dark souls a shit
Dark souls a shit
your illustrations of motion are infantile and I'm pretty sure a kindergartner could draw better than you
you try it
>can't even keep a consistent design for the axe
very rude
I'm trying to figure out what you mean but if it's got to do with changing the direction of their strike midswing, Souls ain't got shit on Nioh there.
Souls is cheap for the delayed attacks and Nioh is cheap for the wide arc attacks
That's Dark Souls 2 in your picture.
Some souls bosses do have lock on you. Like nameles kang and slave gael.
Best game series to come out of Nippon in years.
Enemies don't jump in dark souls
>Literally the first boss in dark souls opens with a jump attack.
The Red Frogs in Darkroot
The jump slash multiple hollows and crystal hollows do
Ornstien phase 2
Quelaag jumps forwards and backwards
Who would win? Odd or Tod?
>Dex v Str
is it so hard to mirror the name todd in your mind?
yep, this.
Soul of Cinder is the worst perpetrator of this. The level of his windup is completely and utterly arbitrary.
>Meme of memedor
Nameless kang is the kang of delayed attacks.
>toot or bbdd
what the FUCK is this drawing trying to convey? you have brain problems
player facing enemy
enemy facing player
enemy jumps at player
player rolls under enemy
enemy does a 360 and hits you in mid-air with his weapon
This is more accurate.
People like to romanticize DS1 but this is literally those hollow warriors in the earlygame, they leap 40 feet and there are always like 3 of them in any encounter
Literally the first enemy in the game, they can be dodged, bocked or parried and only the axe wielding ones can leap. Git gud.
not an excuse
both of these are clearly made by casuals
you never dodge backwards in soulsborne games, always forwards