What are you looking forward to the most in Star Allies? What are you hoping for? Is there anything from past Kirby games you'd like to see return?
What are you looking forward to the most in Star Allies? What are you hoping for...
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Can someone give me the rundown on Star Allies? Is it a proper mainline title?
Yeah, it's a mainline game. What made you think otherwise?
Other than Plugg, what characters are you guys going to make your allies when possible?
gimme a Spear, Leaf, and Tornado rep
Can we stop with the shitty memes and bring her back for once?
Make her the final boss, for all I care. She doesn't even have to live afterwards, just don't phase her out.
The artist ability will say something like "This ability gives you the powers of a certain artist girl" and that's all you're going to get.
>Make her the final boss
No that would be retarded. A regular boss would be cool if she finds a Demon Heart.
Those ability fusion looks fun to use, and I'm still curious on how expansive the overworld is going to be plus the requirements to get the alternate route unlocked. I like to see the ability museums back from Adventure. I hope they'll make a final boss that will top Star Dream.
My man Bugzy
Poppy Bros Jr, like I always do.
Dedede commissions an ice scupture
And hey, speaking of "shit that will never leave Japan..."
waddle dee cosplaying cards?
/ourboy/ gim obviously
I think a better question is: what is your helper team?
Yfw the final boss is unleashed by magolor being a power hungry dick weed again
doing this
just got it 2 minutes ago
Didn't he move onto being a money-hungry dickweed instead?
more of this
that was an alternate world magolor, dream kingdom is another world.
You know, with the whole heart aesthetic of this game it’d be cool to see Ripple Star again.
that would be cool but I have a feeling they got the idea of hearts from another game.
Yariko, the best spear enemy in the series.
Or the Love-Love Stick.
That makes more sense, yeah. I haven’t played Dreamland 3
Which Helper gave you the most trouble?
>Daroach Dee
>Marx Dee
Glad to know they haven't forgotten about them.
i wanna say chilly
definitely had the most rough starts with him and he slides all over the place
plus his best attack, super ice sprinkle is one of his riskiest
You should give it a try some of the puzzles can be a little cryptic at times though.
>tfw no one to play multiplayer with
These three. Como (spider), Plugg (plasma), and Broom Hatter (clean). If King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Adeleine are additional helpers, then I would have to go Parasol Waddle Dee, Adeleine, and King Dedede.
Do we know if there will be online multiplayer? Genuinely curious, I know it hasn't been done before in Kirby but I feel like now would be a good time for it.
>Everything about Francisca is looking to be Susie 2.0
Hal isn't even being subtle about it, either. How lazy.
This isn't even her final form.
I mean we predicted that Susie was going to be the victim just like Taranza was when Robobot first revealed her until we found out that it was really her father who suffered the most and she was really an ice cold bitch who mostly got away with her action.
There's actually two other mages like her, so they might be pulling a bait-and-switch by making her seem more important than she really is.
Why haven't they made a new addition to the cast that's actually good since Magolor? And they don't even use Magolor.
If you mean good as in someone you can interact with then I agree with ya. But Magolor didn't leave that much of an impression to me, that goes to Taranza and Sectonia personally.
Taranza is just Bug Magolor. Susie is Girl magolor. Franny is Girl Magolor 2. How about a character with a unique presence and design?
there isn't, which is fucking dumb, there's no mention of it anywhere
And magolor is marx with hands
Eh it's not that big of a deal honestly.
Marx is designed and presented pretty differently than Magolor, even though they were both deceivers. Magolor looks kind of like this guy though.
Online multiplayer would not work in a co-op 2D platformer, unless it's the kind where you take turns.
i'm upset, since when returns came out i was still in college so i brought my wii and i played with a bunch of friends and we had a blast
Magolor fools you into helping him rebuild a ship he stole and defeat a dragon to obtain the ultimate means of power which later takes control of him in the final battle. Taranza is first seen as the antagonist of the story, but he serves Sectonia who he admires. However he was betrayed and later helps you out taking out the queen for good. Susie was seen as a secretary who supposedly loves working for the Haltmann Works Company, but secretly conspired to backstab her father and his business by stealing the mother computer. There are differences in character, although I agree that they should create a different design other than another limbless character.
why is sakurai so afraid to make a kirby rpg
because he no longer works on Kirby you dope, I don't think he even wants to work on smash these days either.
