Red Dead Redemption 2

Are you hyped for this?

I'm cautiously optimistic

>console trash
no lmao

Very. The first one is among my all time favorites. I doubt the story will be as great, but I think the game will be fantastic all the same.

>console only
Nah. Thought they'd make it for PC as well considering the fucking enormous success of GTA V but I guess not. I ain't buying a fucking Xbox to play it.

>being poor

lmaoing @ your life hahaha

if it came out on xbox, wouldnt it also be available on the windows 10 store?

Remember: never ever

I'm still a win7 far, my man.

.....fuck off

well sucks for you i guess
either dual boot to a windows 10 partition or get a ps4

windows 10 is as much a computer operating system as the android x86 port

Or just don't buy it. I'll vote with my wallet, cheers.

No, because RDR1 was trash.

>getting a ps4
lmao no way fag

compared to what? the only games that come close are call of juarez and gun

The teaser had me more hyped than the actual trailer, honestly, I'm still somewhat excited though, I won't buy it on release because the jews at rockstar think their games are somehow worth 40% more, fuck that. For all I care R2D2 comes when it drops to at least $60



I want to be hyped but fear for incoming soulless GTAesque microtransactions and Rockstar spending too much time and focus on awful multiplayer.

i was somewhat disappointed by how rough the animations looked and the story shown in the trailer doesnt really interest me so far, but i enjoy pretty much every single rockstar game and i loved both rdr and redemption so yeah

>buffalo cards

The best case scenario would be that microtransaction shit stays on multiplayer and be similar to GTA V

I'm hype that red dead redemption is finally getting that sequel but scared how much they'll try to monetize and prioritize online play.

In my eyes, GTAV single player falls apart by the last act, and it shows they shifted all their attention on GTA Online near the end.

Without getting too far into it (because I argue about this all the time here) RDR and GTA are easily the two most boring games/franchises out there. Rockstar does nothing but copy-paste their content. I could go on but even arguing over it is boring.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion but Rockstar fans are so far up their own ass about this shit that they aren’t willing to hear criticism. It’s like talking to a fucking wall. I sit here and take and understand criticism about the shit I like just fine but as soon as someone talks shit about Rockstar it’s the end of the fucking world. Their fans are more cancerous than Bethesda fans, honestly.