>sony is selling special edition playstation autism shoes for gamers™
>somehow this is okay
Sony is selling special edition playstation autism shoes for gamers™
How long before these are on eBay for $500?
>it's an "user doesn't know that brand shoes are expensive or wants to start a console war thread" episode
>Nintendo selling cardboard
>Sony selling shoes
What's MS gonna sell?
They might start trying to sell video games :^)
It's a nike shoe so it's worth the price tag though.
>Nike logo
Yeah price tag makes sense, bet they'd be very comfy to run in
>Paying for overpriced sweatshop brand name
Not consoles, that's for sure.
maybe you're just not the target audience, grow up. Why was this worth making a thread for
This, desu.
Nike is a meme brand targeted towards African-Americans who aim to become competitive sports players.
Dragon dildos
>he never had mario shoes
Obvious, but still funny.
Holy shit.
>nintenkiddies will buy anything that says 'nintendo' on it
>playstation shoes? t-the brand justifies it
Literally "it's ok when Sony does it"
except it is ok in this case
two wrongs don't make a right
I'll just have the cardboard, thank you.
wait are you saying its not okay to try and sell things with your brand on it through a partner company?
why is it not okay?
why do you even care?
And Nintendo sells physical DLC, how is that okay?
Not really. If you are going to buy overpriced Nike shoes, why not buy overpriced nike shoes without the PS theme?
Wearing gaming clothes is dumb.
Shoes are more useful than cardboard. Though both aren't worth the money.
>not ONE original thought in Sony's mind
>the shoes is $14.99
>the cardboard is $79.99
That's capitalism, friend. There is another idiot born every minute.
why not let retards buy what they want to buy?
some people like wearing gaming clothes even if you think its stupid, im sure youre aware there is another person out there that is excited for them
This got me thinking.
You could steal a homeless person's house and shoes, put labels on them and sell them for a lot of money.
Nike and Adidas make a shitton of special edition shoes. Movie based ones, artist ones, a lot of those. This is just one of them.
On top of that, these brands can go way higher than $110, so the price isn't really that unusual. It's a collector's item, not somehing people will wear on daily basis.
Who the fuck would pay extra for Sony branding when you can barely fucking tell the shoes are Sony related to begin with?
Poor Sonybros are still waiting for greatness
Can anyone tell me the point of brand clothing?
Is it literally just a "lol look I have more money than you" thing?
I might be autistic but I never got paying more money for something because it has a little logo on it.
Well they're not made of cardboard.
FPS games, new NBA jam and new Fable
just what I needed to get a firm grip on the ground while I suck up nintendofags up my asshole
Sup Forums, since they shill everything sony
Who buys sony shoes?
I get nintendo collabs
It's about 85% ego masturbation for all parties involved.
>steal a homeless person's house
It IS okay.
Nobody has to buy it and in the end you have no one but the average consumer to blame for this fuckery.
honestly i would buy playstation shoes but they look a bit cheap irl
Hey guys, check out these shoes I made with my wife's son thanks to Nintendo! They were only $99 Canadian!
>complaining about $100 shoes
>these literal microscopic ballers
"$100 for shoe? in my country $100 buy feet"
They'd be pretty good if it wasn't for the giant PS logo. The paint splatter on the sides and red swoosh are pretty decent.
$110 for shoes isn't much bruh, better deal than $80 carboard
wouldn't buy either tho
Who exactly claimed this? You are pulling statements out of your ass to make a point which never existed in the first place.
One day one day it will be a global ruIe that sonyposting will not be allowed at Sup Forums PERIOD.
Even in Sup Forums, you fuck heads just need to go back to neogaf being you'er all pedos, animal rapists, loser fucktards, with nothing to offer then fertilizer for the grass.
I wait the for the day... we purge them from the genepool.
Its an ego circlejerk and nintendo brand is licsense to print money
Playstation is more subdued
Wasnt originally
Nowadays most playstation merch is custom.
>Being this much of a sucka
>they were too poor to buy the $200 Playstation Underground jacket off the Jampack demo discs
I'm not stopping them. I'm just saying it's not ok.
Just like if you were to tell me that you loved drinking bleach, I would tell you that you are an idiot and that it's not ok. But I wouldn't stop you.
$110 isn't a lot for shoes.
>Shitty skater shoe brand
>Trying to appeal to a new audience since there are no more Tony Hawk games
I remember getting my first pay checks and being baffled by my coworkers talking about spending giant chunks of theirs on shoes like this.
You should just go ahead and waste your money on them. It's not like you have anything worth contributing to society anyway.
I will buy this shoe and I'll post it in Sup Forums afterwards
Status symbols were always a big part of social interaction. You might not even notice this, but surely you also have things which you present as a status symbol.
Of course nowadays indirectly presenting your paychecks is kinda frowned upon, but people still use other things to emphasize their postition. Just looking at this board you will see a couple of engineers, lawyers and doctors claiming to be sole authorities on any topic in every thread.
Thinking about it, just buying expensive shit to flaunt it in someones face might be the more sensible thing to do.
You would have to be born in the 80s to get the reference, you cardboard munching soyboi.
Whats up with this logo?
This is dumb but that's also pretty cheap for nigshoes. I know people that drop 2-3 hundred or more for a single pair of "J's" and pretty much never even wear them.
Fuck off Marty mcgravy
they are ugly as sin, tacky and flashy. And they are not even that related to Playstation
clearly designed to cater the nog and wigger crowd
I am OK with merch, but making fanfare about it is a waste of money
Let me guess: they will be very limited, and drop in selected locations, launching a raffle to win a chance to buy them....
hype culture
>110 dollarydoos for shoes
wew what the fuck
No. If you want to buy something expensive for your feet, buy a nice pair of dress shoes
Spending hundreds on sneakers is what niggers do
>$110 for shoes isn't much bruh
Maybe if you're a nigger that "needs dem Jordans nigguh". Meanwhile the Adidas I wear were only $75.
Reminds me of something I used to wear in 2nd grade. They don't seriously come in adult sizes, do they?
Pure shit
My Adidas running shoes lasted years
My current Nikes are a year old and already falling apart
I said i wouldn't buy either. I despise nikes and adidas shoes equally, out of the sporty ones i wear New Balances, and most of the time i wear some outdoor boots
Nike selling collector's edition shoes is nothing new. You'd be amazed at how big the collector's market for Nike is.
Lads you should all buy three to resell and make some dosh. Sneakerheads are retarded this is easy money.
The left side logo is Paul George Logo, the other is you know who.
Thanks doc.
Thanks Doc
in my country $100 buy 100 niggers
It's a Paul George shoe.
>shoes for gamers
No, thanks. I'd rather buy programming socks.
>i wear New Balances
This what you look like?
Can I see your programming socks :3
kek what country is this
No, I'm 450 pounds.
No. I don't have any. Yet.
>Sup Forums kiddies don't even know how expensive their shoes are
stop having your mom buy it for you
Manipulative Stereotypes
Nigger what? Sony was doing air force 1s a long fucking time ago
no, i'm not american
No but it feels like it does.
>brand loyalty
nigga just buy whatever is comfortable and on sale
Oh false alarm then
ITT: fat soyboi fucks who have been wearing pic related for the past 20 years and have flatfoot and fungus all over them get triggered that other people might spend more than $30 on their footwear
Sup Forums is such a pedantic place.
That's not expensive for a pair of sneakers you know.
Unless you're that guy walking around in sketchers which is just fitting for the kind of autismo that spends their time making these threads.