HAL should make a sequel to both Arcana and Alcahest tbqh famalam
>Is it a proper mainline title?
user, 95% of Kirby games are mainline, with the non mainline being some random games like Pinball Land and Air Ride.
It's like to ask if a Zelda game is a mainline Zelda game.
An actually challenging game for once.
Bring her back together with Zero 2 ina real sequel to Kirby 64, make it for the Switch using the same engine from Star Allies, improving everything from is, expetially the ability fusion mechanics.
Every other Kirby game is a spin-off you fat faggot.
i cant even understand what are you trying to say.
Zero should continue to be put out of his misery but a direct Kirby 64 sequel would be cool.
There are 12 main Kirby games (including Star Allies), 17 spin-offs, 2 remakes, and 1 compilation game.
>12 main games
>Kirby's Dream Land
>Kirby's Adventure
>Kirby's Dream Land 2
>Kirby's Dream Land 3
>Kirby Super Star
>Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
>Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
>Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
>Kirby: Canvas Curse
>Kirby: Squeak Squad
>Kirby Super Star Ultra
>Kirby's Epic Yarn
>Kirby Mass Attack
>Kirby's Return to Dream Land
>Kirby: Triple Deluxe
>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
>Kirby: Planet Robobot
>Kirby Star Allies
I counted 18 of them, and yes, Canvas Course and similar game are mainline and canon.
>>Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
>>Kirby Super Star Ultra
>>Kirby: Canvas Curse
>>Kirby's Epic Yarn
>>Kirby Mass Attack
>>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
>Canvas Course and similar game are mainline and canon.
Canon yes (Canvas Curse anyway), mainline no. They're mostly made by B-teams or different developers.
Who makes the keychains in Triple Deluxe? Is there a character we don't know about?
Not him, but I believe that the mainline games are the ones that have traditional gameplay as opposed to the ones that are played very differently. Either way, the recent games have made references to all of their spinoffs except Avalanche.
It's never explained, you just have to roll with it.
The hardest boss to ever do a no ability run, along with Mecha Kracko. Thank god for tornado.
Post the links
>suise was an ice cold bitch
No the translation only makes it seem that way
Suise just wanted to open hatlman’s eyes and see what was right in front of him
I hope they chill out with the gimmicks that slow down the game to a snail's pace.
In Return, it was the super abilities.
In TD, it was the hyper absorbing.
In Robobot it was somewhat alleviated, but I wanna play as Kirby in a Kirby game, not as a robot.
>What are you looking forward to the most in Star Allies?
Deep discounts
This guy
SeeAbout suzie
Adeleine and Daroach are the only truly cool additions to the main cast after Meta Knight, and they were dropped form the cast altogether not long after being introduced. I wanna see the Squeaks' hideout, and I want to revisit Adeleine's palace.
It could be a translation error, but Susie stealing the program controller from Haltmann's head while he questioned her action doesn't seem to help her case.
This is the best possible squad, just saying
This is Shinya Kumazaki, he has been directing the games of the Kirby Renaissance. Say sometging nice about him.
i like his daughter's drawings
>not Gim, Bio Spark, and Buggzy
Do you even Super Star?
did anyone enjoy this?
>Axe Knight not playable
>Soldiers get Spear ability but Bandana doesnt
>That cat is Star Dream
let me help with that
>that cat is dead
>that cat is dead
>fire vs ice
>fighter vs suplex
>jet vs wing
>spark (rtdl) vs plasma (kssu)
>suplex vs beetle
>archer vs bomb
>circus vs magic
>stone vs metal
>Waiu will never come back
>Efreeti will never come back
>Master Green will never come back
more drawings from Kumazaki + his daughter
>Kumazaki is a gijinka fag
I-I don't know what to say about this discovery
No, they're trainers that resemble their Pokemon, look at what the girl drew too.
possibly a lolicon too if you want to read into this piece of art
zubat girl is also holding a pokeball
>What are you looking forward to the most in Star Allies?
Ability combos returning
What are you hoping for?
It isn’t half assed like squeak squad
Is there anything from past Kirby games you'd like to see return?
Leaps from amazing mirror
I want someone else to try directing a game now, preferably someone that likes platformers.
That would be nice since I have no irl friends who would be down to play Kirby with me
Would be fun to play with Sup Forums though