You ARE grinding Dokkan events, right Sup Forums?

You ARE grinding Dokkan events, right Sup Forums?

Dbz is making a comeback on all fronts I see
card games
several vidya
how does Nippon dew it?

People grow up with DB(Z) and like pavlov's dogs are just drawn back by the promise of new shit

It's in it's concept a very entertaining series.
I guess people like the main characters turning super sayan.

Yes, just to get those 10 kais and put them in my fucking lr majeta, while farming stones waiting for SV

Only for Vegitos. Just finished the LR campaign last night.

I should go back to getting puddings for that Beerus I pulled, but I've made my choice.

Toei forcing it at every front. People just get attracted because it's popular just like superhero movies.

Yes. I'm half way done with Buu and need to work on Frieza's. Then I need to do it all again for my second LR Androids.

Is there an easier way to get them to special lv.20 other than feeding them Kai?

>card game
Is it really good?

What's the matter? Don't have 1375 stamina to spare?

nope 2 lr sa 10 is the best aside from kai feeding, hell i'm lacking 2 sr androids and i'm just gonna use kais for it because i'm tired and unlucky with friend summons

I grinded them to LR but I don't feel like I have the strength to awaken the second one to LR for the SA.
Not to mention that I just finished the annoying Vegito grind where 20 fucking Vegitos failed to raise the SA.
I may go ahead and grind it, but after the WT, and just for the elder kais.
I'll give them to Vegito once he's an LR because fuck that grind.

Nah dude, I started about a month ago. I can only do 4 stages with 1 stamina bar.

Thanks, guess I'm back to the grind.

>have 0 medals for the final LR form
>have to farm apples / pudding for Elder Kais
>have to grind Medals for 4 Bulma Vegetas
>WT soon

How fucked am I?

In the process of doing it now. Excited to have my 2nd LR even though I'll never use it.

Don't bother with the potential though, as the reward is just giving you back the orbs you spent, plus as you said it's a unit you'll never use

That all depends on your stamina.

>as the reward is just giving you back the orbs you spent
EVERYTHING you get from the LR campaign is giving you back what you spent.
The point of the campaign isn't rewarding you for awakening them to LR, the reward is the LR itself, by making it easier, or straight up giving you free stuff.
The stones are to cover your stamina refills, the orbs to cover up the rainbowing, and the 10 kais in case you used kais instead of a dupe.

My autism won't allow that. I must rainbow it. There's also a very very slight chance i get super 17 in the future or maybe a andriod leader.

>EVERYTHING you get from the LR campaign is giving you back what you spent.
nope not the dragon stones, the statues for money, the caharceter space and the 10 kais

Didn't the devs get caught editing drop values to make sure that some people can literally never get certain characters?

The dragon stones maybe not, but the statues for money help cover up the zeni costs for training (it costs almost 10 million to awaken them from TUR to LR), the character space is 100 because the LR Androids alone take 99 cost, and the 10 kais, as I said, in case you use kais to take them to SA20 instead of a dupe.

My 2nd weakest super team. When do we get LR tien and is he good? Also would rainbow f2p vegeta and bulma make a spot on this team?

remove starter goku and put vegeta in

But muh support

>Playing a rigged phone game months after the fact

>proof never shown

Nigger the 300 stones in hush money wasn't enough?

I got 150 Stamina and no Stones for refills.

That's basically my team, but I use SSG Goku instead of SSJ3 Goku. Hope he gets a Dokkan someday, I love his art.

Shitty gatcha game. Given it is one of the better and non jew of the gatcha games. But still not good.

300 stones was for not having the proper cards on a banner. They also refunded all stones spent on it. Still waiting on proof and not gossip

>AGL SSJ3 Goku.
this guy after EZA is one of the best motherfucker out there if you have one i envy you

i seriously dont get dokkan, it's like everything i know about the game is just jpeg collecting for money

Candy crush dbz edition. It's bot complicated


>maybe if I spam it enough, someone will be stupid enough to take the bait

All I need to do now is grind out 154 medals for each category in your picture and I'm done.

>150 stamina
Better than where I am, at least (148). In that case, it's still doable considering the timeframe as long as your units aren't garbage like my TEQ team.

>300 stones for an error that simple

Bullshit. Also:

>trusting Bamco after they got caught rigging OPTC

>TEQ team

I've been solidly using this team for every dokkan event for the androids and used at most 1 Dende a fight

Today was That's my bulma grind day. I'm at 77 out of 770 needed for the LR androids. Fuck this grind desu

>after they got caught rigging OPTC
what happened ?

Literally no proof.

I already play their other shitty unfair game Digimon Links

good luck i finished buuhan and i'm halfway through gotenks, still a long way to go, and don't forget the apples and the flan grind

Even the Super2 stages? I have everyone minus goku black.

