Im not doing anything today besides playing botw, smoking weed, and drinking whiskey

im not doing anything today besides playing botw, smoking weed, and drinking whiskey.

how are you spending your day ?

I'm gonna masturbate then sleep

fucking myself while playing sims







How to spot a newfag druggie and alcoholic.

>Outdoor weed
>Shitty hand pipe
>Shitty liqour

I'm sorry friend. At least you have videogames.

It's basic as fuck but gets the job done.

I played Mother 3 with a 24 year old Japanese female graduate student for six hours after my wife went to sleep.

Working 12-14 hours today. At least I'll have tomorrow off for drinking import beer and finishing Real Estate Royale in Yakuza Zero.

Was she a qt?

Roll a real joint like a man you ultrapleb.

Working 9 to 5, then playing some Odyssey after.

Americans don't know how to roll


Replace BOTW with splatoon 2 (trying to S rank Clam Blitz), Mario+Rabbids, Darkest Dungeon, Odyssey and Blaster Master.

If you knew anything you'd do both separately, it's the best thing to do, learn to enjoy each.

Underage detected

Yeah, pretty cute. Good financial prospects and a rich family. I suspect I'm using her as a backup for when my wife inevitably has her annual hormonal summer freak out and wants to fuck shit up. God, I miss my car.

You sound like a massive faggot

>doing weed
>drinking alcohol
Subhuman detected

>United Plebs of Murrica

>help someone move furniture while sleep depraved
>eat something bad for me
Shit, I was feeling pretty shitty about myself, but your post made me feel better, OP.

BotW goes so well with weed.

At least they aren't mids. OP's probably in an illegal state

These days I prefer smoking before drinking as you get pretty fucked up but wake up fine the next day with no hangover.

>dirt weed

>being a straight edge faglord
I bet you're vegan too.

>He still smokes
I've been using dry herb vapes for the past half year, can use

Your weed looks like garbage homie.

Funposting from work, then going home and play some Monster Hunter while drinking a bit of vodka.


>white people don't know how to roll


it gets me really high, thats what im looking for
i live in a apartment, a joint smells too much, and people start complaining
hahaha im eating something bad for me too later,
its not that bad

>muh white people
This is only an american thing.

Not that guy, but doing drugs and alcohol are for faggots, kikes, and niggers. Give your life to Christ and die.

Also, smoking weed like twice a year and a drink now and then with dinner is ok.

Drinking beer and watching anime.

Mixing tobacco with weed is like mixing dog shit with ice cream.

Saving mother earth from any alien attacks.

Same here. I use like 3g in 2 months and I get high pretty much daily. Weed gets ridiculously once your tolerance adapts to a dry herb vaporiser. The discreteness is a huge bonus. I've used it at gigs, in public places, festivals, even in the presence of cops and I've never been suspected once.


>give your life to Christ

How does it feel knowing that qt super religious girl you like is getting dicked down by an weed smoking, pill popping alcoholic atheist?

>He's a christfag
It's pretty hard for Jesus to give a fuck about you when he's been dead for over 2000 years, right?
You got conned by a hippie.

Every time I've vaped, I barely get high. Like I have to concentrate to even notice a difference between being sober and after vaping.

Can we get high for real yet?

*ridiculously cheap

Good shit user, what vape do you use? I got a Boundless CF with the bucket screen mod and a Hammer Pro coming in the mail in a few days

I have work in 10 minutes and I'm considering killing myself

Thanks for taking the bait. Here's your (You)

You need to learn how to do it, it takes getting used to. The high is also different, it's much more mental even if you use a high indica.

>nigger who never leaved burgerland

where is outdoor considered bad? Fuck OG Maui Wowee Extra Kush meme shit, might as well be huffing paint thinner.

What vape are you using?
Also, this. Temp also matters a good bit too. 340-380 for sativa, 390 as midline and 400-430 for indica

I stayed home today. Called in sick. My manager knows it's bullshit but it's 2017 and he can't call me out without a accusing me of lying baselessly. Feels okay

Boring fucking job, then some reading and Metroid I think

>sand nigger who moved to burgerland

There you go lad

Not too bad, I'm on night shifts which are anti social as hell, I can't enjoy any pre work time and I fall asleep as soon as I get home, so the only free time I'm getting I'm not even using or enjoying

Don't you have some heroin to overdoes on, Derek?

right is better

Well, it's Tuesday, so I'll be going to work

Work for 8 hours then home and relaxing for 5-6 and then back to work!


She's fatter in the right pic but that's the only possible detriment I can see. She looks like a mess in the left picture, probably 25 but looks 35.

Nah, she definitely looks better once she dropped the heroine.

I'm playing borderlands 2 and downloading as much tgirl porn as possible

He's obviously communicating from the past user.

>tfw NEET
>tfw spend most of my time these days lurking Sup Forums

If something works for you, it must work for everyone else, right? They're so dumb for having learned to enjoy things their own way!

Been using a flowermate 5 pro for over a year now. The temperature control is very precise, you can choose any temperature up to 230°celsius. Although it's really unnecessary to go that far.

tfw NEET life probably going to end soon because I have a hydrocele on my one of my nuts and medical bills rolling in

betrayed by my own nut

>he doesn't own a time machine yet

Nah, I prefer my weed and alcohol. Heroin is a meme drug. Not a fan of synthetic drugs either. Just because I do weed and alcohol on occasion doesn't mean I'm retarded user.

nice taste in cars br/o/

>heroin is a meme drug
>I prefer weed

i agree, she just looks like a generic fat girl in the right

Your retarded murrican dude weed memes don't even apply to where I'm from.

>merely pretending

Nice, I have a friend who bought one of those. Not a bad vape vape for a conduction based vape. If you want full efficiency with your weed you want a hybrid or convection vape. I can rec you some good ones if you give me a budget if you want


Going to be in University classes. Have fun getting cross-faded during the day, mom would be proud.

Smoke weed
Drink water
Play the new Assassin's Creed DLC and WarThunder
Repeat until DLC is 100% and drop ACO for Fortnite until DLC2

your weed looks south american shitty
also, southern americans are fans of those silly zipper bags for their consoles

Sounds like a great day my man. Unfortunately I have class to attend, a job to go to and a fuckload of other errands to do but I spend my days off much how you’re spending yours today. Have a good one bud

Nice supra. Original engine? I was looking for one before I lucked out on a well priced 86. Still want a Mk2 for that 80s thickness though.

Have fun in prison

>Joints too smelly but pipes are okay

What kind of fucking logic is that.

Literally the only difference is the 0.1mm of paper you're burning along with the flower.