>the worst trigger anime gets a game instead of Luluco
Fucking WHY
The worst trigger anime gets a game instead of Luluco
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LWA had a boarder appeal I'd imagine. I personally wanted a KLK game, but I honestly love everything from Trigger so this is fine too.
Luluco is boring.
luluco is the worst trigger anime tho
You mean the best you fucking faggot.
Inferno Cop is the best Trigger show FACT
I hope FRANXX gets a good game. Literal waifubots with lots of interpersonal interactions? Plenty you could pull from there.
>worse than Kiznaiver
Other than having the best art direction in their whole line up, it's by far their worst series.
Pitch me your ideas for an Inferno Cop video game
Streets of Rage, but with Inferno Cop
TTG esque game that's a whole season of episodes.