MOBAfags BTFO by /ourguys/!
MOBAfags BTFO by /ourguys/!
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Still a bigger community than Lawbreakers
Man Pargaon is such a joke in itself, I don't think there's anyone who enjoys playning that shit. Like Woa let me waste my free time playing Paragon all night! Probably not even the devs like their own game.
I rather do actual work than fucking playing Paragon.
is penny arcade this bad all the time now
this shits worse than ctrlaltdel
why is he so bald?
I want Gabe's cummies~!
They have been for years. Actually I think they've probably been terrible far longer than they were ever good.
The older he gets, the more his hair line recedes against the bulbous tumors growing in his brain.
I liked their reaction to the dickwolves thing
"If there are any rapists reading this now, stop, apologize, and leave. Go forth and rape no more."
they are now way worse than ctrlaltdel, I mena, this is not a funny joke, but still has something, but ctrlaltdel is just horrible, without any direction, it's just fucked up touhgt of himsefl and whatever.
I'd say ever since they kickstarted themselves, they just don't give a fuck anymore.
Their fanbase has grown from kids/teens to grownups with too much money to spare, they will finance their shitty website for life no matter how bad their content is.
fuck that sucks rofl
shit feels like im reading doonsbury looking at it now.
seeing penny-arcade turning into a satirical strip about the videogame industry to "garfield but about us and our kids" was incredibly sad
old penny-arcade would have jumped on the nintendo cardboard instantly and made some good joke about it
modern penny-arcade is more like
>"oh D&D sure is some crazy game?"
look at this shit, there's no satire, there's no bite, they are just whining that their audience of retard isn't as big as the audience of retard of logan paul
Did someone mention donald drumpf?
>le drumpf is hitler
VERY nice comic
Barron is fully supportive of his father (as far as I know). What the fuck is this artist on?
this could have been just the last 2 panels without losing anything
Trump may be a walking joke at the americas expense but these "look how reasonable i am compared to this unreasonable cartoon fella" skits are just a little too self-felating for me.
Where's the joke? These are supposed to be funny right?
I love comics
Why does this character look like he has a massive tumour on the side of his head
Why do all the cool characters get stuck behind mobas? Singleplayer games keep getting generic charcters we've seen 50 times, but all the creativity goes into characters in a genre that does not need or care about it at all.
Fatherhood was a mistake.
Paragon's actually pretty fun. Much less so since it became an ADHD fuelled mess with the depth of a puddle, but there was definitely something there.
If it can survive getting shitcanned by Epic, and the devs actually pay attention to what they're doing wrong, it could be a great game. Not even memeing.
wtf? I'm with her now?
zrumpf btfooo
what the shit is mansplaining, so basically women are unable to process any sort of coherent posts based on factual evidence and accept the fact that an individual with experienc eon a subject is superior to them in the field which they are discussing?
You aren't allowed to disagree with a woman. Especially when that """woman""" used to be a man but took some pills, cut off their junk and put on some old lady glasses.
Mansplaining is basically because you`re a man your argument doesn't mean shit cause I said so
>People unironically think that a reich is possible via the American institution
mansplaining was born because women felt that sometimes a man has to explain something because a woman opinion on the subject is invalid because she's a woman.
But of course the actual feminist use of mansplaining is to invalidate the opinion of a man because he is a man.
they still took the shirt off their store, never forget that
I think you guys just got older and tech got better.
Like, a webcomic used to be neat, but so was a fucking hoop with a stick.
Or it got demonstrably worse after they had kids
They got shit after they released a REALLY shitty videogame that flopped and got massively butthurt over it.
So now they cant make fun of any game ever because they got their feelings hurt
Rapers. Them and all the rapes they do.
Becoming parents and joining the SJW cult sucks the fun and humor out of the best, and they were never really the best to begin with.
It got way worse once they had kids, but I think the other problem is that their jobs became more than "play games, make comics" with the addition of all the new PA website content, PAX etc. Mike barely even plays games anymore
Because singleplayer games are made to have involved stories (and the lowest common denominator wants their stories to be the same shit they've already seen) whereas MOBA characters need to get their entire concepts across in about six sentences max.
