January was saved
January was saved
d-damn guess we lost, bros..
This is why I own more than one thing.
DBFZ is shit, though.
whys that?
autocombo-locked moves.
both of those things are also on xbone and coming to pc
>console war threads are still a thing
>in 2018
>t. somebody who doesn't actually play fighting games or understand why that's not a problem
only niggers like fighting games and DBZ
>Multiplats that run better on PC
>after a 7 month drought of no games on the ps4
>saved when Switch had nonstop videogames everymonth
thats not funny, thats sad
They always will be, as long as children living off the bank of mommy and autismbux neets exist and feel the need to justify their inability to afford more than one system.
>excusing bad game design
>Multiplats that run better on PC
And have absolutely nobody playing them. The most active community for DBZ and MonHun will be on PS4.
Its not though. autocombos give shitters like you an actual chance in fighting games while more experienced players will use more optimal combos and tactics.
The state of soynigger.
>I don't play fighting games, but if I keep calling it bad game design, I'll win the argument on Sup Forums!
Okay, explain how it's bad game design that a move is locked within an autocombo, if the move was built to be used within an autocombo.
In the same post, explain how wanting to use it outside of an auto combo is any different than wanting to use a third move of a rekka outside of a rekka.
>Animal Boring instead of Pokémon GO
I fucking love your pics.
Fighting games on pc are always dead and mhw isnt going on pc until 2019, might as well be a console exclusive.
>Both are better on Xbox
>Nintyfags have so few games their only activity is looking at meta scores
My PS4 physical games stack isn't far from that.
multiplats > no games
YOU are the one who only has shallow knowledge about fighting games
the autocombos are not just some basic, unoptimized pre-set combos you can ignore, there are moves legimately locked behind autocombos
>ps4 can barely run it
>PCbros are still waiting
>mfw the definitive huntan experience will be on the xbox one x
literally such a nogaems station that people actually forget to mock it
you know you've lost when owning a PC makes every aspect of your entire system redundant
you mean litearlly worse?
the xbone is shittier than the ps4
>b-but it's only 200p and 5-10 frames less, the human eye can't even see that
why buy an obviously inferior product for the same price though?
It's a fucking ender, you retard. Don't go spewing "there are moves locked behind autocombos!" when you don't even know what it does.
>Not ignoring auto combos
Just because it looks pretty it doesn't mean it's useful, you moron. It's an ender. So what?
this whole year is looking good
>xbro users
>playing monster hunter
Take spider man off the list.
>A 2D fighting game that looks and plays exactly the same on both consoles and PC
>An action game that won't hit PC for six months
Also Left Alive, Ace Combat and a few others
this is now a spiderman thread
Xbox has no community
Enjoy your grafics though while you can bronies.
>Another shitty catherine game
>Grinding quest
>3 Yakuza games with the same boring combat, again
>Awful sequel that bastardizes the old gameplay of GoW
>A spiderman game that literally is a copy paste of the arkham games
>Valkyria: nobody wanted a sequel
There's only 2 promising games in that image and that's it, ps4 is fucking shit
Xbone X retard.
>Xbone X
>implying anybody bought that piece of shit
PS4 Pro and XbX might as well not exist, nobody cares.