Why don't you have an Xbox Game Pass yet, it also works on Win10

Why don't you have an Xbox Game Pass yet, it also works on Win10.

>pay $10 a month
>get to play all the games the moment they come out


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Jesus why are you shilling a shitty service, you absolutely do not get to play new games. You get to play games that came out 4 years ago at the most recent and it's a lot of indies and glorified roms.

>Microsoft is so desperate they´re now putting their newest games in this poverty Netflix

How many years until they call it quits?

Game Pass subscriptions must not be doing well as is if they feel the need to give new Xbox "exclusives" on it

Have you watched the video you retard? Every new MS published game that comes out from now on can be played the moment it comes out if you own Game Pass.

Pathetic retard

>paying $180 a year for subscriptions on Xbox
>don't own any of your games
Who was in the wrong here?

>Games sell so shit because you're platform is dead you have to essentially give them away

It's just EA Access. Limited content, and a time restriction. Regardless this

I don't have or want Win10.

>Microsoft wants to get morons hooked on their microtransaction riddled GaaS trash

>They changed it to include exclusives
Name 5 worth playing that wouldn't be cheaper to own. Xbox has the shittiest exclusives.

i don't give a fuck about microsoft titles, they are mediocre at best sans halo 3

Meant for

>You get to play all 3 xbox exclusives when they come out for 120$ a year every year!
Are they serious?

Who cares. Besides Horizon 2/3 what games does MS have that are even worth playing at all this gen? KI was good, but regardless it's on Steam so I don't even need W10.

People said the same thing during the abysmal PS3 era. It shifts. We might be saying the same shit about Sony with the PS5.

The difference is that Sony always had a base to build on. Has Microsoft even a single decent developer left?

Hello fellow poster, I too enjoy xbox a great deal!
Haha let's all buy another Xx_xbox_one_X_xX to support microsoft so they can make more games for us! hurrah!

the point is, people have a reason to buy it now, that's a pretty good deal, you can literally play everything

When Sony was in last place they were still funding and releasing a shitload of exclusive games. Microsoft instead keeps releasing controller revisions.

>pay $10
>play through game


Now enjoy your PS+, I heard Sony raised the prices AGAIN.

5 x 60 = $300
1 x 10 = $10

Yeah buying them seperately is totally cheaper.

Except it won't be the full game. I bet it'll be like EA Access.

Name them.

>that's a pretty good deal
If it's the full game. They haven't said anything besides new games will be available day one. Is it time limited, content limited? I guarantee it will be.

If you want that analogy to work you have to kill yourself after one month because the 10 bucks only last that long. If you own your games for over 30 months then it is indeed cheaper to buy them separately.

why do that, I can just pirate all of them on PC instead

>heard Sony raised the prices AGAIN.
Same price as XBL Gold without the additional $10 a month games as a service tip

>Same price as XBL Gold
Europe says hi.

>I'll ignore half the statement maybe he won't notice
Well? What games?

>buy game pass when game comes out
>Play through it a few times
>cancel it
>repeat when new game comes out

unless youre a turbo autist who keeps replaying games a million times i dont see how this is bad

Sea of theives, State of Decay 2, Halo wars 2, Forza Horizon 4, Crackdown 3, Ori 2 and more. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

Yeah have fun pirating UWP games dumbass,you cant

sea of thieves state of decay 2 crackdown 3 halo 6 horizon 4

Wow it's fucking nothing. Thanks for proving my point.

>Yeah have fun pirating UWP games dumbass,you cant
You can though, people have been pirating Forza Horizon 3 for a year

This is unironically one of the best things to happen in gaming. I have origin access which is similar to this and it's insane value for what you get.
Based MS for not copying the Sony kikes with a service like PoSnow

> Doesn't have an actual rebuttal

How embarrassing.

There is no crack for Horizon 3. You can download it just like you can download the files for AC Origins, but there is no crack so you can't play, dumbass.

>Pretending Xbox exclusives are worth spending money on
Keep deluding yourself, that must be why they're selling xbones like gangbus- oh wait.

