Game is still shit

>game is still shit


Bazz-kun will be happy to throw put more money for this slop.

can someone tell me why the game is shit? take note that I like real time free flowing combat and not turn based or click here to attack

Its unfinished, most notably everything shortly before and after leviathan has some noticeably cut and pasted content.

so does this new edition fix that?

It doesn't evoke the feeling I was having while playing FFVII - X as a kid. Those tech and magic worlds still excite me, but this one somehow fails at that. Everything just feels forced and fake. The only good time I had in XV is when I got a FFIX soundtrack and drove a bit to "Over the hill". I also hate the battle system. Sheer disappointment for me.

Not really, fixing it would require rewriting quite a bit of the game, the last portion with eternal night was supposed to be significantly larger for instance.
Game's still fun mind, and i might pick up this edition since i didnt get any of the dlc and i got the original cheap anyway.

It's one of their mission goals to fix that, so it remains to be seen if they are successful.

It's already largely fixed with DLC, don't listen to that gay, he probably played vanilla

The combat is shit and that's its only issue

>>FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION brings the acclaimed epic to new heights
>acclaimed epic

Hey, it's the guy's job to exaggerate stuff. Have some respect.

What if you buy season pass on the base game, will you get all that extra shit too?

When are they going to fix Leviathan's battle? That """boss fight""" is garbage, and it feels unfinished. Fix that shit before adding even more shit.

>playing FFVII - X as a kid
>as a kid
>not playing FFI - VI're still a kid?


>look at all this stuff it has
>release a second season pass anyway

How would even do that fight in a non-cinematic way?

>XV-kun is now arguing in resetera of all places
I kinda miss him


I can not comprehend it. I go to YT and I see people defending this shit, people praising the game. It's mindboggling. Forget XV-kun, forget the mess the game was (and still is) at launch. There will literally be another season pass and it won't be included in this edition. 1, 2 years later and the fucking piece of shit isn't finished yet. Imagine buying this on day 1. I simply can not comprehend.

It doesn't matter if you like this specific type of combat system, it is implemented like shit. It feels weightless and shallow, and consists mostly of getting behind your enemy and waiting for a Link Strike if you know what you're doing.

>only adults such as myself play super nintendo games
Why does this meme exist again? Is pong the ultimate 2deep4you experience?

I don't. Let him argue with those faggots

Yeah, a 30 yo manchild. I tried to play I - VI and I didn't like it. IX was my first.

It's not shit anymore, it was shit at launch. Combat is a clusterfuck, but I wouldn't call it bad per se. It's only bad if you expect it to be hack and slash, you should aproach it like an MMO combat system instead. Focus on abilities, magic and items, not on blocking and evading otherwise you end up like this guy trying to roll around the enemy in the middle of 4 versus 4 combat.

Game is noticeably unfinished, dlc plot and writing is laughably bad, as is the main story. Characters are poorly written and uninteresting, you will see people like them because they're "bros" instead of being interesting on their own. Graphics can look poor at times, especially character animation. This is jarring in a game of this size and budget. One of the worst instances of product placement I have ever seen, literally a commercial that plays right in front of your eyes. Going back to uninteresting characters, every single sidequest is a fetch quest. You will always either collect something, or kill something, there is no in between. Also you have to watch a short anime series and feature film to grasp the story in it's entirety (this is before shelling out money just to see what happens to characters that inexplicably disappear and have life-altering changes happen to them). Music in okay, Shimomura needs a talented director to help guide her music. There are interviews of her saying how involved Nomura was with KH's music,m and its no secret that KH's music is breathtaking. Driving in the car is very, very boring, long drawn out raod trip does not fit high octane action game, which is what this game is supposed to be. Speaking of action games, this one is one of the worst I've played. Combat is truly bad, everything from sound, to the camera, to directional moves working half the time. To how you're invincible when using items and when using team attacks, to how Noct can't double jump, or do a legit air juggle, or even pull himself up a ledge. Holding down the attack button causes him to sprint towards the nearest enemy rather than attacking in place, which is just as awkward as it sounds. Hitstun is inconsistent, often times enemies that can be staggered with regular sword slashes will tumble their way far from Noct, before the combo is even finished, causing you to have to run after them. Continued...

Why would I ever roll when I can simply teleport away with i-frames while also recovering both my HP and MP? Nice strawman, you tool.

boring story/characters
really bland combat with the worst boss fights known to man
world is uninteresting with just a few small dungeons here and there and a bunch of copy/pasta gas stations
only one actual city on the map and it's tiny
linear second half of the game is even more boring with chapter 13 being the worst thing I played last year
ending is very predictable and boring
can't freely explore world of ruin
flying car is completely pointless

Because those resting spots are rarely around.

