Selvaria is for _________

Selvaria is for _________.

Other urls found in this thread:

being 6 feet under

The thumbnail made me think that was a Stand. Oh well.

armpit licking

titty fucking

Military Combat

weaponized breasts



I want to marry Yui



Back the fuck off from my wife!?

She is mine now, faglord



I guess you can have her now that we know she'll be utterly ruined before long.

Anything Raita makes is a miracle.

Armpit worship

Aliasse is for ______.


being huge

I somehow missed this VC4 video when it came out. Looks good.

Going to the beach with.

Growing old and dying together with


All of it

Hardcore sex while fully naked and caked in mud in no-man's land while the sound of cannon fire muffles her moans and screams

Who is your favorite raita girl out of them all (not just pic related)?
For me, Erika.

My top 3 is probably Shuten, Aliasse, and Yui, but I love all Raita girls. I recently went to Japan and bought a pile of his doujins and got one signed.


Good taste.


Selvaria's story was frustratingly stupid.

This is the new best girl of the whole series. Selvaria has been dethroned.

All she got is a damn fine ass

That she does.

wow she's tall!