>Start playing Siege again >Play Casual for a couple weeks to re-learn the game >Jump into Ranked >Finish my placements as a Bronze I >Start playing with a few friends >Yo-yo between Bronze I and II >Get on one day >No one's on >Decide to roll the dice >Ranked solo queue >Lose five games in a row >I'm now a Copper III
How the fuck do I get out of this hell, Sup Forums?
Blake Foster
Who gives a shit, play casual. Is ranked still in Beta™
Nicholas Bell
>Can't pick spawns/objective rooms >Hardly any mics >Teamkilling out of control
I'm good.
Hudson Young
Who up for some games familia?
Xavier Gray
why would you care about ranked? I just play casual to have fun. "Ranked esports" modes killed fun.
Brayden Murphy
It’s fun to compete unless you have no testosterone in your body
Jonathan Stewart
You get more xp and renown
Brandon James
Get some better friends faggot If not literally look for people here or on another site that are willing to get on a mic and play for a while. However it might just turn out you are shit.
Jaxon Fisher
"ranked mode" isn't any competition if you really want to sound manly go play some 1v1 ranked game, because that way the responsibility of defeat is solely on you, instead of blaming your teammates like the low test soyboy you are
Nathaniel Long
>he fell for the ranked meme
Julian Cox
>.t shitter too scared to play ranked because he knows he'll be a copper
Adrian James
Bronze and above are just spawn killing shitters and faggots exploiting every single element of the game. Acoustic zone to the max.
Chase Walker
god damn it I mean silver
Isaac Ross
>placing in bronze have you literally never used a mouse and keyboard before
Luke Anderson
be less dogass and place in gold instead
Samuel Lewis
Is this seriously how you justify your shit performance?
Christopher Moore
Nah I just say it cause I'm one of those faggots. I know every single spawn and the fastest way to get to a window and at least kill 2 people within the first 5 seconds of the match.
Leo Martin
It kind of is. You shouldn't be hitting bronze/copper unless you're intentionally sabotaging yourself or this is your first FPS games ever. Even babbys that did situations should be getting into silver 3.
Andrew Sanchez
its nice being able to chose spawns and shorter time limit makes players less passive
Owen Smith
>Solo queuing in heavily team based games Why set yourself up for a terrible experience?
Gavin King
Teamwork is manly you no friend faggot.
William Ortiz
Casual is god awful
Brandon Long
First time I got placed in plat, then lost because of bad teammates making retarded moves. Then I was in gold. Then I didnt play for a long time. Had a lot of bad games because of teammates, leavers, and generally doing bad so I was placed in bronze. Quit for a long time, then played again now and placed very high gold very close to plat but Ive been losing consistently because of bad teammates and shitters so now Im silver.
Ranks in games have practically fuck all to do with your personal skill. Almost everyone who is placed at their ranks is generally not their real rank. If your gold you probably arent gold at all. If your bronze, you probably arent bronze. I mean, its definitely the case some times, coppers bronzes and silvers could surely be silver, but in most modern games you are at the utter mercy of your shitforbrains teammates to not fuck the game up for you, which is basically impossible.
Most ranking systems in games these days put way way way to much importance on winning and losing and not on everything combined. And even if they do have systems for kills, deaths, points over all, wins and loses, and all that shit combined, winning and losing is still the most dominant factors in what gives you a rank. Its ungodly retarded.
Gabriel Rogers
whatever makes you feel comfortable, soyboy.
Oliver Gomez
>play first season >get gold >nonstop queued against plats that cream me and my friends >rank slowly dips
>struggle and got gud >play another season later down the track >calibrate at platinum >get queued against Gold's nonstop and cream them endlessly >slowly boosts my rank
Th-thanks ubisoft
Liam Jenkins
They need to separate solo and group queue because having a 5man is a massive advantage.
Aaron Roberts
Because ranked games are longer
Jaxson Lopez
how to i get good
Mason Miller
The problem with ranked in Siege is that there's no differentiation of teams vs solo. Queues are both the same so you can be a single guy on a team with no mics getting matched up against a coordinated 5man death squad with mics. In pretty much every other game the queues are either separate or they match you with equivalent team sizes (ie. if you queue with 2 other people you get matched with 2 randoms and a 3-man group).
It's not impossible to climb if you're good since Siege plays more like Call of Duty than let's say a moba where you can't carry by yourself, but it's really hard.
Ryan Torres
go to the general on /vg/
James Turner
rank is only fun up to gold 1, after that you need to play 100% seriously and can't have fun
Zachary Miller
That would definitely help. But christ, I cant fucking stand how modern games have ranking systems.
You could get 100 kills, never die, have 30 assists, capture multiple points or flags or whatever, be a good teammate in general giving out ammo or saving their saves or healing them, or any other number of things. But because you have a team of literal shit eatters on your side and you end up losing the match because of their pure incompetency, youll lose a shitload of rank points/standing/whatever just because you "lost" even though you did so well.
Winning and losing is the worst bullshit systems ever for rank placement. It needs to be everything.