Have you ever played Dark Souls? Do you know how people say the last 25-50% of that game is unfinished shit? Imagine if instead of just one area being lost izalith and irredeemably rushed garbage, the entire second half is lost izalith.

>Flash with no substance combat that lacks tactical thinking and just mash buttons.
>Worst camera any RPG ever made.
>Cookie-cutter one-dimensional characters.
>Look-don't-touch open world.
>Game is less then 25 hours long. All the other content are fetch quest.
>Side-quest are Ubisoft 2009-tier.
>Take any 6/10 anime or any 4/10 movie and it's going to have a better story then XV.
>All bosses are QTE expect the the fire boss.
>Chapter 9 and 13.
>Terrible UI.

I could go oooooon.

Aerial combat is worse than ground combat somehow. While air-dancing feels responsive Noct will awkwardly warp to enemies in a split second, making him clip through them weirdly. Summons are completely random and can only happen in certain areas. While their spectacle is nice, they really aren't much help. Often times they'll destroy some of those hounds that you can just one shot anyway, or they'll barely make a dent in some hp bloated daemon you're fighting. Armiger is just...I don't even know. You're almost invincible while in it which makes sense. You effectively enter it and hold the attack button while Noctis does a myriad of awkward slashes. The animation for a warp while in it is so long and drawn out it isn't worth doing, especially since Armiger itself doesn't last very long at all. I'm sure I can think of more reason teh combat is shitty, but besides all that enemies don't have tells and will often one shot you. Elemental magic is just bombs, thats it. It actaully really speaks for teh devs when FF's wide variety of elemental magic is just reduced to grenades. The Ring of the Lucii adds some interesting magic types. And even though they're more thought out I'd say than magic grenades, they still lack creativity and had to be changed anyway (like everything else in this game lol). Again I could go on but I can't be fucked to think up any more flaws. I'll end this autistic rant with just how gaudy this game's marketing was. It was clear Square themselves knew how much of a clusterfuck this game was and really, REALLY pushed the marketing campaign, to the point where it became ridiculous and laughable.

>people actually want an Episode Luna
So a walking simulator?

story/characters are great
combat is a mess, but it's really fun against the big monsters and dungeon bosses, only two shitty bosses are the supersaiyan ones
world is original and fun
two cities, both are fun
second half of the game is dramatic and fun, chapter 13 is largely fixed
ending is the best in the series if we're being honest here
can't explore the world of ruin but can play a 20+ hour mmo in it
flying car is great fun and it has a point because one of the dungeons is only accessible by air

I don't know, they are the ones making the game, should figure out how to make a boss fight. There was no reason for them to make THAT big y'know.

>story/characters are great

Stopped reading.

Bazztak really is XV-kun.

Holy shit I thought it was a meme.

>two cities

Altissia isn't part of the world map. It's a completely separate area. Also, how the fuck are the cities "fun"?

It has some of the worst pacing I have ever encountered and the world is dead and boring. The missions are shit.

>literally 0.7% of the players finished Comrades
Is there a more retarded fan base around?

Do they still have a lot more to fix? I'm gonna wait for either this edition to go down in price or to get the final final edition on PS5 or the Switch Successor

It's not in royal since you can reach it by boat. I don't really see how that's important though. They're fun because they're interesting. I've finished every hunt in Altissia just because I didn't want to leave the city. That's a fun city.

>What if you buy season pass on the base game, will you get all that extra shit too?

nope, if you bought the Season pass, you still have to pay $20 to upgrade to the royal edition

You found those boring fucking hunts fun?
Well, whatever floats your boat.

What was even the point of Comrades? Who in their right mind green lighted that? I mean it HAS to be expensive since they increased the price from $15 to $20.

The only situation in which there aren't multiple rest spots in a 360 degree angle is if you're battling in a road. Among story missions, monster quests and even dungeons (with the exception of Castlemark) there is an abundance of those. I know this, you know this, and everyone unfortunate enough to have bought this game knows it. I'll give you one more chance not to argue in bad faith.

They want back on this though.

That multiplayer is shit and dead for a reason. Majority of your post is retarded but I just wanted to point that out.

all that content, and its still a 0/10 game

>ummmm why don't we get to play in the world of ruin
>ummmm what is the point of comrades
How do I even start to argue with you people

literally 0.7% of players should've ever played Comrades. Don't finish your game 1.5 years after release and then strut around with your chest out

>the DLC
>that you have to buy

I mean the guy admitted it and has linked to his own twitter to prove it a few times in the past
He sometimes goes on rants on his twitter specifically whining about Sup Forums

>>literally 0.7% of the players finished Comrades
>Is there a more retarded fan base around?

how is multiplayer DLC related to the main game?

Shit or not, you can't complain that the game doesn't have a complete story when you didn't even bother to play that story. Just say that you couldn't be bothered, that would be a fair statement

>Added pictures back again

Fuck sake.