This was probably the last chuckle-worthy PA comic. All downhill from here.
>not "so bald"
One job.
I appreciate that they defended it afterwards. And then also made a shirt.
Why is it when something gets popular the game's genre gets oversaturated with ten clones within the year?
I always thought it was just an identity politics charged synonym of being condescending.
And then ultimately conceded they were wrong
People trying to make money
but in the end no one makes money
That's the intended meaning but they started overusing the term more than Sup Forums overused "hipster"
And they stopped selling the shirt.
>And they stopped selling the shirt.
Mike's explanation for that was pretty reasonable and I don't think he totally conceded to them.
>Did you see your sister's titties today? Wowsers!
absolutely based
The shirt would make them uncomfortable but not the PAX pox or the smell. These people were never customers in the first place.
How is his art getting worse? How? The commentary is also worse.
Ithink that's what he's saying in that highlighted text. Basically, don't come, we don't want you there, even if you bought a ticket.
Is it me or does the art straight up get worse every new comic pops up?
Originally mansplaining was "A man explaining the same concepts of what a woman just said back to her" e.g Some guy telling a woman what a book is about ignoring the fact that she wrote said book.
Nowadays it just means "Anything a man says and/or shows that countermands my opinion and/or facts that I don't agree with so I can dismiss his arguments"
He still cucked on it, never do that.
It's basically a fancy way of saying that boys are gross and have cooties.
it's all aspects of the strip too. Felt like they put more effort into the art style as well back at the peak.
>joining the SJW cult
But SJWs hate them?
>american's education
I've been here for years, lurking every LOL thread. I just realized those are two different webcomics
Penny Arcade has some absolutely fantastic comics in the archives.
CAD has nothing.
CAD has the meme that keeps on giving, and the lolcow author. The Penny Arcade guys are just boring in comparison.
CAD is for people who make their own fun.
>Irrelevant foreigners' obsession
"Raped to sleep by the dickwolves" is a great line.
>His art
Arguable. There's a not really crackpot theory that they farm out the comics to interns sometimes. Even when he does do it, he's talked about just endlessly adding more and more quirks to his drawing that over time has made his work look less clean and more like caricatures.
The main thing besides that is that A.) they're old now and B.) the comic isn't their main thing anymore. They're both dad of like 2-3 children each who would probably identify less as webomic makers and more as video game-adjacent entrepreneurs, who have used the popularity and fanbase from that comic to launch a bunch of other successful ventures.
are there any good video gamer web comic books?
This is their best one in a while, judging by LOL threads on Sup Forums.
So it's like the simpsons. It's shit now and everyone knows it, but they would lose money if they stopped making it, and there are still some unthinking masses that remain into it. It doesn't have to be good, so much as it has to be there.
They're still one of the funnier webcomics online though, that's the worst part
>joining the sjw cult
> "This game only included vaginas which I thought was reasonable given the point of the game was to teach women how to masturbate. It was pointed out to me that not all women have vaginas and I will admit right here in front of everyone that this came as a big shock to me. Some people called the game exclusionary because it did not take into account the existence of transexuals. I said I think a game about female masturbation that only has vaginas made sense because women have vaginas and men have a penis. This was not meant to invalidate the trans community but I was told it did. I apologized but I was labeled “transphobic” and so when all this stuff came up yesterday I think it was just more fuel to the fire. I was super pissed yesterday. I was called a bigot and I think if I wasn’t pissed that would probably be bad."
oh hey they finally stopped with the weird shading on noses and ears
>Oh, he's pretty upset
No because the funny ones are still funny dingus
look at the comic about d&d before this, the nose shading and ear thing is still happening.
wasn't this from his first run in the 90s
I had it broken down to me.
Basically, it's when you explain something to a women that she already knows, even if she doesn't know because she will claim that she did afterward. Their are some legitimate cases where it actually happens without the latter portion, because women are incapable of speaking up for themselves and their default response to any hardship is passive aggression and victimization.