
>add open world elements to mario
>make zelda open world
>make ds3 more linear and level-based than previous installments

explain this shit. do you only not like open world when it benefits your "argument"?

I have no idea what kind of fake argument you're running here, but all I have to say is that DaS3 is shit.


well this going to become a souls thread real quick

Except for the fact that Sup Forums hates Soulsborne now.
We're at the point where anons are saying that The Witcher trilogy has far better combat.

how do i get summoned with the blue covenant, i dont want to farm for 10 hours

>We're at the point where anons are saying that The Witcher trilogy has far better combat.
that's because they're contrarian brainlets

bb > ds1 > ds3 > ds2
ds3 is mildly worse than ds1, ds2 is miles below ds3

If only. They were pretty serious about that.

I don't know.
In my opinion the only things DaS3 have over DaS2 are looking pretty and having good bosses. Except for that it feels like a step back.

I'd like to see a game like Dark Souls mixed with Journey.

Bigass castles and dungeons to explore, but miles and miles of barren wastelands in between them with nearly nothing in them but a nice view.

I know this is a terrible idea and nobody would like it but me, but I still want to see it.


>argues with himself

If they add that, can we call it "Journo Mode"?

Nonlinearity and size are not the same thing.

Breath of the Wild does the open world badly, Dark Souls 3 does linear design badly, what don't you understand? Some open world games are good and some linear games are good, so long as the design is solid.

Ever play Furi?

Not exactly what you're looking for but some of the same ideas

>>add open world elements to mario

u wot m8

Furi was like a cross between Journey and Metal Gear Rising

How would "Journalist mode" work?

>No souls lost when you die; you revive at the bonfire with your souls intact
>No weapon and equipment degradation
>If you die at a certain distance from the next bonfire, you revive at said bonfire.
>All enemies and bosses are far less agressive, deal 75% less damage and receive 200% more damage.
>Can summon as will (no humanity / effigies / embers required)
>Invasions are disabled; summons, messages and blood stains are enabled.
>Arrows / a line in the floor guides your path, like Dead Space's objective tracker / Killing Floor's trader arrow
>Titanite shards aren't required to upgrade weapons; you only need to pay a small amount of souls
>Bosses have checkpoints every 1/4 of their life bar so if you die you continue from it. The last 1/4 is depleted through a QTE.
>Your estus flask starts at full capacity
>Objective markers
>Item descriptions are replaced by NPCs exclusive to Journo mode. Said NPCs can be found at certain points and will drop all the exposition to you.

What else?

Fable style glitter trail

>>If you die at a certain distance from the next bonfire, you revive at said bonfire
awful idea
>>Bosses have checkpoints every 1/4 of their life bar so if you die you continue from it. The last 1/4 is depleted through a QTE.
another awful idea
>>Your estus flask starts at full capacity

the rest are fine, but those 3 are fucking stupid shit ideas

i still don't get the ds3 being linear meme
there's a lot of shit to do right away if u get gud
it's also pretty branch-ish liek ds1

Are you a journalist or just illiterate?

Well, we are creating a mode for retards so awful ideas are welcome.
Forgot to add:
>Poison / toxic / curse hazards are removed: Blightown's swamp and poison sniper, The Gutter and Black gulch's poison statues and the Road of sacrifices' swamp are deprived of their effect, turning into just water.
>Every boss battle has at the beginning a cutscene where the boss explains to the player character who are they, why are them and the player character fighting and what's going to happen once the player character wins.
>Bows and greatbows have infinite arrows

what the fuck kind of reply is that? you honestly think those 3 ideas are good?

No, Kotaku-writer, those ideas are intentionally bad to insult people like you.

>Well, we are creating a mode for retards so awful ideas are welcome.
well if you are PURPOSELY making bad ideas, it makes sense now.


>intentionally bad.
you HAVE to be young as fuck.
I still think those 3 ideas were stupid as fuck compared to the others which were just fine for a journalist mode.

