Just bought this, what game should I get first?

Just bought this, what game should I get first?

Other urls found in this thread:


Splatoon 2

xenoblade chronicles 2



if dubs troll and me

Super Mario Odyssey. Not quite SM64 levels of fun brokenness, but up there.

wife's son 2

I had a wii u but never played splatoon, Is 2 a good starting point?

The 2 games I'm currently looking at

I never had a Wii U either and Splatoon 2 has so far been fine
It's mostly a multiplayer fps so playing the previous one doesn't seem to matter much, it has a campaign but it's not very long

Get BotW if you want a GOTYAY.

Buy Vaccine and Tallowmere if you're poor and want games that randomly generate so you can replay them infinitely. NOTE: VACCINE DOES NOT JUST "END" WHEN YOU COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVE.

Other than that I recommend Specter of Torment. Buying it separately from Shovel Knight is a Switch exclusive option, so you get a cool icon to boot and can fence sit if you're not sure that you want the whole trilogy. On top of this Shovel Knight is not available physically yet so you can't go wrong.

Thanks for the input.

I just made a list of the top current and upcoming switch games, am I missing something?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Metroid Prime 4
Bayonetta 1-2-3
Dark Souls Remastered
Dragon Quest XI
Kirby Star Allies

Almost all ports. A WiiU and PS4 would have been cheaper and had more games.

ARMS is good but it's a game that you either get into or don't, so I get why most people don't like it. I have matches with friends almost every week and it's great

Except I'm looking for a portable, not a home console.

What about the 5 games that aren't ports or multiplats know there?

please dont come into threads just to shitpost thanks

I've been wondering, would Metroid Prime 4 have the Wiimote type controls or just buttons? I can only see it being just buttons or both options.

Almost forgot about arms! I'll add it to my list

play splatoon with me

smtV is slotted to come out late this year (supposedly)

Can be gotten when switch is 50% off and has actual games.

Cry more cunt. Switch sucks.

>Tropical Freeze was 50 bucks at launch
>20 dollars now
>I got it for fucking free from Club Nintendo when it was shutting down
>60 bucks on Switch
This is a port that I wanted the Switch to have because I loved the game but that price is super retarded.

sanic mania


>switch is 50% off
>nintendo selling at a loss

Don't play splatoon 2 with /ink/.

Dark Souls remastered

Only buy Switch when it's hacked and you can get all the games for free.

It could be either but I'm guessing more traditional controls

Does the switch use friend codes or usernames now? And can you send messages etc.

Nice. I will check it out


I dunno how it was b4 but it uses friend codes
Also I think it's still lacking a message system until 4.0 firmware update whenever that is

Golf Story

Has Been Heros is great if you like roguelites, I recommend it.

/ink/ is full of creepy pedos

user.. I mean it's really Nintendo's fault.....

Your money back.

NEVER, EVER get golf story, devs are in full shill advertising mode.
No, seriously, check the archive and see how in every "eshop games, I have $x to spend, etc" thread they just say how good it is, but make no mistake, its a shitty "muh lol so random wacky story" tumblr tier rpg with tacked on golf elements, if you really like golf games, never get this shit.

>he hasn't played the best wiiu/switch game

Wtf is wrong with you

Mario Rabbids is pretty good if you like that type of game.

no more heroes at some point

Will check those out

I sold my Wii U in early 2015 just before splatoon came out, I probably would've bought it if I still had it

Xenoblade 2
splatoon 2
Mario Odyssey
img.fireden.net/v/image/1516/74/1516745234563.png Does anyone know who they are?

>New NMH game will come back in our lifetime
I'm upset that I'm the only one orgasmically excited about this.

Nah I'm right there with you. NMH1 might be my favorite game ever, I flipped shit when I saw this was announced.

Lurker here, your not alone

Who the fuck buys a console without any games? Are you fucking retarded op?

for eshop games excluding multiplats

Golf Story
Super Beat Sports
Floor Kids
Earth Atlantis
MHXX (or import, eshop is easier)
Mice and Sand (former 3ds game)
Gunvolt games
Ambition of the Slimes

I hope you're lying considering I bought it three days ago but haven't been feeling fell enough to start a new game.

Very sweet looking console you got there user. I would recommend getting this little game called "Skyrim". You see my uncle from nintendo helped port it over, and it's a really good game, you should buy it... buy "Skyrim" for the switch right now as a matter of fact. Its that good.

If it was a good game you would be playing it already.

My absolute favorite thing about the Switch dominating is how Sonyboys are now forced to fucking shill for the Wii U in hopes people will buy that instead of a Switch.

Actually I haven't started any of the games I hadn't already played before just because I like to concentrate at the beginning of games to get a feel for their direction. I can't do that right now considering my combined jaw pain and sinus pain.

i'm very excited as well


So here's a question.
If I buy Bayo 2 (physical) while overseas, it comes with a code for Bayo 1 via eshop. Would that mean I would have to create an account for said country to get Bayo 1 code to work or should it work with any eshop?

More than likely you'll need the country account. Once you set that up though it'll probably won't be a hassle.

My absolute favourite thing about this board is how people think there's a legitimate conspiracy between one console being more popular than the other and forcing themself into this deluded state of thinking it's bigger than it actually is.

Guys, I just bought a $300 console. now, what do I do with it?

Cum in the charging port

post wojacks on Sup Forums for eternity

Maybe both? Gamecube controls on handheld, motion controls on TV

Before you say anything, check the picture and fuck off nigger

>ignoring Xenoblade 2
Do you have a soyboy beard?

>only 3 games and a demo so far

Did you just buy it?

Last October, stock here has been shit. Managed to snag the Mario Odyssey bundle from some low-key back alley electronics store.

Sounds shady.

Third world I guess?

Might as well share my collection though it is missing a number of titles that I've added recently.

Nah, small Canadian city. I also don't have a huge amount of money plus a lot of the Switch's current library hasn't been appealing. Might snag Splatoon 2 on my next check though.

Soy Adventure 2: Return to the Soyverse

Was thinking of getting this while waiting for Bayo and Kirby, any good having never played a xcom game before

Skyrim is unironically one of the best fully featured (read, non eshop shovelware) games you can buy for the console. I hate skyrim.

>shittier version of multiplats
>indie gaymes
Jesus this is actually pathetic.

>hating on non-AAA games
>hating on NEO GEO
>hating on differing multiplat versions

You need to re-evaluate your tastes.

Unless you're a child, then I can understand why you don't appreciate the goods and would rather taste ONLY AAA garbage.

No matter what your question was, user, the thread is now irrelevant. You posted something Switch related, so enjoy all the shitposting, falseflagging and wojaks kids will start throwing here

Why do people always buy shit before knowing what to do with it?
Honestly, that much stupidity should be bannable.

I mean seriously, I wouldn't even suggest my go to console of choice as blindly as people buy shit.

>hating on non-AAA games
>hating on NEO GEO
I was expecting this response, the thing is there's literally no reason to buy a fucking switch to play these lmao.

ARMS might be cool, Overcooked and Snipperclips are must buys if you have someone to play them with, FE:W is fun if you're into musou

As was I expecting your eloquent remarks lad.

Enjoy your poor taste while I savour my finely developed one.

user, everything can be a reason for someone. Just because your stupid kiddie ass doesn't see what's nice about having a strong portable console that also has some nice smaller or retro games doesn't mean everyone should. You're literally spending your fucking time coming to threads that obviously aren't for you, just to shit them up - how fucking sad can your life be?

Dark souls remastered will be on it