Well that was anticlimactic

Well that was anticlimactic

The joke is that he aint the final boss. Youre not done.

The joke is that the actual final boss is even worse.

No, the real joke is that he's supposed to be a super badass sith lord who can kill everyone using the force, but he's basically useless against you because he can't feed off you. He's a living embodiment of what Kreia criticizes, someone who is so dependent on the force that they're useless without it.

That's the problem when a boss being shit works on the lore level but is disappointing on the gameplay level. I feel like this is sort of like Gwyn from DaS.

wait until you get to the actual ending. It's a fucking joke. I don't why people suck this games dick so much, It is barely finished even with the mod and only about half the cast is written well. And well developed characters on there own does not make a game good.

>I don't why people suck this games dick so much
Retards with shit taste who watched a 2 hour long youtube video to justify their unfinished game.

>player character gets retardedly strong around the halfway point, making the latter half of the game trivial

Why the FUCK has no one made a rebalance mod for kotor 2 yet?

Cut content. He was supposed to kill off a lot of your followers (all force sensitive). The character you had with the most affinity towards you would make a self sacrifice ala Darth Vader and finish him off.
The final planet would have been a masterpiece. The droids would fight eachother off. The BH and the wookie would fight eachother off (only partly cut for some reason). The Mandalorian and the Zabrak would fight it off. The whole name-sake of the game that is sith lords (you and your party) who would eventually turn on eachother was cut cut cut. Half the game was cut.

is this restored in the mod or nah?

Stand back, my dude. I got this.

no, all that mod does is add more shitty and broken events to an already shitty and broken game

I want to assfuck her mouth

It's the only star wars rpg and it has some cool quests and dialogues every now and then.

>only star wars rpg
How retarded are you? How did you even learn to post?

word word WORD

>all those needless loading screens followed by short expository dialogue sequences
>those scenes on board the shuttles during the telos surface stages
>the added dialogue when kreia confronts atris that completely changs the game's story
>all the noticable added voice acting
>that jedi added to the enclave ruins on dantooine
>remaking "movie" scenes (e.g. sion arrives at peragus, visas heads off to kill you) into in-game cutscenes with awkward transitions and can no longer be skipped
>all the combat sequences on nar shadaa (which in addition to crippling the pacing of the planet, also adds a huge chunk of exp into the game, meaning your characters get game breakingly strong even earlier than usual)

the only good restored content is the new dialogue/party interactions on the ebon hawk, the rest of it is awful or inconsequential

What are the other non-kotor rpgs out there?

KOTOR 1, TOR, Galaxies.

>It's the only star wars rpg

Excuse me? Where do you think kotor got its crunch from?

>one kotor game
>two mmos

Huh, I guess you were the retarded one all along, what a surprise.


>tells me KOTOR 2 is the only star wars rpg
>MMORPG's are, for some retarded reason, not RPGs
Go back to grad school bucko

I thought it was just D&D 3rd edition

Yeah, I was glad to see some of the stuff that was cut, but it was obvious most of it was cut for a very good reason. There are so many instances in the RCM that just add fight after fight after fight. If you don't have a Jedi with Force Lightning, you're going to be doing the same fight for weeks. Even with Force Lightning, it's still boring and repetitive.

I eventually just had to run past all the HK-50s in the factory, because it was taking a million years to kill them.

>he thinks that MMOs are real RPGs
No wonder you don't like KOTOR 2, brainlet.

Because MMORPGs are MMORPGs, not RPGs

No, Kotor 1 and 2 run on WotC's Star Wars d20 series, before it was replaced by Star Wars Saga Edition. It's why force users are so broken in Kotor 1/2, because the d20 was heavily in favor of them until Saga Edition was replaced by FFG Star Wars which decided to FINALLY balance shit.

Ah yes, one of those typical damage control post where you'll pretend single player story based RPGs and mmorpgs are totally the same genre of game because there's rpg in the name.

Have fun pretending

What about MMOs on an RP server?

It is. It runs on the D20 system which is the core of D&D3 rules exported for a universal use.

To be fair, Galaxies is dead and TOR is in the KotOR series while also being total shit.

KotOR 1 and 2 actually are the only two good Star Wars video game rpgs you can actively play, which is kind of crazy to think about.

>Force power save DC is determined by level and TWO different stat mods
I always thought that was wacky, I chalked that up to them just wanting to make the main character feel powerful. Is it like that in the tabletop too?

>KotOR 1 and 2 actually are the only two good Star Wars video game rpgs you can actively play
>video game
Oh fine. But everyone should play anyway

>the old non-canon video games are better than the movies

Shit, your party crashing on a doomed planet, turning on and killing each other sounds fucking rad.

Well the tabletop always has point costs in character creation so you've never going to make a character on the level of Revan/The Exile without several campaigns under their belt.

do you even have two brain cells to rub together soyboy
>asks for a role playing game in the star wars universe
>give him a role playing game set in the star wars universe that just so happens to have multiplayer.
And for some reason that just doesn't make it an RPG anymore?

>lmao it’s an rpg, it just so happens to have multiplayer
sudoku you are self


Like potery.

Oh for sure, I'm just comparing it an equivalent level wizard in my head and having casting that scales with TWO stats in 3.0 seems outrageous to me. I'm going to check out this pdf I found and maybe foist this on my group, thanks! I didn't know about this.

t. butthurt faggots that are to retarded to figure out what the acronym MMORPG stands for

reminder that peragus had no cut content


>but I was merely pretending.jpg

You know what's weird about Kotor 1&2 first zones? I remembered them as being long and annoying but when I played them again they were actually quite short and didn't really bother me. Couldn't explain why.

>STILL cannot tell me why a MMORPG is not a RPG
god you are fucking autistic

Because everything takes forever the first time you do it.

i agree with peragus, its nowhere near as annoying as i remember

telos still annoys me though