I pity them

Imagine being forced to make exactly the same game over and over and over because that's the only good thing you ever did.

Dark Souls classic
Dark Souls
Dark Souls sea breeze edition
Dark Souls remaster
Dark Souls victorian edition
Dark Souls aztec edition

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It's so pathetic every time a discussion about From Software comes up and you fags have to make it abundantly clear you never heard of them before Dark Souls. Go ahead and pop open Wikipedia. Take a look at the number of Armored Core games.

They have similar core mechanics, wow that’s all

forgot Dark Souls skyrim edition

why would you change perfection

From does this with all of their franchises, newfag

Five King's Field games. 20 Armored Core games. Yeah, man. Yeah.

Armored Core is shit retroactively given praise by hipsters who don't want people knowing they grew up on AAA consoleshit like MGS and Halo.

Tenchu SA was the real deal, second best stealth game in 98 behind Thief.

>Armored Core is shit
>AAA consoleshit like MGS and Halo.
Hoo boy you're really not worth speaking to, sweetie. Sayonara.

>recycle assets
>not have to start from scratch
>get praised everywhere for it
>easy design document
I'm not really seeing the downside for the developer. But hey I loved some classic Armored Core back on PS1, sorta left mechwarrior for gundam as it went on but still not bad just aimed at a difference audience.

>Conceding your a poser bitch by defending movieshit and dudebro garbage

Try to seem like you actually played the games when you're doing your contrarian shitposting.

i am sure miyazaki is wiping away his tears with fat stacks of yen bills

wow you knew about them before their most popular game ever? you're so cool bro! at last you are not a loser anymore and have achieved something of significance.

i just want chromehounds back

The sad thing is, the games aren't even that good. I played all the souls games, 3 came out, I didn't even try it. I'm so tired of the games, they're so uninteresting. Here's a boss, time to learn 3-4 attack patterns and spam roll for 5 minutes.

The lore is 10% complete, the rest is literally 'lol whatever you imagine xd'
The game has literally no appeal other than the challenge. And the game is only ever challenging if you gimp yourself with a meme build on purpose and/or don't use summons.

Games all used to be along the same difficulty lines as Souls, it was just expected of games to be challenging. Now games are either challenging for the sake of being challenging and nothing else, or complete braindead 'follow the quest markers xd' shitfests.
Game design is not a thing anymore. And because of the new internet/streatmer/youtube generation, these 'difficult' games all get a lot of traction.


I pity you being a PC newfag and thinking FromSoft's only interesting franchise is Souls.

Is it ever going to come back? God I miss AC

Imagine making lots and lots of money.

Tryhard freshfag spotted


I miss it so much...

>post 3rd generation
i don't know mate you can emulate the goods for free

This is unironically the best game From Software ever made.

You and me brother, I miss playing retarded builds, like banzai mech with the blade cannons in a scout frame
Fun times

What's the aztec edition supposed to mean?

is it actually good and not just nostalgia bait

I pity them too, all that money must be hard to carry.

If you do something well should you stop doing it just for the sake of trying to appease some asshole who doesn't like it to begin with?

Armored Core on the PS2 was great.

they dont remake the assets every time, they just fix up the code so it runs well on other hardware. are you really that dumb? or...

you didn't answer my question
was armored core 1 good?

Never played it.

They should be used to it


That's not Master of Arena

i liked the customization in the armored core games and the gameplay is pretty fun like dragonball fighting games style of fighting. i say its a good game yea. i never played all the armored core games except 2 of them and they were fundamentally the same with just graphical updates

They're all garbage games though.

Don't pretend that the King's Field games are good. I love them but you in order to enjoy them you need to be a masochist. Not a "this game is so hard, I love it" masochist but a "this game is so bad, I love it" masochist.

>picked up armored core 2 as a kid because I loved robots and mecha (still do)
>the environments are gigantic, making you feel like your mech is puny
>moves like it's on fucking roller skates and every enemy you fight is the same size as you

ZoE was the same shit. I'm sure they're good games, but it was disappointing to realize that they could've swapped the mechs with an exosuit and it would feel exactly the same.

They did make Ninja Gaiden: Not Bullshit edition, but only three people bought it.

Yeah no the amount of QTE's was bullshit and the rewind effect got nauseating

I cant believe the same people who made AC or Souls made this shit.

I dont exactly pity them considering they made mad bank on souls, but i feel a little sorry that they finally tasted success with it, and now they have to choose between either keep milking the undead cow and stay relevant and popular or return to their roots or try something new, most likely fail (because let's be honest, none of their previous series were that big, at best they were decently "niche") and go back to their obscurity and low budget for games.

Even worse that the possibility of kadokawa who owns them now start breathing down their necks for more souls in case their new projects bombs. It's shitty but that's the price you pay for popularity.

it's not natural to want to be a towering death machine so I'm glad that it's a niche market

Imagine being that retarded.

>thinks NB's QTEs were bullshit
I've got news for you son...

It's not good, Armored Core doesn't get good until 3 and it stops being good at For Answer.

I played it for the first time last year and it easily became my favorite PS1 game. Not nostalgia bait, but you do have to get used to controls that don't offer analog. Thankfully you can remap them any way you want.

idiot, they dont give a fuck theyre rich. theyll gladly churn out the same product as long as you peasants keep buying. they print money bitch



They used to make some nice games back in the day, I've always loved some Kings Field, and Shadow Tower, but I don't think that shit would fly today.

>Armored Core

>Armored Core: Project Phantasma
Great extension of original game

>Armored Core: Master Of Arena
Good but felt repetitive at points

>Armored Core 2
Next-gen upgrade but fell flat in many areas, such as enemies were not satisfying to destroy and the HEAT mechanic

>Armored Core 2: Another Age
Expansion on 2, but got tiring quicky. One cool thing about it was the nostalgia bosses

>Armored Core 3
Huge overhaul and improvement over 2, and added neat stuff like exceed orbit cores

>Armored Core 3: Silent Line
One of the best in the whole series, and a god-tier theme

>Armored Core: Nexus
Good but had some issues, also nerfing many machine guns and some of the remake old missions were not executed that well

I did not get to play the following couple but I found that 4 didnt feel like it was armored core anymore and I hated the post-process effects. Heard For Answer was real good, and then heard that V was terrible.

Can someone tell me about it because I missed it in its entirety.

Not as sad as posting the same shit over and over without anyone even forcing you to.

Came here to post this.

The distorted xbox microphone voices with this playing is all coming back to me.




>any good

Isn't this the "stealth" game where you can madly run to the end of the map through 9 out the 10 maps without stealth at all since the enemies are slower than you and the game objective is simply going from point A to point B?