I dropped that shit so fast and i love digimon. Quit a month after launch. Has it improved any?

so what do the jpegs do?

I ONLY do Super 2 stages. I'm OP, so you can see my progress.

>suddenly goku black isn't a thing anymore in banners
What the fuck is this, i need him to get rid of goten and all of a sudden they removed him from the game

Also my UI Goku is at something like 80% potential (Every thing done apart from bottom right as he's still SA1)

But it shouldn't make that much of a difference

If I remember right, it was a technical glitch that accidentally showed the drop rate for each unit. Several accounts (all whale accounts, mind you) were shown to have been flagged to never receive certain featured units.

Needless to say, some have been fixated on this.

Unless you mean the TEQ one, he's exclusive to certain dokkan festival banners. You need to wait for one to come back into rotation.

So, did i just commit to jpn dokkan as well, or am i safe to discard? Isn't that the majin lr?


LR Majin is AGL

LR Majin is blue. A better filename would probably be 'fuck me', no offense.

All events require event chips now which you have to spend Digistones for. The chips multiply event points/drops and the most common C chip gives a paltry boost (x1.5) compared to the B (x3.0) and A chips (x6.0) so even if you pull chips if you end up with C it's going to be an uphill battle to even join coop rooms because everybody disbands on you, even other C chippers/chipless people.

Also there's PVP now but like Pokemon you're just going to see the same Digimon all over the place and the top ranking players are all autowin hackers anyway which Bamco completely ignore.

Anyone got anything decent from the JP tickets? All i got so far was baba food

If my super teq team wasn't so good I'd be excited for ss3 broly being translated.

So garbage. Guess I'll just buy hackers memory whenever i get the chance.

>Isn't that the majin lr?
why did you pull on that banner ? it's a bad one

I'm almost tempted to do a pull off that TEQ banner because of my crap green game, but I know that there are far better banners to wait for than this.

Change your leader asap

First time around the teq banner was good to me. No tien though.

Weren't these banners 30 stones before? I swear they changed them to 50 some time ago and kept them like that

Probably for something special. I'm having trouble remembering as well.

200 million DL event

What's the next character to come to glb ?

Either ss3 broly or Phy vegito

Gohan Blanco

Saiyan suit Gohan for the WT.

Of course, if they use this moment to update the tourney banners, that would be sweet, but I have my doubts.

Hidden Potential Update when?

Who are you saving for, lads?

You. But if phytenks/phygito drop i might have to go for them

Kefla or Golden Angel Frieza, whoever comes first.

Though this whole phygito fiasco might change some things.

phygeto, i need a team leader

Kefla. I might break when Angel Frieza shows up though.

Angel frieza isn't worth it right now unless you have the LRs.

I wanted LR trunks but it did not happen. Other than that it's teq VB and str Rose who are 6~ months out.

The only LR I have is Majin Vegata.

What would be a good non-whale team for Angel Frieza?

there is none, that's why it's a whale team

Category leaders

Ok, what would be the whale team for him?

INT Golden Freezer,
LR broly
LR majeta
LR broly (ur version)
TEQ ssj3 goku
PHY ssj bardock (support)

Thanks, I only have 3 of those units.

Back to stocking up for Kefla then.

Or phygito. Buu saga category has the most units of any and has many, many, great suboptimal cards

I have no category leads, and with the units I do have, 'revived warriors' is literally the best thing I can run at the moment.

Post box. I refuse to believe revived warriors is better for someone that needs a lead than say buu saga which has the most cards in it's category

I got alot of units in that category but no dupes.

The one you just posted

Finished them the other day then took a break to get my str vegito to sa 10 now I'm working on getting the second lr for so 20.

I hope there's a LR campaign for vegito that rewards stones and kais for rainbowing him

Hold up on doing that bruh, they might not give us two more LR vegito's

I meant working on my second LR androids. Got vegito to sa10 but im gonna open his paths before I dokkan him.

I rerolled and account for LR black, and decided to focus only on potara units to use under kefla. This bugged vegito thing and the fact the category is available already means that he will come soon. Grinding the story as much as i can right now, too bad x3 xp is gone. You run out of stamina so fast

I'm sorry but literally for what reason would they not provide more? We need one more for the last potential route for sure, and I see no reason they wouldn't give us a final copy for SA20 seeing as it's a literal f2p LR.

Better safe than sorry nigga

They fucking better give me 1 more so I can at least SA20 him

The amount of ptara medals, there's not enough for 2 cards to get them to LR

1 is guaranteed but the other one is not

What do I do with all these extra android rewards, i had enough already before even the event, can i just baba them or is the TUR an optimal linking partner with the LR or something like that?