Does it deserve a sequel?

Does it deserve a sequel?

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A new IP fighting game in a niche of its own selling 1.5 million units in its first entry?

Sounds like it to me.

I think the only reason it stopped development was so that Yabuki and the team could get nack to working on MK9.

Yes. Bring it up to 25 characters and maybe double the number of arms by giving the original 15 an extra arm each plus the three each of the newcomers starts with. Also, include all the twitter lore in-game even if it's just in loading screens.

>two mario karts on one system
lol no

It's likely given how one is a port and they announced stopping development of ARMS last month.

Do you think they'll just go back to making another new IP?

>It's likely given how one is a port
So what? Normalfags think it's a new game, that's all that matters.

They could just make dlc. That'd be the best thing for everyone unless they go crazy with the pricing.

No way not with how well it sold on Wii U.

It was practically the #1 most sold game on the thing and Deluxe is a clear indicator that it was previously released before.

That's like saying sequels to Hyrule Warriors and DKCTF are unlikely because of their definitive editions coming to Switch.

>fighting game
>Still using this meme in 2018

What did you think that the last 5 character and stage and mode additions were?

Post release free DLC that was made to add to the game.

They also stated that there would be no further development beyond balancing patches so I highly doubt there'll be paid DLC.

>He's never played an arena fighter before

I pity you user.

>They also stated that there would be no further development beyond balancing patches
I would like to see source on that because we already have another Deluxe version of a game with upcoming paid dlc.

They marketed the game's major free updates as one of it's big selling points. It would be REALLY shitty of them to start charging paid DLC now.

Unlike ARMS, we had no indication of whether or not Pokken would receive large content updates post game, only patches and the like.

I was talking about Mario Kart. It seems we had a misunderstanding.

Min Min for the win win. Ribboncucks can get bent

LEGS maybe add DK or little mac and a punch out arena. Idk any ideas?!

Little Mac has boxing ring ropes for arms.

And a cartoon. It absolutely does deserve those!

It's getting that Dark Horse comic, but apparently it focuses on Spring Man.

A sequel would be perfect to add some actual depth to it

Give it a subspace emmisary type mode as well.

>It would be REALLY shitty of them
>implying post Iwata nintendo cares.

I like it.


dumb phoneposter

>get a Dark Horse comic
>focuses on Springman

Of all the fucking characters, they pick HIM? Why not Master Mummy and his family? Why not how Dr. Coyle became so batshit crazy, built Springtron, Hedlok, and made herself into an ARMS fighter? Why not how Mechanica grew up watching ARMS and built her robot? No, let's focus on the most boring character. Fucking bullshit.

I really hope each character gets a background story in it at least.

They said the same thing about Splatoon before announcing one of it's biggest updates

Spring Man is the mascot.

It probably made its development cost back and then some, and given the high interest but desire for more story stuff, I wager they'll give it another shot in 2019 with some things people keep asking for
>unlockable characters at launch
>story content for each character
>more intuitive motion control options

It's a good game but why give it a sequel?

What's there too change or add that an update can't do?

The fuck kind of question is this

>tfw arms has better footsies than the latest mainline street fighter game
fgcfags on suicide watch

Better value for the consumer.
>$7.50 for each new character as dlc; 8 characters for $60
>$60 for a new game with 10-15 new characters

It sold well and survived the hazing, is still discussed every now and then, and now has a pretty devoted following

It’s a first party Nintendo IP. as experimental as they get, Nintendo rarely pumps and dumps a new IP unless it’s a serious financial disaster

ARMS will get a sequel and then some, probably a garaunteed SMASH character slot

Pokken is in a unique situation: For one, itt's based off an arcade game, and if the arcade game gets new content, it'll come to the console one.

Secondly, there's more parties involved: it's not just nintendoo as a publisher and then the internal dev team: It's Nintendo, the pokemon company, bandai namco, and bandai namco's internal dev team. Nintendo is not calling the shots here at all, The Pokemon company and Bamco are.

I'm still waiting for the Nendroids

The arcade is behind DX, the new DX character and the two new DLC characters have not been announced for arcade yet.

As for the the game itself, Nintendo has almost no involvement in its development. It's all The Pokemon Company and Bandai Namco.

I think splatoon would work better for a cartoon than arms

But would arms benefit from more characters?

Don't get me wrong I like options but too big of a roaster will lead to many "filler" characters that no one will use.
Also ARMS gimmick is that every fighter has a special unique ability. I can't imagine making up even more abilities that won't break the game or make the character useless. You can only have so many fun, balance, and original abilities.

They should have no real focus character like the pony comics.
But hopefully unlike the pony comics be good.

