Don't mind me, just dropping knowledge on you Sup Forums

don't mind me, just dropping knowledge on you Sup Forums

If you played all of these games and those are your ratings, please tell me how you feel about the Nes era Castlevanias.

you're supposed to put them in release order

c1 8/10
c2 6/10
c3 9.5/10

What made you suddenly like RE5Gold? The PS Move controls i'm assuming? Should use the extra controls in the template. I think RE6 mercs deserves it's own seperate entry in these, because that shit is fun in it's own right. The only entry in the series where I actually bothered with that mode. Not gonna hassle anyone over their opinions. Revelations 1 was trash, never tried 2 yet.

I agree that mercs are good in re6 but there is not a whole lot of maps and the maps dont utilize the somewhat elaborate gameplay mechanics at all. Then again I never was one to care for mercs much past re3.

Revelations 1 is very similar to re4 in this sense that when you are playing it for the first time the game grips you hard, making you feel like you are playing something that really is a Resident Evil game. And it will have your attention and it will make you want to play it until the end. But when you are done it doesn't feel satisfying at all and you realize that it was continually promising on the delivery of satisfaction but never quite getting there. A cocktease of a game if you will. Just like RE4 or Silent Hill 4. One of those games that you will never ever have desire to play again.

The actual fuck are your opinons. As someone who went back to all the RE games a couple years ago re1 is dated af. It's still good but janky af. I respect you saying 3 is better than 2 do whatever. How can you like the survivor games but not 4?

>zero not dogshit
>REV2 good
>RE1 DC not even listed
Rest is pretty spot on tho.

How do you feel about RE6 Mercenaries?

Cause shit GOAT imo. Regular RE6 is just shit cause of the TERRIBLE TERRIBLE level design in the story mode.

Survivor 1 very much feels like a RE game. The atmosphere and tension is there despite the shit gameplay.
Dead Aim is a proto-re4 and while shit in many aspects it does one thing well and that's something that re4 failed to do completely - have at least tangential exploration. Bunch of rooms in a hallway that you methodically sweep for items. That's the true hallmark of RE - exploration. And RE4 got none of that. Fuck, even RE Survivor 1 has multiple different ways/doors that add to different replay experiences.

Also RE1 is not janky. You can cry about visuals and get call an underage if you will but that's the line. It plays literally the same as REmake, same responsiveness in the controls and everything. Except it lacks the ez shit as in defensive items.

I learned in the recent year or two that its pointless to argue about Zero with people on Sup Forums.

What really killed Revelations 1 for me was all the stupid chapter shit, swapping back and forth between all these different dumbass characters in entirely different areas I couldn't be fucked to care about. Game felt so goddamn inconsistent.

Basically the truly glaring and impossible to ignore flaws of Rev1:

>horrible gunplay (understandable due to the original platform but still!)
>shitty jumping between the chapters/characters
>shitty comedic relief duo of male characters
>creation of this huge important event/place that occured a decade ago but was somehow NEVER EVER referenced in any other game which makes it extremely hard to buy into
>hunters are made a generic joke of an enemy
>piss poor difficulty and overall lack of puzzles
>art style was too colorful and lacked identity

>I learned in the recent year or two that its pointless to argue about Zero with people on Sup Forums.

Because it's objectively terrible and breaks Rebeccas character in Chris playthrough.

>Because it's objectively terrible
google that word before using it again please
>breaks Rebeccas character in Chris playthrough.
Rebecca was a gimmick in RE1 added for no reason whatsoever. Mikami himself hated her and wanted to write her out of the story but other staff pressured him to keep a girl character. It's one of those things that are really not meant to be looked into too deeply. Because if you do then half of the NPCs are broken - Enrico for an example.

Zero is a breath of fresh air and pretty unique, or at the very least interesting as a one-time spinoff. I can appreciate the original things it did. Sure there are flaws but it's a fun classic RE experience and doesn't deserve all the shit it gets just because niggas can't be assed to backtrack despite map clearly keeping track of all your items.

>tank controls

RE4 was a god tier S++++ game.
Anyone who says otherwise is a contraian faggot

>at the very least interesting as a one-time spinoff
And if it was ORC nobody would give a fuck but, as far as we know, it's considered canon. Rebecca is, after Zero, the most experienced battle hardened veteran in the whole unit. She's fought all the monsters, all the puzzles, she knows, more or less, what's going on and doesn't even consider for a second to tell Chris. Why? Because the whole game is a retcon. It doesn't make sense because nobody considered any of the events in Zero when they made RE1, even the REmake, which is exactly why the game is considered dogshit. That and the terribly inconsistent tone(slow mo action cam in cut scenes), dialogue that is just bad even for a Resident Evil game and a villain straight from any cuhurazay JRPG. The partner mechanics is just the rotten cherry on top of the turd sundae.

are godlike

gtfo fag

Okay action game, shit RE game. RE7 has the same syndrome but replace action with outlast.

