Is he right?

is he right?

he's right. the best game ever made, Mario 64, has almost no story.

Yes, a game needs to be fun to play first and foremost to actually be a good game

Like Carmack would know porn. Whenever the other id guys would throw on a porno when he was deep in programming mode, he would just go "MMMMMMM" and go back to programming.

but mario 64 has the deepest story

Yes and no. It isn't unimportant, but the story should prop up the gameplay, not the other way around.

Would you drop everything you were doing to circlejerk with your co-workers every time they flashed a porno boob in your face?

When has Carmack ever been wrong?

I mean, it’s the polite thing to do

he's 100% right as always. Replayed FFX recently. What does the story add to the game? Absolutely nothing.

Yes; this goes for even RPG's.


Of course. A game with a bad story but good gameplay will always been better then a game with a good story and bad gameplay.

And what about odd RPG's?

tell that To Nu Doom


A game like Nier, one of highly regarded jap games in recent memory, totally disagrees with this


and that is why Nier is not a very good game and why Yoko Taro is a hack

According to whom?

He's wrong.
A game with a shitty story like "save the princess from teh dragon" is shallow, uninteresting, and sexist.
Games need good stories with a diverse cast not only for representation (something the Sup Forumstards would't understand), but to be immersive. Without immersing stories, there is no reason to finish a game out side of "looky at me. I can do wacky things and like this since I'm a manchild".
I'm glad Sony understands this by making Uncharted and TLOU their mascot games. Nintendo and who ever this guy in the op is should learn from Sony and Naughty Dog.

Yes. Look at some of the most popular games ever. Zero story. That isn't to say that including a story is bad, so long as it doesn't detract from the gameplay.

trying too hard

Some of the best stories in video games are the simplest. Why? Because it gives you a reason to get from point A to B, and isn't pretentious about it. Save the Princess. No better story than this.

People are looking at this quote in the wrong way. Story can actually augment porn. Why do you think rule34 is so prominent? Why there's so many fetishes and premises? If context didn't matter then everyone would just fap to manikins. Context adds to the experience.

>Why do you think rule 34 is so prominent?
Because if it exists, there's porn of it.

you overdid it with the cumin, needs to have more subtle flavors

>Story can actually augment porn.
This guy gets it. Cake is good, but the icing makes it better.


id fap to that manikins if it had a big ass

Not every movie is a porn movie, just like not every game is for retards. Wow that was hard to argue against.

have a (you), now go back to tumblr ya faggot

wait, are you pro story or what? I need you to be explicit so I can pick you apart and insult you no matter your stance, but you are just being a vague retard and I cannot work with that

This is blatantly incorrect and spending all your time on muh world and shit is a great way to get your pitch canned, plenty of people have spoken out on that. Meanwhile, pitches in Japan are like eight kinds of fucked and are basically meaningless because their buisness culture is entirely hierarchy based and nonsensical. They're more about convincing whoever that your team can actually make it.

Also this only applies to top level AAA

I mean, you can say the same thing for non-porn movies too. Nearly all of them are vapid garbage.

According to this dude we should've never evolved and still play vidya for scoring. Outdated asshole.

No, because story in porn is important

It can be important for the game just like the story in a porn movie can be an important part of the experience.

This, I've fapped to some very hard hitting fetish concepts with pretty shitty art.

Gameplay is the primary purpose of games, everything else should be secondary to this.

>t. brainlet

Gameplay is the key component, and a game with great gameplay but poor story is still great, but a game with great gameplay and great story is something that will stand the test of time forever.

Which is why most porn is utterly unwatchable, no atmosphere, just wham bam and done, bit like modern games desu

I see we have an intelligent man in the thread.

how it actually goes

>here's a game, here's all the shit you can do, ie bioshock infinite's trailer
>brilliant, make the game
>uhh, consoles are too weak for what we envisioned, it will have to be scaled back

>let's make yakuza but with kenshiro instead

>let's make daytona but with takumi instead

>let's make dynasty warriors but with link instead

Well, films have many moving parts involved. Story, sound, visual, performance, etc. Video games at their core should have good gameplay if that is absent then it's dead on arrival.