Call me when the Xbox gets games.

Nobody is actually unironically excited for State of Decay 2 right? That e3 trailer last year looked awful

Now skip 5 years in the future. This service will either cost more or has simply stopped existing. Forcing you to buy those games you earlier rented.
You sound like a dumb retard that always buys shit digitally and therefore does not know the joy that is a physical collection of your vidya.

It is selling pretty well. Not being first doesn't mean bad.

Forza horizon 3 has been playable for free for ages. You can torrent it and play it right now no crack needed because it's a leaked developer build so you get mods as well.

In 5 years those game will be selling for 5 dollars each.

Wait, so I can pay 10$ the day CrackDown3 comes out, beat any other game that is also already on the "Game Pass" in that month and then stop paying?

How are they not losing money?

Yeah because in reality Xbl is 10 cheaper and also without the shitty 20 an hour psnow service
Sony is a constantly developing cancer and I'm glad Nintendo are putting them in their place

>Xcucks paying for more subscriptions
How embarrassing. At least Sony doesn't devalue and give its games away.

>wahh it doesnt have AAA photorealistic gwafix!! SHIT!

you now remember that PSNow exists

Maybe if they're shit games. Most games don't go like that, especially not on consoles. Not too mention that it can be quite hard to obtain physical copies of niche games, which often cost over double the original price, an example would be pokemon heartgold.

Unless it's a rare game, you can find them on ebay for a cheap price. Plus I prefer digital over physical.

>console faggotry
Delete yourself.

>why pay 10 bux now when i can pay 5 in 10 years :)

You keep telling yourself that. Xbone is multiplat machine at best. Call me when I can play games on it. Their hw is great too bad their sales can't get them good exclusives worth my shekels. I'm seriously considering selling mine once I finish my PC build. Say what you will about ps+ but at least I can get AAA games on it for my shekels.

>PS Now exists
>Not only does Game Pass actually let you download the games, it gives you a discount if you want to buy the game when your subscription is over


Sony didn't fund anything good for about 6 years into the PS3's life though.
343 is cutting the waste out it seems, Rare is trying again, and I liked Gears 4's devs...

Their first part releases don't usually sell a lot this gen.

So the mass of people paying a subscription each month will likely generate more money then the individuals who would buy the one 60 dollar game.

>Cough up $10 in December to burn through the few turds MS bothers to shit out that year on PC
>Repeat the next year

Based Phil

>Unless it's a rare game, you can find them on ebay for a cheap price
Sorry, but I don't enjoy filthy second hand trash from poor third world countries that need to sell their games in order to buy food.
>Plus I prefer digital over physical
This is where our discussion ends, you have officially got shit taste and there is no remedy as far as I can tell. Go buy a NEW physical game, maybe you'll realize how much better it is to have it in your hand than being promised that it will keep existing as long as you open your wallet.

>reading comprehension

I can tell that OP is a shill because xbox is so unpopular on Sup Forums it isn't even made fun of any more, it's just ignored, while OP not only likes xbox, but he wants us to buy a subscription service and even defends it's shittiness.

Literally and unironically not an argument

>Every new MS published game that comes out
so nothing

Why are Sony friends so insecure they need to bring PC into their shitty arguments?

They have like 10 AAA games coming this year tho


Psnow has never, ever been a good offering. This is on the other hand is a really good deal similar to origin access.

>And the worst part is I never learned to read
I have an Xbox you mong I said as much. I'm an idort. Not a sonybro. I have all 3 current gen platforms and my xbone is a glorified Netflix machine.

I am, the first one was fantastic surprise and i'm really looking forward to the new one. I'm worried it might get outshadowed by MG Survive though, it's an extremely similar game but with a AAA budget and engine.

Funny because I'm the same and my ps4 is by far the least used console. I actually only bought it so I could play fifa 18 pro clubs with my flatmates online. Will probably sell it this summer once I finish uni and contribute the money either to a new ryzen or an upgrade to an Xbox one x as well as a 4k tv.

