>Game doesn't let you romance best girl
Game doesn't let you romance best girl
>the baker milf from that one german loli VN
reality can be so cruel
>Game doesn't let you tap best ass
>Game shows multiple girls being interested/in love with you, but you can't pursue any of them except the canon love intrest
>Canon love intrest friendzones you
Fuck you Bill.
>there are people who actually romance characters in video games
i honestly never imagined
>Main character has a girlfriend
>Gives in to jungle fever behind her back
>but lets you kill her
>You can romance best girl but can't take her out deathclaw hunting without mods
Reminder that if you killed her, you deserve that knife in your chest
>game doesn't let you romance best girl because it's "problematic"
>Best girl dies
>Draw one attractive adult
>Don't give her any sex scenes
It's really hard to care about any of the characters in this game.
>not killing her
you deserve noodles with ketchup for the rest of your miserable life, schnook
fuck, that always made me so sad
>cucks you with Jacob
Literally every other girl in The Witcher 3
But it did let you hook up with best girl
>You will never give her a child
She looks and talks like my accounting lecturer. It kinda weirded me out a bit.
>rape is ok if a woman does it
>Game doesn't let you romance best boy
Women can't penetrate so they can't rape.
>Game ships you and best girl across multiple games
>You never hook up
Aria is the best girl.
fuck off queer
But the best boy won, user.
>game ends half way through
Women are physically weaker than men. There's no way a woman can debilitate a man enough to rape him a strap-on.
Technically you do because you played as Buck
what is that cut scene.
>holes in the cylinder are not only tiny relative to the barrel but also completely off center from the barrel
one fucking job and they botched it spending resources on making digital roasties instead
But, rookie didn't get it
No sweetie
fucking soy cuck straight degenerate, loving girls is gayest thing on this planet.
>that fucking hair
Rookie got a bullet to the head
this user is correct
Trannies are not women.
Delet this
>3 months into HRT and xe gives you this look
at least she was more likeable than your bitch of a girlfriend
Name ONE thing Liza did wrong
>the tank chick from dragon age 2
>you actually hook her up with someone else
she did nothing at all
she just sat in that cave and whined
meanwhile better girl found a way out of there
fuck rf3
Nothing wrong there, best girl was femhawke.
This guy gets it
>not bethany
that bod was the only saving grace of the game
she was thiccfit before thicfit became fashionable
dat smooth sultry voice
I might have actually cared about rescuing Jason's gf if it was her and not the other bitch.
>cucks Kasumi with random researcher
but the choice wasn't even between rescuing or letting them die
it was between murdering them or not murdering them
like holy fuck the writers couldn't have created a real dilemma if their life depended on it
how the fuck is that thick she looks like a fucking stick with those skinny-ass arms
My nigga
Jo Wyatt has only one voice, but that's the only voice I'd be content with listening to exclusively for the rest of my life.
I'm still mad.
That line in her mouth never fails to make my peepee tingle. It's like "hey look! This is where you put your dick in!!"
>only black character
>has abandonment issues
>leaves MC and knocks up a random woman just months after ME2
whne they aren't budy playing the moral crusader, Bioware are racist as fuck
like holy fuck they could've put a stolen bike and an empty KFC bucket in the armory and it wouldn't have made any difference
flabby arms aren't a requirement for being thick
wide hips and a big ass are and she has those, i just couldn't find a pic
Jesus fuck why did you have to remind me? What the fuck were they thinking?
Why the fuck does she kill you in the end? There's zero reasons to ever help her. You already got to fuck her once.
Patrician taste
It's a shame she was a dyke.
Not only you can't bang best archdemon girl in this game, you can't even romance half-demon mommy and then she fucks off to suck 300 dicks
Goddamn that game was ass but she sure had rocking tits
Because Jason is a whiteboy.
No really, that's why.
If the game was realistic after her GF gets killed you should have just raped her
>best girl turns out to be the moon child, the soul of the creature destined to destroy all existence
>broken family and absent father who is a criminal rapist murderer
>cheats on his waifu and knocks up the mistress and marries that one
Kinda funny actually how you never really get a Twi'lek waifu in a Knights Of game until SWTOR which seems to be hated even though it's not that bad, you just gotta treat it like a single player game and not get asshurt about equipment restrictions.
If the game was realistic her hillbilly turkish father would kill you on sight because you're American.
>Literally try's to put the blame on femshep because she fucked off and he wasn't getting any
I guess bioware knew hardly anyone gave a shit about him and just said "fuck it, let's make whoever romanced him hate him as well." I intentionally let him die during the suicide mission.
Does it still have a gay planet and no day/night cycles?
>game makes you play best girl and doesn't make best girl another character you get to romance with another pc
>Fuck the 5 people with jungle fever that played this game
It will never not be funny
Just pretend that you're Warren
This user gets it, you are alone in that tunnel and you can just say zombies got her
but he's an even bigger faggot than i am
>Ever wanting to be Warren
>Best girl
>Implying any of the girls in life is a shit are good
>Not wanting to be an alpha male
Shut the fuck up Nathan
At least he beats the shit out of Nathan
Nathan is trash as well, the only decent characters in the game were stepdad and Frank.
>worst girl is cannon
Triss isn’t canon
>Liking Triss over Yen.
You really are a cuck.
>game railroads you into romancing the worst girl
Both triss and Yen are equally shit so not sure which your referring to.