Gay bowser

What about Doom?

for the games he was making, yes. different genres demand different levels of story though


Not him but I think there's something to be said for Doom stylistically. The basic plot is throwaway but overall the "non-gameplay elements" do add to the experience. It's not hard to imagine Doom without its themes considering how many Doom reskins were made.

The words of a man that never experienced a good porno story.

M64's story is a fat man manlet doing whatever it takes to get laid for once.

A game doesn't need story to be great and a game doesn't need gameplay to be great. When devs try to shoehorn in something they don't need just because it's "expected" it makes the game worse. Trust in the strength of your gameplay/story to carry it.

Only manchildren that think mario is the pinnacle of gaming would agree.

Story is one of the most important elements of a game.

Unfortunately, "story-heavy" games usually have terrible stories. TLoU, most RPGs (Bioware especially). Games like God Hand which are just about punching people unironically have better stories.

Earthbound was an exploration in "game storytelling" by its award-winning essayist writer. THAT game has a good story. The dialogue is excellent, the plot is good, the characters and locations and the world are solid. And the themes and concepts are incredibly consistent and interesting - "let's make a game about Zen", and then they just explore that idea. Not stupid shit like "oh the bad guy has complex motives hurrr" or "wow this is so politically confusing durr" or "HOLY SHIT GUYS A MAIN CHARACTER JUST DIED ISN'T THAT DEEP?!?!?!?!". Just good writing, good exploration of topic. Exactly what you'd expect from an essayist.

Honestly most story-based games are just embarassing. Look at the Dark Tower books when King tried to adapt Tolkein into a Western setting. Look at how successful he was at capturing his goal, the transformation of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly into a fantasy epic, how he accomplished every one of his goals. That's good fucking writing. And then look at some shit like Dragon Age or TLoU. It's fucking pathetic.

Story's very important to games. Context massively improves anything. The problem is that game writers fucking suck at writing for games.

Nigga you're retarded. You're calling Japan out on something west is just as guilty of.

>Let's make Call of Duty, but in Space

>Let's make Batman Arkham, but in a Desert
>9/10 - IGN

>Let's make Doom, but limit the monsters and slow the game down
>Best game ever - Sup Forums

>Let's rehash another Assassin's Creed.

>Remember platformers? I'm remaking the exact same game you played when you were 10 with a different skin. - 90% of Indie Devs

Was he right?

Just to add on to this, the fact of the matter is that Mario and Animal Crossing and even games like Spelunky with little to no story, they all basically have better stories, better narratives and theming, than just about any AAA trash. Better than Bioware games, better than TLoU, better than GTA, better than whatever the latest Ubisoft trash is (HZD right now?).

Because they simply tell good stories. They understand the amount of detail and framework they need. Story in games is about more than words. It's about themes, it's about events and mechanics.

You are retarded.

He's right about RTS genre.

>PC Gamer

>nintendo games goooooooood, sony games baaaaaaaad
Ok, we get it, no need to pretend.

>game doesn't need gameplay to be great
i wouldn't go that far. it's true though that a game with a good plot can get away with a simple gameplay system

It always makes me roll my eyes when some retard writes paragraph after paragraph just to post what you have pointed out.

I don't watch or read porn unless it has a good story though.

>Mario 64
>best game ever made
>no story

>>let's make yakuza but with kenshiro instead
>>let's make daytona but with takumi instead
>>let's make dynasty warriors but with link instead
All those ideas are great.

At the time, he was. Video games have evolved since he said that.

...too bad id sucks at writing stories.

Command & Conquer is remembered for the story. Cain and the Brotherhood of Nod defined C&C, and it was just some bald-ass dev who was making it horsing around with a shitty camera in the office. Probably WHY the writing was good, actually, vidya gaem writing shit has to go through 20-person "writing workshops" and pass mustard with a publisher marketing committee nowadays.
There was an entire era of shitty RTS games and the only ones you can name out of it anymore are C&C--because of the story aka NOD--and Warcraft because Blizzard had dumbed down overly convoluted RTS mechanics to become accessible for a wider audience. What Blizzard has always done and made a lot of fucking money doing.

What a fucking faggot. I can give you more examples, if you want, games that aren't Nintendo games. God Hand, Devil May Cry, Patapon, Locoroco, Minecraft (yeah fucking Minecraft), Terraria, goddamn motherfucking Pac Man. They all have better stories because they recognize the degree to which they NEED stories, and their stories enable their own identities and reinforce them.