>outbreak and outbreak file #2 boring
>re2 not kino
>REmake that overated
>being contrarian in regards to Re4
Keep your opinion to yourself user. Its so shitty that i can smell it from the pixels in my monitor.

>>outbreak and outbreak file #2 boring

>clunky controls, I don't mean clunky as in tank controls but overall clunky as all shit
>some of the worst loading times in the history of video games
>stupid limited invetories like 4 items per character
>little to no story, virtually unimportant for the series
>bad AI
>forgettable music
>trial and error level design


>clunky controls
Like most of the RE games before RE4? RE wasn't all about combat, that's what ruined the series with the RE4 hype.
>some of the worst loading times in the history of video games
true, a genuine flaw
>stupid limited invetories like 4 items per character
you're other partners are basically free slots most of the time
>little to no story, virtually unimportant for the series
you have to survive, the characters are civilians. Stop with the "Every protag must be a baddass STARS member" bullshit, the protags being civilians at the wrong place in the wrong time literally made the game interesting by the sheer fact that you were some random gang member or a student trying to survive the apocalypse, not some baddass dude
>bad AI
>forgettable music
that doesn't make a game bad
>trial and error level design
what? The level design was the best in the series if i may. It was one of the few times Capcom actually was being bold and daring, which other games you had to flee a burning Hotel full with zombies and lickers? Or traverse a Zoo infected? Or that University which was interconected with a swage facilty, a lab and a Subway? And i dont remember being trial and error except maybe for Outbreak 1 with the save system.

>liking the saturn port more than the ps1 original
>hates re4 on gamecube but likes the wii version
>watches movies with a game console controller
ultimate pleb detected

Wii RE4 is considered the best version of RE4. At least until REHD was released. And even that is debatable.

Legit question: do you think it's even remotely possible to have a shitter taste than OP?

>Zero is a breath of fresh air and pretty unique
And its fucking trash.
>The game mechanics are trash.
>The enemies are trash.
>The bosses are trash.
>The characters are trash.
>The setting is trash.
>The AI is trash
>The story is trash.
>The fucking hookshot
>The game somehow managed to fuck up the zombies attack animations even though they were perfect in REmake.
RE0 does everything wrong. As a game its flawed to shit, with barely any redeeming factors, and as a RE game it fucks up the classic formula so much that even comparing it to them is an insult. The classic RE games are an acquired taste, you can like them, but you can understand why people hate them, so when you make a classic RE game that even fails even by classic RE levels, your game is fucking shit.
Anyone that actually thinks RE0 isn't the worst game in the series is either a Rebeccafag, or a fucking hipster, and going by the fact that you don't like RE4, Hipster is the most logical choice.

>>The fucking hookshot

Aaaaand this is how I now you are just projecting because you are deep down shit at video games and can't cope.

>I can't come up with a single counterpoint so I will just say he's projecting. That will show him.
All you do is prove him right.

>both 5 and 6 scored better than 4
user its already proven that anyone who hates re4 are contrarians

I think RE0 is a solid game, but he's right, the hookshot sucked as it required you to backtrack all the way from the lab to the crashed train if you didn't know about the upcoming hookshot holes in advance

>this is trash
>because is trash
i wouldn't even reply if i were that user to begin with. There is no point to begin with.

I played Zero last October for the first time and found it to be average at best. Ignoring the bad story and retconning, after all this IS Capcom, the gamplay changes aren't for the better. The two player mechanic is a good idea, but having two limited inventories is just tedious. It's bearable with one character, but with two the fun is just gone. Then add that the game demands a lot more combat, namely the fucking Marcus leech clone things, and the game just doesn't hold up to the gold standard like the others.

and it takes blistering one minute to go all the way back
imagine that shit

>one minute
Ah, so you first played it on PC with mods to skip the door animation. No wonder you think it's a good game when the first time you played it, you modded to make it more to bareable.

You know whats funny? If Zero had item boxes like EVERY other fucking classic RE, this backtracking issue wouldn't even exist. Considering that's almost what everyone bitches about the most, 1 tweek/mod could make this game classic like the rest

It would make it more bearable, but it would be shit. The hookshot is a first playthrough kind of fuck up. When you know its coming it's easier to manage.

Yes, but with item boxes in every save room, it would always be a stones throw away and be no different then any other "key" you dump in a box. Too bad that won't fix the terrible combat in zero

>gaiden better that outbreak
>re4 wii better that gamecube edition
>survivor is good


>shitty opinions