The framerate on the normal ps4 is pure shit.
>Drops below 20
>Suddenly it gets to 50 like 5 seconds.
>Drops again to 25
>In combat you can't see what is going on because of constant drops and stutters.
Non consistent framerate, not even locked to 30 made me feel dizzy in half an hour. So this is the power of capcoms optimization.
The framerate on the normal ps4 is pure shit
stop being a poorfag and buy a pro
PC release when
Works for me t-b-h
changed it for a slim because it was a fucking noisy toaster while playing demanding games.
get it on pc
Nothing new. Bloodborne gets the same scattered framerate as the switch version of DOOM in handheld mode.
I dont mind it, although for me i hate that sometimes it goes to 60 fps in some parts that is the thing is annoys me the most.
Something must be wrong with me but I didn't experience anything like that. werks for me :^)
I'm playing on my slim and I was suprised on how ugly it was, is it better on Pro? It's still super fun though and Monster Hunter has always been ugly as fuck so I dont mind but the framerate fluctuating is so annoying. Hopefully its just beta bullshit.