But you've already made up your mind that I'm wrong because I used the wrong buzzwords, so I don't know why I'm bothering.

lmao suck a dick fag


No not even once.

>no story... is a good story...

Okay, let's see if this generates any (you)s

>Should single-player games always be playable offline?
Yes. A single-player experience shouldn't require an online connection to get the full experience of the game. As a personal experience, one of the biggest issues with Hitman 2016 despite being my favorite game that year. Elusive targets are great and all but fucking hell, there's a like a whole wardrobe of suits behind time-limited events and as of recently, now there are some weapon or gear unlocks tied to them as well.

>Do boss battles have a place in modern games?
Of-fucking-course, but that's not to say every game needs them. It's really how the game decides to handle them and what you're playing.

>Is the RTS genre dying?
Maybe? You don't have a whole lot of these kinds of games anymore but that's not gonna stop people from making more of them in the future. Dying isn't the proper term I think here, it's something along the lines of "popularity" or alike.

>Is it ethical to pirate a game you've already paid for?
Sure I guess, you bought the game already and you probably have some sort of reason for using a pirated copy of a game you already own. Unless you start sharing that same pirated copy with everyone you know, you can start to turn some heads your direction. Also doing this sort of practice is pretty elaborate, you must be trying to avoid Denuvo like the plague or hate DRM.

>Should you buy games at launch?
Your money, your rules. I personally buy multi-player games I like on launch and single-player games when they're on sale or have some ultimate edition out.

>All those ideas are great.
Not that idea

Ok Soyboy, I will bite. List the themes of mario and TLOU and compare them.

>why do you think rule34 exists
Soyboys trying to replace their shitty life and friends instead of just fapping to tits and getting to business.

I bet you dont listen to music.

Do you have a vagina? Women are more prone to want to read a story with their porn.

Not the case at all. I listen to music everyday when driving. Spotify, Bandcamp, and Tidal.

He was/is right, the first thing a game should have is good gameplay but videogames have evolved since then, I can't compare the quality of a game back then to the quality of a game right now, and right now I expected BOTH good gameplay and a good story.

But sadly enough videogames became worse at both in most cases.

Here is a (You) because you are very cute.

The themes of Mario are the themes of Mario. It's a story about a plumber that jumps on enemies, saves the princess, and fights a giant turtle. The themes of TLoU are, if I had to summarize, morality, survival, and generally being a high-budget cinematic shooter about a post-apocalyptic world.

Next you'll say something like "exactly mario has no themes", but the fact of the matter is that you're still thinking of it at a high school or even middle school reading level. You shouldn't necessarily be able to simply sum up something's "theme" in one word. Why would that be good writing? Then anyone could write a good story by starting with one word. "This is deep because John is conflicted about shooting Susie to save the world. Morality.". Fucking please.

Good story explores. Good story explains to you why it is important and asks what would happen if the story weren't important. Here's why I'm talking about Earthbound to begin with here. It was an exploration into telling story in games, when the "reader" has full control over who they talk to and is going to be easily bored by just reading line after line of text, years of cinematics.

Literally the opposite of what I'm saying fag.

This was before Mr.Carmack found out about his love for eromanga and h-doujinshi.

>It's a story about a plumber that jumps on enemies, saves the princess, and fights a giant turtle.
>generally being a high-budget cinematic shooter about a post-apocalyptic world.
Those are not themes.

>morality, survival
Extremly superficial view of the themes.

>Next you'll say something like "exactly mario has no themes", but the fact of the matter is that you're still thinking of it at a high school or even middle school reading level.
Even you knew those were not themes and your spinning is pathetic.

>Good story explores.
And mario does not explores anything. unless you are a deepest lore memer.

>Then anyone could write a good story by starting with one word. "This is deep because John is conflicted about shooting Susie to save the world. Morality.".
This is not a single word but a whole sentence. Also this theme alone would not make a good story or even making this sentence more complex is not making it automaticlly good. And here is the difference beetwen mario and TLOU. TLOU has complex themes and the writers had enough brain to bring an interessting story out of it.

>Good story explains to you why it is important and asks what would happen if the story weren't important.
The story is not important in the TLOU its the themes and the characters that make the story of the game great. 80% of the story could be contained with a different premise.