We're not so different you and I. Those processors look nice. I'll get one of those or at least the r5 1600. Waiting for next month to decide.

I am also an idort, I don't even use my Xbox as a Netflix machine because it lacks HDMI-CEC so it's less convenient to start up for Netflix than the PS4. It just sits there.

Depends for me if I can get a 1600 and 16gb ddr4 3000mhz or higher for cheaper than the new Xbox. Ram prices are a joke so I wouldn't expect it. Might just get the Xbox in the summer and then get ryzen in 2019 when the next generation of ryzen processors come out on 7nm or whatever they're doing.

shall be subscribing for Sea of Thieves
Got great value from my £1 1st month.

Why would you get this salty for getting called out?

Tell me about it. My plan is to just make middling machine and building it up as I go. Like one 8gb stick of 3000mhz ram here and there. A better graphics card is going to be the real killer to my wallet.


the absolute state of poorfags

I don't even need to rush for an upgrade so I don't even care about waiting for a year. I already have s gtx 1070 with 16gb ddr3 and a haswell i5 which runs most games at 1080p60 locked. The only game I get frequent drops to the low 50s is ac origins but that has shitty cpu raping drm. Nevertheless I'm going to get a 1440p monitor soon and I want a better processor to be able to get maximum fps from my 1070 without any bottlenecking from my cpu.

1440p monitor
4k tv
16gb ddr4
Xbox one x
Fuckload of games

Gonna be one hell of an expensive summer but oh well I haven't treated myself to anything in years.

To be fair you did prove his point so he didn't need a rebuttal.

I would be poor If I had to buy a new console every 4 years that couldn't play any of my old games, so I have to buy remastered versions of them, own an xbox live subscription on top of my ISP subscription on top of a game pass subscription just to play a game that got an 84 on Metacritic because Microsoft scared away Bungie 2 games ago.

Lucky you, I'm going to be working with a 1050 gtx SC until I can afford to sink more money.

so you bought a ps4?

>I'm an idort
>Hiding behind PC argument
Nice try sonyfriend

>all shit xD

Not an argument.

Why even lie on a Dutch pickling bbs? But please do go on.

Only Sea of Thieves, Ninja Gaiden and Viva Pinata look interesting especially since there's no stable Xbox emulator yet

>No stable Xbox emulator
You mean PC.

Gtx 1050 sucks and you'd barely be able to play modern games at anything above medium at best. Mostly at low. You're better off seeking out a used 970 for cheap which is basically gtx 1060 tier when overclocked.

Maybe so, it's going to be a steam machine to start. PC has so much available to it and so few high end exclusives that it'll be fine considering.


>it also works on Win10.
you mean all 6 games work on win10

I'm telling you now, it won't be fine unless you like playing sidescrollers. Go on YouTube and look at some 1050 benchmarks and you'll see how it struggles to maintain 60 fps in even years old games. It's basically a moba gpu. I wouldn't recommend it at all for AAA gaming. The 1050 ti should be the absolute minimum for AAA gaming.

>it also works on Win10.
>"Can I use Xbox Game Pass on my Windows 10 PC?"
>"Xbox Game Pass can only be used on Xbox One consoles."
What's the point then?


>I know what I'm getting into I'm not going to do a lot of high end anything
>Hurr it's garbo tier you're not going to be be able to do anything
Jesus, quit harping on what I already know. Did I say I was going for max settings or high anything? No. I said point blank I'm just going for games I'm not getting on any platforms that I own being an idort. Damn dude I'm spending on all components not just a gfx card.

So you're building a pc just to play Indies and you'll play everything else on ps4 at 30 fps?

Nice selective reading there.

You literally said you're only going for games you can't get on other platforms which means you're going for Indies or the odd rts. That also means you're not going to be using it as a main platform for all multiplats.

You are buying a window pc where you will be literally under Microsoft's control. You sure are showing Microsoft.

Name 3

Meant for.

this, win10 support would be the only reason i would be interested. fuck buying a dead console.