Jap game

>Jap game
>female character sounds like a clinically retarded 5-year-old who gets constant orgasms


How exactly would you know what that sounds like?

>Western game
>it's shit

wtf, I love jap games now


yeah OP what do you do compare their sounds to sounds of a real five year old orgasming hahahahahahahahahaha just kidding but really I need to know more

Try learning japanese and watching any moe or slice of life anime, they all talk like literal down syndrome spergs with severe autism. It's the worst and makes me understand the majority of the japs who hate weebs.

>Jap game that's been dubbed
>Retard USA dub makes one character sound like their from Texas

that... rabbit.. I want...

This man japs

They don't, and you don't know japanese.

>calling anybody or anything retarded when you can't even tell the difference between "their" and "they're"

whoa.... huhhh
you know...
I kind of want to fuck her.

Bruh it's in their culture to sound infantile Popular female names end in -ko which basically means a child.

>They don't
Is it your dream to go to japan and live in a wonderfull fairy land where everything is exactly like your animes and everyone talks like a fucking retard? Well guess what, it's not like that, and you're gonna be laughed at as much as everyone laughs at you in whatever shithole you live currently.

>and you don't know japanese

Solid argument, you got me there.

You got a problem with people from Osaka, nerd?

>Jap game
>All male characters have a deep voice and sound the same

Ok whatever you say
I don't want to live there, nor speak to any of them, 小童

You say that like it's a bad thing.

And I want to fuck Zorori

me too user.

this is what I want though, bonus if she's an actual loli

but its cute