Make up lies that are completely pointless and serve no purpose. I'll start.
At one point they were planning to make a Duke Nukem game for the Snes but it was cancelled.
Make up lies that are completely pointless and serve no purpose. I'll start.
At one point they were planning to make a Duke Nukem game for the Snes but it was cancelled.
Not a lot of people know that, but eating soy makes you appreciate Nintendo products more
Nintendo are going to remake Wario's Woods for the Switch. It will be downloadable only.
my father didn't beat me or touch me where I didn't want to be touched
In metroid, if you do the konami code in the starting screen you can play as megaman.
Shigeru Miyamoto has cited John Travolta as one of his main inspirations.
if you go far north in san andreas, you can reach a secret island.
You're supposed to be making up lies, user.
Sup Forums is actually a very good board and it always has been unlike Sup Forums
The PS3 has games
Sony exclusives are more movies than games.
The Yakuza series almost didn't see the light of day when the series producer accidently deleted all the files
Waluigi game soon.
Hey guys, they just announced Serious Sam 4s release date, its only a week away
The Yakuza Series is actually good. Like Sonic and Megaman and Monster Hunter.
You're supposed to be making up lies, user.
Due to the success of Sleeping Dogs, a sequel is planned for release in Q4 of 2018
OP is straight.
Charles Martinet (The voice of Nintendo's ever-famous Mario) warms up by gargling barbeque sauce.
>a jibe at a games company
>criticism of the board.
These are all point-ful lies. You're supposed to make lies that serve no purpose. They're not supposed to benefit you or anyone else.
For example,
Sonic creator Yuji Naka usually doesn't go to seafood restaurants because he is allergic to shellfish.
This is a perfectly pointless lie. It doesn't have any underlying connotations
Turok 2 was going to be released on PS1 as well but eventually was released only for the N64
Well okay. The character Knuckles in Sonic is actually loosely based on the super hero Wolverine
Any off topic threads, especially those including porn or with porn as the OP image are instantly deleted, that is if there were any, which there aren't, because this is a blue board and our culture reflects that!
Animal Crossing will be released for the Switch between now and the end of 2019.
Sup Forums has mods
Sup Forums has non-weeb mods
Isn't this every thread?
>le game grump faec xD
oh shit i'm sorry
Playstation 4 has games
Red Dead Redemption is getting ported to PC.
All the FF15 content was created by launch date, but they held it back. There are 6 more DLC episodes already done and they're actually working on FF16 already.
OP is trying to leak some NDA insider info and is using this thread as a cover.