids inevitably get fed up with this shit, you can actually recycle it. You know, enviromentally friendly and shit.

> Modern art
and nothing of value was lost


Pot calling the kettle black

I like the statement because not only does it reflect on modern art itself, it's also a statement on the materials used in the piece that were trashed. I cannot comment on the thoughts of the person who arranged this post, but with or without meaning he has created a thing of beauty.

My zine is available in the lobby.

>Sup Forumss art experts on the go

the tweet says it was the cleaner who mistook it for garbage.

So essentially the cleaners have better taste than the ratings bureau?

You don't need to be an expert to realize how lazy modern art is.

nah i dont want to live in a world where art could be anything, that is impossible to appreciate and anyone pretending otherwise is pretentious. if it doesnt immitate nature in a skillful manor it cannot be art, fuck off picasso autist

No, but I remember some Sup Forumsirgin printing someone's post and putting it on a wall, complete with frame and everything

>Germans fail to recognize a toy that requires creativity and imagination ot be useful

Im not even surprised

>dont want to live in a world where art could be anything
Hang yourself then, because the only thing separating me shitting on a canvas and some other person shitting on a canvas is my contacts and the only thing that separates some classic masters from "dude from that period who painted a lot" is people kowtowing to old adherents to art refusing to revisit in case of being declared revisionists and the people who own expensive works having lawyers who can ruin people who might devaluate their art by opening the field wider. Art is art, is art, but "art worth money" is ruled by people who own the works and dictate the price.

what modern art? all of it? or just the ones you mean but you have no better way to round it up? do you mean applied arts or fine arts or what? what examples can you provide of such lazy art and how is it a problem that reflects on society besides some basic Sup Forums tier argument like were le degenerate soyboys?

ive always hated how fags get vocal about their opinions on art, like its a subject that anyone can rate and everyone should understand immidietaly, as if its so primitive or naive that it should be understood so, like fucking drawing and understanding composition and colors doesnt take years to master and understand and thats just the fucking technical aspects of it. understanding cultural history, theories of art and philosophy of creation is whole another deal

did he cum on it

But it's a toy that is the antithesis of creativity?
Creative would be giving someone a blank piece of cardboard and saying, make something out of this, not handing them a cardboard sheet with specific instructions.

Those first 3 hours when this was unveiled were some of the best hours I've had since 2016 election. The hits kept coming, everyone was in shock and we all were doubtful it was even real. Nintendo's official IMA-GI-NATION~ do it yourself card board box.

>like its a subject that anyone can rate and everyone should understand immidietaly,
If it's not, it's not art.



If only German did this with its people.

oh sry i didnt realize i was talking to the general art critic of everything

how much do you lift

>like fucking drawing and understanding composition and colors doesnt take years to master and understand and thats just the fucking technical aspects of it.
You know very well what most people mean by "modern art". Things like pic related.

>mistook it for garbage

more like Nintendo Garbo

>Those first 3 hours when this was unveiled were some of the best hours I've had since 2016 election.
You're 15 and from reddit aren't you? Becasue the only people who can really get hyped about an autitsic spazz fest were the redditards doing it themselves.

There was no genuine outrage, no real upset, it was just the same faux outrage followed by the same bait posts for the whole day.

can anyone translate that tweet from arabic? what does it say exactly?

It was open already. They saw some cardboard lying around and attempted to throw it in pic related.

Clickbait title, one of the cleaners almost threw it in the trash, not the ratings board.

15 x 2
Who doesn't love a good rabble rousing? You have to be some deep in denial faggot to look at a house fire and think that's a normal every day occurrence.

This seriously, shit was great.

USK is full with out-of-touch boomers who don't consume any form of media from before the 80s in their lives.

