>bioshock infinite >worst -shock game of all time >possibly top 10 worst video game of all time >"10/10, bravo GotY" >Prey >best -shock game of all time >Possibly top 10 video game of all time >"0/10 no one cares"
This is why video games are dead. Sup Forums you have the power to change the WORLD of video games and instead you sit on your ass shitposting all day. When Sup Forums got tired of the world they got a new president elected. Why can't you guys harness your meme magics the same? You were SO close with gamersgate but then it fizzled out because you guys have no balls.
People are stupid and think Bioshrek Infinity was deep, and Bethesda is fucking crap at marketing so they named Prey in a really stupid way and it had so little marketing I didn't know it was even a game until I saw a video of the foam dart gun on Sup Forums.
Dylan Hughes
>possibly top 10 worst video game of all time You must not play a lot of games
Camden Roberts
>developer doesn't spoonfeed you every detail about the game before it comes out That's no excuse. You either seek out information yourself then act on it, or get fed bullshit and get tricked into acting on it.
Be the change, user.
Drive social media campaigns shitting on shitty games. Make the devs/publishers respond appropriately.
Alexander Evans
But I liked infinite.
Noah Bennett
>Sup Forums elected Trump >gamergate
Fuck off back to the donald
Jacob Hall
Prey was an absolute fucking disaster and an insult to System Shock.