im starting to think the people complaining about the pro controller dpad are retarded
if you see the videos they are literally doing diagonal inputs then asking why they are hitting ups and downs
pro controller confirmed god tier
Im starting to think the people complaining about the pro controller dpad are retarded
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no the dpad is shit
The D-Pad is shit, the JoyCon one is unironically really good.
The A button is messed up, dude. The very edge on the right doesn't click, it just depresses smoothly, feels slightly squishier than the other face buttons in normal gameplay. If I consciously press on the very left edge of the A button, it feels almost normal. But still, the tactile feedback is all wrong.
If you slide your thumb from left to right you will get some up inputs. I love the controller but there's no denying they fucked up the d-pad.
dpad is fine git gud
I have no idea what you're talking about. You either have something stuck behind the A button or you just have fat fingers.
Just get a Xenoblade special edition controller; the d-pad is 100% fine for me.
All right, that does it. I'm taking it back for a new one.
>Just get a gaudy special edition controller for a game you may not care about
Uh, no thanks. They should have been right from the start.
What are you even trying to say here? I neither want nor own Xenoblade, I'm just saying that as those controllers are guaranteed to be a newer make, they'll have fewer issues than older controllers. I've never held an original/normal Switch Pro Controller, so I don't know if the issues that people to have had even exist, but I do know that my survivor edition controller has nothing wrong with it at all.
They didn't fix the dpad on the Xenoblade controller. Still has the same issue of being pressed down like one whole button which causes unreliable inputs.
Stop trying to get more people to waste money just because you're upset that you did, faggot.
Dpad is shit, grips are too small, back to too angular making the ergonomics shit, no analog triggers, sticks and buttons are made for old people who cant fucking see, built in battery that isnt easily user replaceable.
It's like Nintendo looked at the Xbox controller and thought "let's make this similar but worse in every other regard"
Not that user, but my Xenoblade controller only has that issue with up inputs. My older pro controller has it with both up and down. I'm guessing it's minor variances in how they're made and pretty much a lotto on how much the dpad is affected. I agree people shouldn't get their hopes up with trying to get a newer or Xenoblade pro controller.
Looked it up and this is all I get. The difference between the d-pads does do something. Better or still not there
Just use the wiiu controller
When I get the switch should I get this or just use the normal joycon controller stuck together like a game controller?
Can you actually use it? The Wii U Pro controller was pretty GOAT.
It requires you to buy an adapter, but yes. Even works with other controllers
If only this fucking thing had gyro.
>Switch pro wasn't literally just a nicer WiiU pro with gyro
>Couldn't even give us a good dpad
>Had to change the stick position because of the uniform inputs and meme sideways joycon "feature"
What a waste