Final boss becomes your ally

>Final boss becomes your ally

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I can't believe that one fat guy showed the actress of Eleven art shadman made of her.

>boss becomes a common enemy later on in the game

>main antagonist becomes your ally in order to defeat the final boss



>boss is una aberración...

What the fuck is wrong with his face?


>the final boss is your childhood friend

>powerful character in lore is actually powerful in game

Shadman drew a pic of Eleven (creepy). Some dat guy printed it and took it to her to get it signed. She apparently was cool with it and thought it was funny. Don't have the pic right on me of the twitter screencap I'm gonna have to look

What ethnicity is this?

la creatura...


>the final boss was defeated long before you reached the end

El monstro goblino...

Sup Forums pls go

>main character forgives bad guy that killed lots of people and doesn't repent his actions
>bad guy dies from plot later so main character doesn't have to bear any consequences for letting a mass murderer go
>this happens more than once in the same game


What is wrong with your faaaaaaaaace?

el americano...

La creatura...

Are all races of humans inevitably going to mix together given enough time? Doesn't that mean that the races which excel in some areas due to genetic differences are going to lose those skills? For example, intelligence.


cleidocranial dysplasia


If humans last long enough into the future, there will probably be a time we fuck each other until we're the same color. Everytime we lose a native skin color we'll probably lose a slight bit of that culture too.


Hopefully we will digitize ourselves before shit like that happens

literally el goblino, how is this even a thing

No Shit Sherlock, it's not like humans traveled the continents for a for almost 200k years and fucked whatever they came across.


Is there a way to peacefully stop this and let people who want to mix go ahead while those who don't can be left alone? Contemporary times pose this question and all discourse gets shut down.


>To: Mutt
holy fuck

>La cría