what would be a good filename for this file? try to keep it vidya related
What would be a good filename for this file? try to keep it vidya related
Consider suicide.
That's not a filename; that's for you.
t.buttblasted whiteboi
I didn't even read it, so I don't know what youre on about, but at a glance it is clear that the universe would be non-negligibly improved by the cessation of your existence.
what do you have against the truth?
You are gay and your thread is about to disappear, seen by no one except the guy shitting on you. You really should give up on life.
I got one, and that's good enough
Really, it's quite easy. Just go to the store, buy a screwdriver, and drive it into your skull via your eye socket. If you retain any motor control, stir that shit around. You don't want to be a vegetable.
>Getting so fucking assblasted at a sweatshirt that you riot and destroy jobs for blacks
No seriously, how the fuck are Niggers the dumbest fucking race on Earth?
woah you sure are cool, not edgy at all
Fuck off homo.
Maybe aids is more your speed? You can get a train run on you by a pozzing community and skip out on treatment.
Kill all niggers.jpg
Now fuck off.
saw this and thought of u
>thin-skinned Sup Forumstard literally shaking with rage over a drawing of a black person
so much for the master race, I guess
anytime the black community tires to create something people like him will always be there to try and smash it down, sad but true
I actually find the image to be pretty funny.
Liberals made it so that we aren't allowed to smash blacks anymore. So count your blessings because if it wasn't for white people you'd be hanging from a tree branch.
reminder that even the alt-rights darling recognizes black art as valid and high in value