So is Monster Hunter a Dark Souls type game or what?

The only one I ever played was on 3ds and all I know is I hated it and never played another game in the series. Honestly dont even remember what I hated about it.

Is it kind of like Dark Souls at all?
Because I fucking love Dark Souls and Soulslike games.

It's like Dark Souls mixed with Destiny with Dinosaurs and Aloy.

actually, mh was around long before dark souls


Dark souls is actually interesting outside of grinding.

It's like Dark Souls mixed with Doki Doki and Assassin's Creed

Yeah it's the dark souls of monster hunting games

it's a mix of ark, horizon zero dawn and halo 5.

It's like dance dance revolution mixed with cooking mama

It's kind of like if you mixed Dig Dug and Sonic & All-stars Racing Transformed

Dark Souls is the Monster Hunter of Metroidvania

Like a mix of Parapa the Rappa and D.A.R.E.

Think of Destiny mixed with Dark Souls, multiplied by Bloodborne. God Eater is a derivative.

Serious reply: Comparisons are drawn between the two due to their similar combat mechanics. Both games have weapons with weight, it takes time to swing, and it takes time to recover. Another big aspect is the system of player progression, you could be geared out with all the fanciest end game gear, but you can still get your shit pushed in by the lowest level enemy if you don't know what you're doing.

So the gear doesn't actually give you much stats to one hit kill something?

It's the Dark Souls of Jurassic Park.

If you have G-Rank gear and you go fight a Low Rank monster you could kill it in seconds sure, one shot probably not. But if you're at that point, there's not usually much of a reason to be fighting a Low Rank monster unless you need a certain material from it to make a weapon you're going to upgrade, and at that point who wants to farm something they're way past at a normal rate?

Not really. For example, if you use a tier 1 weapon, on a tier 1 monster, it might take 50 swings to kill it. If you use a tier 5 weapon on a tier 1 monster, it might take 10 swings to kill it. This is a simplified explanation.

It's the Dark Souls of Cooking Mama, mixed with Style Savvy

>Is it kind of like Dark Souls at all?

Yes it takes heavy inspiration from DS. The level design isn't as inspired. Still its a promising start and with a bit more experience and polish I could see this growing into a very successful series.

Completely irrelevant to OP's question.