So you're saying that those entries in his list of "bad joke ideas to insult journalists" are too bad and too jokey.

Or do you honestly believe that list was a serious attempt at compiling good ideas for an easy mode.

>Sup Forums is one person

>Or do you honestly believe that list was a serious attempt
yea i did and then i got replied that it was intentional so i said okay it makes sense. do you read anything besides your own personal yous?

because unlike dark souls 1, dark souls 3 is one area after the next in a completely straight line from start to finish with virtually all of the branches in the game consisting of dead end, usually optional areas like smoldering lake, cathedral of the deep, anor londo, untended graves and archdragon

meanwhile dark souls 1 has extreme interconnectivity for the first half of the game with multiple paths to get almost anywhere

firelink -> new londo-> valley of drakes-> darkroot basin -> undead perish

That's because dark souls 1 world layout wasn't open world, it was metroidvania style, and Sup Forums almost unanimously sucks every metroidvania's dick

name the top metroidvania games?
im playing
castlevania symphony of the night
rouge legacy
i heard hollow knight is good

what else? im wondering so I can know

hollow knight is fantastic, grab it when you can
it's only $15 which is a steal

>yea i did
Holy shit.

Only people who pretend to like DS3 are PC boys who can't play Bloodborne

here's the thing
DS1 you get THAT ONE LOOP that everyone loves
catacombs? branch
fun house, anor londo, dukes? branch
swap, izalith? branch
ash lake? branch
new londo? pretty much a pointless loop since it's endgame
the only reason those loops work in ds1 in the first place is because you are basically going up and down a mountain

DS3 in the other hand might have a linear main path but it has so many branches and a bunch of areas have 2 paths to complete them
then there's areas like the castle that might aswell be a loop with all the shortcut porn
it also made more sense for ds3 to be branch like because all the big guys as supposed to live far from each other, and the teleporting right away allowed them to make this viable

all i read was that one post first and the amount of cringy fucks on this site. people are serious about some awful ideas often.

Dark Souls 1 immediately goes downhill the second you get access to the lord vessel because that’s the second the developers no longer had to think about where to place areas. The more loops and alternative paths the better because that’s what gives you options when you start a new game.

Even the areas that branch like catacombs are still nice to have because you have access to them immediately and can rush them if they contain something your build needs right out of asylum like GLS or a mask, or the lantern for a crow trade, or vamos, etc.

Dark Souls 3 has none of that and it’s the same exact progression every time. Early access to lothric is the only redeeming progression it has in the ENTIRE game, otherwise it’s just going down a checklist every other area.

>pretty much a pointless loop since it's endgame

new londo can be cleared and drained as your very first area and it’s required to be done early to even get the red orb

i'll give you the quick build options in ds1
but in ds3 defence the main path is pretty short and the biggest waste of time is just the cathedral, once you hit Irithyl you pretty much have access to every area

i knew someone was gonna be like that but got lazy
it's clearly INTENDED to be endgame anyway, darkwraiths are way stronger than the graveyard spooky bois
ofc an experienced player can do it right away if they feel like it

>Dark Souls

m8, if it’s available from the start it’s an intended starting path

I’ve done bow runs where the first thing I did was rush new londo for composite bow and red tear

Non-linear doesn't mean open world you fucking retard

dark souls is better than mario KEK

It doesn’t really matter if it’s short. It doesn’t give you the options and that’s probably my biggest gripe with 3. It’s not very fun to replay because of that progression.

because you did that on your first run right?
>the first thing I did was rush new londo for composite bow and red tear
because every new player knows about rushing for this items right?

nigga what part of
>ofc an experienced player can do it right away if they feel like it
do you not understand

no, that’s the point

an experienced player doesn’t have many options in dark souls 3

>angry weeb noises

just to give a you a protip: Sup Forums users who regularly post in dark souls topics are far up their own ass. take that knowledge and do whatever you want with it.

All of them had good things and shit things about them

i just enjoy reading what they come up with