why are British e-celebs the most obnoxious and idiotic?

this is the same guy who said Sonic 4 physics is fine.

>women aren't trying to take your games away from you
>DOAX3 happens

Video game hitler does a speech lol

their government isn't controlled by business interests so your slavery chaffs when you're watching free men

can I get that without the chav dialect please?

their accent let's them come across as smug and obnoxious with very little effort, so when brits are e celebs it's effect is multiplied


>"ultimately this is a great bit of fun that only becomes more rewarding each time you go back to it. Sonic the Hedgehog has finally had his legendary "return to form."

Oh, and the "physics" are absolutely fine, you whiny bastards."

>Score: 8.0 -- Great

Same situation with the Jon Oliver's of the world, Americans lap up the accent.

>Le DAE Hate Lootboxes Pls give me money Man

He lives in the US

I suggest you bite down on something Sup Forums

Sup Forums hates sterling because they are intimidated by masculinity

once DSP is in jail for tax fraud I hope the autists that ruined DSP's life can focus their attentions to this fat disgusting blob

god i hate this fat fuck

sterling is based, dunno why he triggers Sup Forums so much.

*sips gin*

this is horrifying.
why does someone so fat and dresses like an edgelord is ok with walking in public?

The politically correct culture we live encourages people with absolutely no shame to just be themselves, so shit like this is what you get.

He's right. I don't know why this subreddit gets so triggered over Overwatch lootboxes but will always defend TF2 even though TF2 invented them and forces you to buy/gamble for hats and the rest of the gameplay (weapons).

Because Americans make them popular.


He really isn't, he acts high and mighty and pretends he's the savior of games. Wow Jim said that EA did something bad? What a hero

but he literally destroyed Konami with the #fuckkonami hashtag on twitter
he did that all by himself

>"Stop telling developers how to make games!"
>"REEEE This game is problematic!"
In matter of videos.

Stop getting your opinions from literal cucks.

So he made a hashtag. Great. Yet Konami is still raping their franchises and doing shitty things their workers and consumers, he isn't as great as he pretends to be

Poorfag triggered because he can’t wear his favourite balaclava in pubg

Maybe because Sup Forums hates literally everything ?

Because Americans literally make them popular because they like listening to someone different sounding.

Also Sterling has been correct about many things over the last decade. For being a fat, loathsome obnoxious disgusting prick, he has actually done some good sadly.

He will die before Total Asscancer. Screencap this.

>his nipples are halfway down his torso
Fucking hell he's fat

>from a country with the concept of 'illegal opinions'
>thousands of people arrested every year for posts on twitter
free indeed

>How DARE you make silly photoshops at work, it's offensive and unprofessional!
>*grabs giant purple dildo*

The KWO are so pathetic.

Yes it's funny to laugh at DSP for being bad at video games and blaming the game for all of his failures, but holy shit the guy isn't EVIL.

This is what happens when you try to inject moralfaggotry into laughing at a retard to make yourself feel batter about laughing at a retard for its own sake.

>look up gaming something or other on YouTube
>British accent
>close video

Every fucking time.
I tried to endure, because sometimes they have interesting videos, but I just can't take that horrible accent and lame personalities.

>still watching videos of Jim "700 pound" Sterling

not sure have you seen and heard tb lately? he doesn't survive 2018

He really is repulsive to look at. Also he's a legitimate cuck.

Jim could drop dead at any second.

>moved to America so he can blend his fat ass in with everyone else
>the whitest knight of them all
>nothing but bitching about the same stuff everytime
>has SJW whale of a wife who fucks other men
>cherry picks and grabs the lowest hanging fruits
>desperately wants to be paid for anything, gets his voice into SJW indie games

Nah, I’m fine thanks.

It's quite hilarous how much this guy strokes his dick for not liking BotW

I don't keep up with DSP, what is happening with him?

don't worry, soon they will all be muslims and the problem is solved.

>Implying Konami give the slightest shit about a hashtag
This is what cucks actually believe.

Why are big youtube game reviewers like Jim Sterling, Angry Joe and TotalBiscuit so fat

>I can't tell what an ironic post is.

>career revolves around sitting on your ass playing games and video editing


Why has this fat tub of garbage started editing in footage of him wrestling into his videos? His body looks like porridge in a garbage bag.

Is his body metling? Why are his nipples so fucking low?

Thank god they kicked the bucket. I swear they were a bunch of nu-Sup Forumss pretending to be oldfags by having pics of marty

underrated post

Nothing. He is doing the usual while autists want to profit from making fun or stalking him because they think they are better than him.

if you _choose_ slavery you're still free

Damn, Hitler got fat.

You should've said Boogie instead of Angry Joe, but Joe is getting there.

He lives in the US senpai, enjoy him and James Corden

>video editing