What's a good hobby to move to, now that videogames are dead?

What's a good hobby to move to, now that videogames are dead?

You're a month and a half late.

Backyard wrestling

Youtube was a mistake

Flash animations, Ego

>mainstream game got covered by people I don't like
>Gaming is dead
Fuck off you braindead retard.

Knot tying.

pick up an instrument

But I hate dogs

lol stop letting internet personalities run your life you fucking faggots.

wtf? I hate videogames now!

It's more the fact that there are one million people who think
"Wow Doki Doki club is like soooo epic and creepy XDddd bestedt game like evurr"

For comparison that's more people than Persona 5 copies sold


Case in point



His death changed nothing, Ninty has been going downhill for at least 10 years


>western VNs

Oh, so you mean
>people like it, so it sucks

Persona sucks too, user. But it's OK, it's not popular so you're safe in liking it.

who in the living fuck cares what other people like? how do you make it through the day when you such a faggot?

are you ok user

>watched every episode of their playthrough
>laughed a lot
>had a good time

what's your favorite subreddit?


>who in the living fuck cares what other people like?
Normal people?

Umm Venn diagrams intersect, idiot

they don't have to you moron

I mostly just browse the porn subs

Well, Doki Doki is free. There probably much more people, who played Warframe or Fortnite too.
Persona, most likely, is much worse game, than Gal*Gun.

Good thing you are on Sup Forums. Or are you thinking about getting out?

That's a convincing argument, person who can barely spell and put a coherent sentence together.

You only care about this shit when you go actively looking for it.
