So are you buying Pyra's new figure, Sup Forums?
So are you buying Pyra's new figure, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying figs ever
Why would i willingly waste hundreds of bucks on something that provides nothing for me or something i can derive no entertainment from?
Too anime. Not interested.
>He doesn't lick his figurines while masturbating.
>licking something drenched in semen
>He doesn't eat his own cum to save electricity.
Grow the fuck up. Take responsibility.
Said your mom
>posting a pic of Pyra from behind
that's a sin
how do her titties look?
>not wanting a 3D representation of your waifu in you home for as long as you like
I thought 3D was PD.
Care to explain yourself?
why is she the only monado without moonrunes
I thought about it, but I can't bring myself to buy PVC figures. You can't even pose them.
You could lick a real girl with the money these figs cost.
Sorry but I don't do waifus, anime girls are nothing but sluts to me that i fap to when I'm horny, I have no attachment to one.
mythra >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pyra
3D anime/vidya girls > anime/vidya girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRL girls
>claims to not "do" waifus
>posts on Sup Forums
Figurines are for girls.
i'm considered a normie by any standard and i've thought about buying these just to show off to my weeb friends but i'm afraid of it getting hot in the place and they'll start sagging or some shit or my kids will get into them somehow
Yes? I shitpost about vidya here. I don't see me not having waifus is related. End of the day they're nothing but sluts anyways.
If they made amiibo like this I would buy them.
I'm really tempted. Were it Nia I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
which one broke your heart user?
Her tiddies aren't big enough and worse still she's going to have horrible balance issues standing on one leg (or look dumb on a separate peg supporting that retarded hover leg).
imagine that shit being dropped, fuck that shit
Vidya buyfag thread? This has a really nicely sculpted body for a Figma, but holy shit that face. I guess it's kinda faithful to Itagaki's stuff but I always hated the faces in his games.
Just realized Mythra's Japanese name is Hikari, the same as Dawn's from Pokemon D/P/Pt
Speaking of Dawn, when is she getting her figure? Are they waiting for Nintendo to unveil the D/P remakes and her possible redesign?
buy some Berserk then.
>Why would i willingly waste hundreds of bucks on something that provides nothing for me
It provides you a boner when you look at it
I'm buying this instead.
What are you, poor?
Isn't it sold out everywhere by now?
Much better than buying DLC, MTX, etc.
*inhales sword*
Doesn't say that it is
Preorders open till end of April.
Ass needs to be bigger.
>200 USD
>20k JPY
No. If it was around or below 12k, I would consider it.
I like Mythra more anyways.
Despite Sup Forums conplaining about tsundere's, a vast majority still ended up picking Mythra over Pyra. Sup Forums is apparently tsundere for tsundere's.
It's a tossup.
Pyra is no joke with the skindentation and boob/naval mesh.
But the blonde with the partly see through dress got to me more.
when did figures get so expensive?
I remember 1/8s were about 6800-7800yen when I still bought them.
Oil prices drove plastic prices up, and consumers have less purchasing power these days thus there's less figures getting sold. Gotta gouge the customers they have left to make up for it.
Do you like SoF?
Why do I find this so arousing? I'm not gay.
I'd love to have it but it's expensive as shit. I would consider it for a Poppi one tho.
definitely not worth 200 bucks with that shitty face, if mythra comes ill buy her though
The face is a little off, and as a rule I don't buy any figures that don't have visible panties.
Kinda tempted to, but honestly I haven't even played the game yet. My dick says yes, but my brain says that's fucking retarded when I don't even know the character.
reddot fuck off holy shit
>be gunplafag
>Camilla statue announced
>buy it since I import anyways, might as well
>Femui Figma too
>Down the line, MP3 Samus is shown, preorder that
>turns out Cynthia from pokemon has a statue, pick that up with the Samus.
>see that Oda Non made a statue, pre-order that
>see a blue skinned succubus statue, preorder that
>the slippery slope is real
>mfw I'm not even displaying these until I get my own place
Why didn't I listen?
Her name is Homura, faggot.
Also, figfags deserve the gas.
Mythra grows more than Pyra as a character, and is far more useful gameplay-wise, so you naturally spend more time with her.
I still chose Pyra because I wanted her to stay relevant
Ass needs to be firmer
Now I just hope that my waifu gets more figures.
Probably, since they skipped over her in favor of the gen 5 girls.
man i was super hyped for this but whats up with that sideboob seam?
Figmas are generally made with lower quality compared to scales
>eat da poopoo analogy
I know this is going to be difficult, but you need to learn her name already, you fucking dubfag.
I really hate Xenoblade's character designs so no.
I buy a few figures though. I have a couple Persona 4 figmas, and that pack of mini Kirby figures. I have statues of Nagito and Junko from Danganronpa also.
But I really want a good 2B figure, and pic related.
Typical flat but flabby anime ass.
>Play Arts
>Max Factory
>literally anything by Good Smile that isn't from the Figma/Nendo lines
Someone call for a miracle?
You're gay, user.
>possible redesign
>mfw when they get rid of the microskirt
>her ass is all fat and soft
Man I just buy 1/4 FREEING bunnies
>a vast majority still ended up picking Mythra over Pyra
To help create ambience and to make your house feel lived in and not bland and depressing. The same reason why people buy paintings, decorative rugs, and potted plants.
Where do I get webms of cum on figures
I have figures because I'm awful with money.
If anything they make my place even more depressing.
What kind of ambiance does a big boobie anime girl plastic figurine create?
Hopes and dreams for wonfes?
On the same level of everyone who talked about wanting the nendoroid of that fucking hamster. When the meme passes, regret is going to sink in hard.
Real girls taste bad. Not fun to lick.
Pathetic. Drink more water.
I thought you said Pyrrha
Considering they launched the May one with the redesign of ORAS, and the jumped to 5th gen, I'm pretty sure that the Dawn one exists, but they can't reveal it, nor start production, since surely has the design of the remakes of DP. I have a wet dream that, if the remakes are launched for the Switch, there would be a collector's edition with the figure of Dawn, but doubt ever happens.
Well, they didn't got rid of May spats, so I don't think they will change the skirt.
>Wanting a Dawn redesign after May's with ORAS.
She deserves a better figure. Also Velvet.
I never said I wanted one...
>a vast majority still ended up picking Mythra over Pyra.
no. if it weren't the fact she is OP ingame as fuck we wouldn't even touch her.
It's funny, I love traps but I can't stand Astolfo.
>buying statueshit
>showing the back and not the front
No, but ill buy a Pandoria figure if one ever comes out. My hopes arent high though.
>not being an assman
Shut up Erica and start doing work that's worth being paid for.
Where's the figurine of the cat?