Wait I'm retarded. I got dark horse confused with IDW

Sure. We already have three characters with a punch deflection aura upon charging as it is.

Yeah, it could've been a Codename STEAM but this game is so successful that it's getting a manga and comic.

I'd argue that it has staying power.

I like how the Party Crash results are clearly not rigged unlike Splatfest.

How are Splatfests rigged?

My point exactly.

You can only have so many abilities until either you just get slight variation of a preexisting ability, Useless abilities, or OP ones and will get watered down until it's useless.
I'm sure you can squeeze in a few more original abilities but you can only have to much since you must also consider how those abilities affect each and every fighter so every match up is fair and balance and the more fighters you have the more tricky it is to balance them.

It's almost always 49 - 51 or vice versa.

Heck yeah. Fighting games always have sequels and ARMS has so much untapped potential.

Hoping the Party Crash have some sort of impact on the sequel


It's not though.

Both could be really good cartoons, with ARMS being more of a serious action animation and Splatoon a family fun series, with a Teen Titans GOesque audience, I don't know.

I would love to see a comedy Splatoon show that consists of only 5~10 minutes episodes based on the 4 panels comic, honestly. That shit is gold

Clearly they just want it to look close and it's doubtful they'd actually make two separate dialogues depending on which team won.

I'd like if the sequel were a proper fighting game.

Im baffled at how nobody at nintendo thought about contacting Bandai to put Luffy in the game
That would have been amazing to play with

Maybe for the sequel

How would he play though?
I'd imagine he would have a faster punch but would be harder to curve.

>character from completely unrelated media might work in this game


3 sets of arms,
the wax gloves from Impel down, work like regular gloves from ARMS, attribute wind
Gear second, punches are faster to deliver, but it cannot curve, perfect to trap enemies with faster speeds, attribute is fire
Gear third, heavy slow ARMS like msdter mummy, with a bigger effect area, attribute is lightning

I mean, if they wanna make it simpler just put Afro Luffy

>implying Initial D has any relation with Mario Kart
>unrelated media
I mean, Banco always worked close with Nintendo, and One Piece has a shiton of games, the chances are more likely than you'd think

>Goku shoots lasers
>DBZ games have been on Xbox
Just stop.

Are you a fucking idiot?

Yes, the first one was just testing the waters to see what worked and what didn't. I got a good feeling that the sequel will go all out with the story, gameplay and special moves's for each character. If not, then... FUCK.

What's HIS problem?

You said you were baffled that Luffy isn't in ARMS.
Do you know what that word means? Baffled? You think it's completely insane, completely beyond logic and understanding that Luffy isn't in ARMS.
Why would Luffy be in ARMS?
>it's a game about stretchy ARMS
>Luffy has been in games before
That's literally fucking all you're saying there.

You retard.

>Luffy actually fought in an ARMS tournament back in Foxy arc
>Literally has stretchy arms, gloves and all sorts of powers to make him play uniquely like all ARMS characters
>"It shouldnt be in the game cuz it sounds ridiculous to me"

The ARMS director did speak about it at one point, he wanted to establish the IP with unique characters first

It's a fighting game

Also you replied to another user, I was the one saying baffled, although I was making an hyperbole, just saying id like to see Luffy in a possible sequel to ARMS

Oh, I see where you're coming from now.
Well then yeah, I agree. Luffy should have been ARMS DLC.
So should Plastic Man
And Mr Fantastic
And Evangelion Unit 03

I mean, why not put every stretchy character in the history of fiction into ARMS? It only makes sense.

So basically, you're fucking retarded.

Do those characters have their own games or are popular enough in Japan?
And Im saying this just because special guests aint unlikely nowadays

Splatoon had some Ika Musume outfits right?

Point and laugh at the retard! Hawhahw!

Yup, Mario also did a crossover with Rabbits, and Final Fantasy got some Assassins creed thing

He's still SEETHING over Callie's loss

Why are you getting this mad because someone suggested a crossover?
>And Evangelion Unit 03
Are you an idiot?
Eva 03 doesn't even have stretchy limbs or a body that was all fucking Bardiel's infection augmenting it.

he wants to be loved

I'm completely baffled that Inspector Gadget wasn't in ARMS.
And where the fuck is Jake the Dog?

Come on, Nintendo.

I sure hope it gets a sequel. It's a grand old time.
>Watching Dr.Coyle have a hissy fit like she's 5
>pops Hedlok off like a bike helmet and smashes him into the ground
>"F-fucking faggot, I coulda won! The sun was in my eyes!"
>Teleports away
>Max sails in on the golden sunset