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Honestly the soundtrack in this game was the only thing they didn't fuck up.
I can't believe Kojima stole a mechanic from Deadly Premonition.
I can't believe they wasted sins of the father on a fucking jeep ride. Those trailers were better than the game.
Jesus christ that jeep ride was so goddamn cringe-y.
played us like a damn viola
They used the wrong 'Man Who Sold the World'.
No they used the superior version
It was the best controlling MGS by far.
In context, it's actually the correct choice.
The only superior version is the Nirvana one, you massive scum.
Even motherfucking Bowie loved it
There will never be anything like the pre-release hype train for MGSV in our lifetime ever again
lol this runs at 720p on XBox
And that's it
Plus only sorta, but damn. In 4 you could hang off ledges and shoot people upside down and shit, it was crazy. F
>implying this isn't the best version
>not understanding that they chose the 1980s cover version to signify that you were playing the 1980s cover version of Big Boss
I hated MGS5 until someone online told me to play it like a shooter instead and then the game became much more enjoyable.
I still can't unlock mission 45/46.
>liking the edgy version
that's the fucking point faggot
you need to listen to all of the yellow tapes
David Bowie sucks/sucked.
>It's edgy because Cobain khs
Unironically kys
not an argument
That's only a myth. I barely listened to any tapes and unlocked them just fine.
I have. The only yellow stuff I see now is challenge tasks and the combat ops missions you have to send a squad to that take 2+ hours now...
someone said i need to keep working on mother base, others say i just keep spamming side ops until i'm contacted by kaz.
how do i exile that faggot huey? i heard all the tapes and he seems like a prick.
You suck
You need to build every mother base building and complete every main op and enough side ops.
after seeing the end of V just makes me sad inside. Like, its autistic to feel mad and sad over an ending of a video game, but my mind is fucked that replaying any other MGS game feels off.
the "real" ending or you mean mission 31?
havent touched this game in a while, is there anything new on FOB's?
real ending
Why are there a dozen MGS threads every single day?
if MGS5 wasn't a metal gear solid game it would get a few threads on launch and everyone would forget about it
it's a generic 6/10 open world game that's also unfinished
but kojima drones are just that pretentious and delusional
lol why so mad?
Because it was a free PSN game a couple months back and Survive is coming out soon.
Those things are monsters.
get the fuck out and go back to s4s you fucking faggot
Is portable ops worth playing? Not playing due to story but is it fun in gameplay like MGS3?
That unplugged set was actually the furthest thing from edgy that nirvana ever did. Its that performance that showed the mainstream that they actually had talent and just werent some other shitty garage band.
Worst level design in the series. Instead of fultoning guys, you need to fucking drag them into trucks, which takes several minutes every single time.
goddamn it Kobain was so fucking beautiful.
Too bad they never produced anything else of worth.
This. Except the game has pretty much been forgotten about 'cept for MG Surfife.
>want to try out savemgo for 3
>no good tutorials and heard it was dead
Yah like I wanted to hear fucking Nirvana in my kojima game.
I thought it was fun for what its worth. Its definitely not typical though. If you live in an apartment you can also probably get a bunch of good squad members or whatever they're called just from all the wifi connections in your general vicinity.
I couldn't stand the stupid tank boss fights in peacewalker so i quit.
I've beat all the other mainline MGS games. What did I miss?
Yeah yeah ride the dead musicians dick.
If it being unfinished was intentional then touché, kojima, I played it 2 years ago and I'm still feeling the Phantom pain that should have been a complete game. The medic reveal was clumsy but touché.
If it was unfinished because of konami, then, well, I guess it really doesn't make that big of a difference. I'm fucked up. I can't get it out of my head. I overall enjoyed my time with it, and it's stuck with me (intentionally or not) and that's more than I can say about most games.
You missed out on a perfected PW formula with the dumb bosses removed with an unfinished story.
I loved PO, still play it sometimes on my PSP. Really fun, if you can find a way to play it I say give it a go.
If you drag a knocked out person to a box where another squad mate is, Roy gives you a call and tells you a codec number which automatically captures anybody you drag near your allies box. Areas you can hide in are also marked on the map, so you can drag people you want to capture, then switch characters and then use the radio to have those people captured automatically.
I preferred this to fultoning, because you actually had to move people to certain areas to catch them. You can't just magic them away right where they are.
>only way to S rank missions is to speedrun them or complete most/all of the side objectives
What's the point of the cigar anyway? If you want it to be night you're better off just inserting at 1800 since you're basically screwing yourself out of an S rank by using this thing. The only thing it seems to be good for is sitting in a dumpster for days so you unlock stinky snake and can get the shower cutscene when you go back to mother base.
>What's the point of the cigar anyway?
Fucking around in free roam, including setting time to 1800 in free roam before accepting a Subsistence mission.
I still feel the phantom pain.....
cringiest thing in the whole game, including the jeep ride
how could kojima look at those clock transitions with that sound byte and think "yeah, that doesnt look or sound stupid at all". oh wait its kojima and he loves putting stupid shit in his games, but it's okay because it's tongue in cheek xD
Wait, people still play it online? Are the servers still up?
That's funny, because the soundtrack was one of people's biggest complaints at launch.
Because I'm playing it right now and I can't play more than one game at a time. Behold my power.
I always hear it as "Wo Hai"
Anons can you help me out, what was Sup Forums's general consensus for survive does it look like it will be a good game to play with friends? I only played it for 2 minutes solo.
He smokes cigar's, so he's already a step above Snake, the cuck-soyboy who barely smokes a half a cigarette before needing to put it in a specialized container for his autism.
the entire concept makes it feel like a freemium P2W game. MG are stealth infiltration games how the fuck do you do that in a zombie horde mode. Everything about it is a hot mess.
It the most generic fucking soundtrack of any MGS.
*puffs up*
Yeah let me just hit this sweet fat one
*takes a few puffers*
Dude is le time going fast xdddD
I don't think I've used that mechanic myself. What was the point?
Sometimes I sit in the chopper and just feel with Snake.
>the based
DP stole it from Mizzurna Falls
The game really did well immersing you.
Now if only there was shit to do in maps. I still kinda miss MGS4's movement mechanics
>I preferred this to fultoning, because you actually had to move people to certain areas to catch them. You can't just magic them away right where they are.
I mean, that's what you do too with non-wormhole fulton.