ITT characters/classes played exclusively by faggots

ITT characters/classes played exclusively by faggots.

>One of the highest hp pools in the game
>Best mobility in the game, being more versatile than Demo and faster than Scout
>Main weps are point and click splash damage that kill most classes in 1-2 hits even if you missed
>Probably attached to a literally gay medic
>Main class that's supposed to counter him tries to do so by assuming the solider will do the one thing that lets him be countered, like a boss character in most games. Can just fight shotgun v shotgun and have a HP advantage
>All of his slots include legit broken weapons

t. virgin wizards
Chadsassins laught at you

>requires no skill to play
>played by shitters, furries, gays, trannies and jews
>gets points by orbiting someone who actually knows how to play

fuck you im not gay

>no skill

Pretty much any "edgy" class at this point I guess


Unpopular opinion I guess, but this one is usually played by women (who also suck ass at it) or by edgy nerds who would mention how many buttons they click every 2 minutes to boost their confidence.

>he doesn't like seeing CRITS flying across the screen
>probably a Lord of Vermillion faggot

Jesus, what went wrong in the transition from TFC to TF2
>doesn't cower in fear behind a 30 foot medigun beam to heal, does it at melee range
>fucking gets up close with the enemy team and injects poison into them at melee range
>doesn't rely on his shit team to carry him, is a better flag runner than the scout and better at dealing with turrets than the spy

Warlock still cool

They made soldier the godlike overly good at everything at the same time class instead.

RO priests where complete bros though. I remember tons of them helping low level characters through dungeons.

>get marc clip
>just stand there auto attacking wiz till they die
Low level pvp was fun

Any kind of wizard/sorcerer/mage.
>b-b-but m-muh incredible magic power
Not of that shit matters when in terms of actual game mechanics you just throw fireballs at people.

I'll enchant my deadly poison and sonic blow you to the moon kid

>He doesn't like throwing fireballs at people
What a fag

>come back 20 minutes later with hunter spamming detect
Hehe nice try kid

Good luck I'm behind 10 reflects

Why did RO hate swords so fucking much? The best weapon for either advanced swordsman class was always spear for some reason

>that wizard that kept casting safety wall and level 1 sg on top of himself so nobody snuck up on him
>the happy merchant next to him that kept selling him blue gemstones


Two handed swords were okay on knights though. One handed swords were basically completely pointless though, maces or spears were always better one handers.

Man, I love the crusader sprite. Probably like it more than paladins honestly.

He ruined the game for me

What classes are never played by faggots?

Chad-only Zone right here

with the stipulation nothing you are wearing is bright green or pink seriously what the fuck is it with scout players and bright green and pink

I can't think of a single one. Every class/character has at least a couple faggots, but some have much more than others.

You can just imagine some FAGGOT jerking while playing with one hand cause that's all it takes.


The honest Italian of good hopkicks is played only by those who are pure of heart and mind.

>Getting ASSBURNED at other nerds playing a nerd Twink-boy game.


Shamans in WoW


Hating on RO. The state of Nu-V

Honking horn players in Monster Hunter. Nobody will ever talk shit about good honkers.

>the best overall class from PVE to PVP
shit taste.

Indeed. Real girls do suck playing priest (well, they do suck at everything), and fags playing female priest are pretty gay too but based male priest players usually are the broest bros. Unless they go full DEX.

>TBC releases
>draenei retcont
>fags move to play horsedick "female" space goats with their 4 "poles"
Gayer than traps.

>soldiers counter

False there is a kid on my server who brags about being in school for "bio med" and studying at coffee shops while listening to witch house. He is such a retarded tool.

Sniper in any FPS. You can be the most skilled sniper in the world, I still have zero respect for you.

is that penguin being fucked by a fucking seal

when will i be fucked by a big guy as a healer


I'd rather fight Ling 100 times in a row than fight a single Lars or Bryan.

any kind of healer
numale coward soyboy:
real proud Aryan white male:
melee class

Remember those times when rogue stealth was superior and assassin stealth required you to stand near walls?

You're goddamn right.
>Human Unholy Death Knight

>when will i be fucked by a big guy as a healer