And you have to be here for less than a day and think think this is anything other than a burnt ember that some 12 year olds are farting on in the hopes of a forest fire.

hi Sup Forums

yeah you just googled modern art and posted one of the first couple pics you found


now why is it lazy? do you know fierman? do you know of the artists background and context of the exhibition inpic?

why would i kill myself? not now or ever will a pile of rubbish be considered art. none of that will even be remembered in a year in any way beyond infame while real artists will get the fame they deserve. poser faggots will rightfully starve in the streets of new york. nobody will study their works, they are nobody even with important friends

>taking an existing material and making it look like a generic household object
When will this meme die?


Based knows what they're talking about user.

People don't realise modern art is made for artists more than it's made for the general public. Then they don't realise that venture capitalists buy it from the artist for like 50 dollars and resell it for 200 to someone who resells it for 3 grand who resells it for 10 grand.

>if it doesnt immitate nature in a skillful manor it cannot be art

holy fucking the cold edgy autism strikes.
have you ever heard of art therapy? you should get on it

>von der Reinigungskraft
by the cleaning staff
>als Altpapier
as paper for recycling

You really sound frustrated by everything that happened yeaterday. It's ok, nintendo will also make some not embarrassing things, don't worry.

Just take a shit on a religious icon, People will hail you as a rational and deep hero of art.

take the painting at face value and you will see it is lazy. take the painting at a personal context sensitive perspectice and you will see it is still lazy. are you going to sit there and claim that took more effort than mc escher drawing hands?

>why would i kill myself?
It was more of a "you won't find what you're looking for in your life time" and not a "off yourself" statement. I really didn't word my post well.

Nope. Offendatrons will find and kill you.

Dude knowing nintendo they get a sweet deal on a bunch of cardboard or something of the sort offered to them and decided to manufacture labos. They are probably doing this for a hilariously low cost and selling kids cardboard for 80 bucks. They are actually really smart when it comes to printing money

>now why is it lazy?

Because background and context mean fuck all when they literally can't paint for shit.

Apparently you can do whatever you want if you make up a suitable "context" for the exhibition that'll impress the soyboys and brainlets.

As long as the icon is not a muslim one, you are ok to go.
The safest bet is to shit on a cross.

>People don't realise modern art is made for artists more than it's made for the general public.

thats true, and its even more understandable that the general public then feels offended as they literally cannot comprehend what the fuck are the artists doing. i mean i sympathise. when youre a boxlifting brainlet who has boring work all day and feels exhausted from it and then youre 'forced' to put some mental effort into thinking through context and art history you have no clue about, that hurts.

Screen cap our posts and put them on /r/Sup Forums because this is the best you're getting from this.

Just because you're told how to create something, doesnt mean creating it is no longer creative.

Otherwise every artist that has ever had a lesson in how to draw or paint would also be considered a "non-creative"

Yeah, try that in Russia and see what happens. Don't project, American and European Christians only reflect a small part of the whole population. Most will murder you.

Because it doesn't actually needs skill, that's nothing compared to the detailed art you see on renowned museums, and it is not the fact that it can't compete what makes it bad, it is the fact that it doesn't even tries. There is no effort on painting that shit, only ideas, that as nice as they can be, the way they are transmitted is just lazy.


>Most will murder you
You and I know this is not true.

>take the painting at face value and you will see it is lazy
at face value it interests me and i see no reason to just leave it there, so i would also search for context.

>are you going to sit there and claim that took more effort than mc escher drawing hands?
i claimed that? where?

>judging the paintings based off low resolution pictures.

If you can't see the texturing on the brush strokes you can't call it lazy or not. If you saw a low res pic of Neuman's zips you'd be unable to see the texturing that clearly went into it that shows that the guy who did it is a top notch painter.

But then you get things like Sup Forums memes which follow the exact same trends that a lot of art movements did in the way they increasingly take the piss. I still kinda want to write about "Loss" as an artistic movement at some point.

>50% of the posts ITT are Sup Forums tier posts
and people wonder why Sup Forums has gone to shit

You realize there are Christians in Muslim dominated countries? They share the same mentality. So do slavs. So do Christians in Africa and South America. They are the majority.

You know this is true.