This is what it felt like when they released the complete version of Destiny.

Are you fucking stupid

>Finish game in about 2 weeks after I got it
>That was already several months after launch
>Replay game occasionally, grind 120+ hours in 2 extra playthroughs
>By this point you can finally drive off-road

You really expect me to go back everytime Tabata or whatever throws some bread crumbs for the pigs? You're pathetic.

It's literally included in every game once Royal edition comes out. You can only keep pretending it's not a part of the game for a few more weeks, enjoy your whining while it lasts

>poo-in-the-loo hand

>there is a second fucking season pass of DLC
>not included in Royal Edition
Now shut up.

Game does have a shit story though. Add on the shit movie and anime mini-series. The story is probably the most dull aspect of the game.

>It's already largely fixed with DLC
Except that the only way to access the dlc is to quit out of your adventure and start dlc in the menu where none of your stats/weapons carry over.
Nothing is fixed until this shit is in the main story.

No it doesn't. Stop stating your opinion as fact, waiting for me to accept it. You can stop repeating it and appealing to majority.


>They want back on this though.

I'll believe it when I see it for myself. Hopefully as a free upgrade for all of us who played it in Early Access

Your opinion isn't fact either, shithead.

>No it doesn't.
>Stop stating your opinion as fact
I see your opinion is fact tho

So the game is shit because you have to go into the menu once huh. As for weapons and stats, you know that DLC has its own gameplay systems, doesn't really carry over from the main game.

The movie being garbage is 100% fact. Game's story is subjective, but that movie was trash.

>Stop stating your opinion as fact

you're doing the same thing you idiot

Yes, my opinion is also not a fact. Now you can present arguments or we can agree that our opinions mean fuck all and go our own ways

I played maybe 4 hours of this and I think I would enjoy it but what keeps me from liking it is the 3 other guys.
I got nothing against their personalities, its just in a fight, its a total cluster fuck and I can hardly see whats going on.

Does this get better later on with bigger enemies? Maybe its just an issue with the smaller enemies.


The gameplay isn't satisfying.

No you're fucking stupid. Are we in kindergarten?

>It's literally included in every game once Royal edition comes out.

it's still optional mutliplayer DLC

>Does this get better later on with bigger enemies?

What arguments? The story is uninteresting, predictable, and nothing out of the ordinary happens. It's boring. You have shit taste.

The entire game is optional, you don't have to play it. What does that even mean. It does feature character from main game and fits into main game story. Also, it's singleplayer as well

>show comfy train station trailer with those cats
>show cool looking hotel screenshots
>neither ended up in the game

FFXV is garbage.

This webm looks great to me.
I wish I could just tell my backup dancers to stand off to the side while I fight things.

It seems you are yeah
Maybe try going "nuh-uh" to posts you don't like some more, it's sure working wonders right now

Could you predict that Ignis goes blind and you go on a train journey? Shit son, I couldn't, you're pretty smart.

It is about as predictable as all FF stories. It's actually a lot like the story of FF6, just less messy. Yeah, the story of FF6 is messy, deal with it. Too many characters, too much throwaway shit

>Yes, my opinion is also not a fact

Then what was the point of getting butthurt and posting

>What does that even mean.

you make it seem like this DLC is needed for the main story.

>This webm looks great to me.
that is like the only 1v1 fight in the story and it's the final boss. Every other boss fight is a fucking mess due to the backup dancers.

Your average XV fight, even in the late game and post game, looks like this.

This xv-kun lite isn't the brightest

So let me get this straight, you replied to my post with nothing but "ummm you're retarded" and expected something other than "no you're retarded"? Shit you probably actually are retarded and I was just joking. Sorry bro, it's a condition

Ignis going blind doesn't even effect the main vanilla story. I'm talking about the story as a whole. Noctis dying was predictable as fuck.

>xv-kun lite

kek I was thinking the same thing

>seem like this DLC is needed for the main story
Yes, it is, so is the movie. That's not great, but it doesn't make the package of XV shit. I'm not defending XV vanilla, I'm defending the current package. Including the movie and flipping radio drama CD too

Look at you go, you are trying so hard right now

>the crystal/timeskip

what the fuck was the point of that retarded shit

Well yeah, that is the story, it's about him accepting the need to sacrifice his life. Can you really call it predictable if that's just what the story is? Do you need everything to have a twist ending?

I will have the last post user

>Can you really call it predictable if that's just what the story is?

Yes. The story is shit because NOTHING interesting happens. Also Luna dying so early is laughable.

I don't agree. Ignis going blind was interesting. You literally have a blind person stumbling around in your party in an RPG during combat. That's interesting, you can't say it's not at least interesting.

I'm sure by doing this, xv will magically become a great game in the process and not a waste of time. Maybe someday
