Brand new DS4

>Brand new DS4
>DS4 won't turn on
>Leave it plugged in PS4 for 3 hours
>Still dead
>None of my USB cables/ports/chargers seem to work, LED stays off
>Try to reset using the button on the back
>Feel around with a stick of lead but there's no button inside the hole
>Try to reset using PS + Share
>Call Best Buy and ask for a replacement
>Okay we can do that but uh you gotta fill out all this paperwork bullshit in-person so we can sell your information to companies
What the fuck Sup Forums I'm super pissed, World is right around the corner and now I can't even do shit because Sony doesn't know how to QC their $70USD pieces of shit

Just suck it up and fill out the paperwork. Any information you hand over isn't going to be worth shit anyhow.

I guess you could try smashing it with a hammer.

>posts pic of DS3

Get the new DS4 controller, the one with the lights on the front.

>Best Buy
That's where you fucked up.

Same thing happened to mine, I'm pretty sure that it can be fixed by getting a new battery, you can get one online, they're pretty cheap.

that's not a ds4 and ds4 doesn't even have a reset button, false flagging faggot

>still using my same controller since launch

what's wrong with you nerds? what the fuck are you doing to your controllers

>Best Buy
Use Amazon next time.

Bullshit. I bought a second controller brand new for co op, ended up not using it for three months and it sat in a drawer untouched for thee entire time. When I pulled it out its thumbsticks were worn and torn just like the one I've been using, only they were slightly frayed while my main controller stic coverings are nearly falling off. These controllers are chiep pieces of shit. Not to mention they feel like they'll fall apart if you tighten your grip at all.

>been using the same Dualshock 4 for 2 years at least
>sticks still fine
>buttons still fine
>works perfectly
No seriously, what are you faggots doing to your controllers?

>buying first generation controllers
deserved it

Google/Microsoft already have all your data, quit being such a bitch.

>Repairing a new controller instead of replacing it


Wait, what? I've done returns with best buy before in-store and never had to fill anything out. Usually they just exchange it within the store as long as there is stock.

Complain more, that always fixes things

I work at Best Buy and can confirm OP, as usual, is full of shit. It's just a standard exchange.

gr8 b8 there switchfag/xboner

That's a DS3. OP's a confirmed THOT.

How many things can you return before hitting the limit? Some guy in front of me in line was getting hostile at this poor girl working the service counter because the machine said he couldn't make any more returns and he thought it was "outrageous"

Is this some sort of shitty false flagging? Pic is a DS3. You make it sound as if you bought a used product. Finally, I've never seen anyone have to fill out paperwork at best buy to make a return/exchange.

Speaking of controller repair, anyone ever try replacing the ribbon board inside of DS3 with an aftermarket replacement? I ordered a couple of these because I've got two old, very used controllers that are fucked now and don't want to spend like 40 bucks on a used Dualshock 3.

Sounds like a anti sony shill

No but I know from taking apart controllers that their internal make up can be vastly different. Hope your ordered bands fit.

I can understand anti Sony cause what site we're on, but why anti best buy? It is the uncontested cheapest place to get new vidya. Amazon is barely any better than shit like gamestop.

Literally nothing, learn to read you fucktard.

Pretty much. OP makes NO sense at all.

I did read your shitty post, I just don't believe you, faggot.

For the thumbsticks to degrade in 3 months without use, it would have to be made out of some expensive high end biodegradable material. You are some sort of special to make up such an idiotic lie.

>giving console manufacturers money past 2008

>giving PC manufactures money in a bit coin mining era

>Okay we can do that but uh you gotta fill out all this paperwork bullshit in-person so we can sell your information to companies

They probably tried to sell you a Best Buy card and instead you thought it was required for the replacement and had an autistic meltdown in the store.

The image is still applicable to the DS4, as it also has the same reset pin button on the back.

>Not having yourself future proofed with backups before the jew boom.


It's called a >New< 3DS, user.

It's the rubber coating or whatever it is they top their sticks with since DS2, they always ended up with batches that would fucking dissolve to nothing if even a small particle of liquid touched it at any point. My launch PS2 controller is still fucking oozing mystery slime to this day, but the second controller that came with the slim is fine.

Its dark souls 4 faggit

> all this paperwork bullshit in-person so we can sell your information to companies

oh no they're going to know you're a 20 something year old male that lives with their parents. kys

DS4 100% has a reset button you dumbass