What's the most you've ever paid for any one game?
DLC, subscriptions, etc. Those all count.
What's the most you've ever paid for any one game?
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Probably Path of Exile. Been playing since closed beta and must have spent around $200 over the years, which is a considerable sum for a poor teacher from яussia.
Although I've known people who spent over 8k on scam citizen, really rustled my jimmies.
I don't agree wih that, won't be part for enabling it.
Ninety DOLLARS for titanfall gold edition pre-order
The most recent purchase that was higher than usual for me was the Persona 5 collector's/limited edition that costed me $80. I honestly don't think I have ever gone higher than $90 at the most and can't think of what it may have been. Usually, I just wait for the "goty"/complete/gold editions of games that have a lot of DLC.
DOAX3. It was like $10 a girl to keep her from refusing a $10 suit.
World of warcraft
Over $500
I bought all the Fire Emblem Awakening DLC, which I don't remember the cost of anymore.
$200 on cosmetics in PUBG which I turned around and sold for $500 at the height of its popularity.
I don't know why I did it but I got lucky at least.
World of Warcraft, game/expansions + years of subscriptions + a few transfers
Hm, let's see..........
Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn I spent around $150 for... That made me feel a little nauseous at the time.
Stellar Assault on the Sega Saturn... fuck I think I paid like $180 for that.
Most recently I bit the bullet and paid $110 for Resident Evil 7 and all its DLC. The DLC is great but there was no reason to add $50 to the main price. Oh well, I got my money's worth.
Before Hots 2.0 came out I owned about 95% of the skins, all paid for at 50% off.
I'll let some user in here do the math. I don't want to know what the answer is.
if we count login subscriptions probably WoW at a few hundred dollars over the years
if we're talking upfront cost that would be $140 for Edge of Darkness edition of Escape From Tarkov(worth it)
if we're talking in game transactions that would probably be Planetside 2 at approximately $120(I played it for years and wanted to support Higby-san somehow)
Backed Bloodstained for $120
As of now I have no regrets
$200 in Wot over the years.
Probably $400 to War Thunder.
EVE online probably got around $200 of my cash for a capital ship once.
EFT stole 50 bucks off me.
I'm not a clever man.
Like two or three hundred dollars on Duel Links. Thinking about it makes me feel sick.
Isn't it more fun to play with random cards than just buying all the cards
More than I should have.
But, I've learned from it and only spend the bare minimum on games these days. Usually via keysites and shit.
For xenoverse 2 i got all the dlc and the season pass at full price but i doon't even want to know how much money i have used in dokkan battle, i don't regret it my account is really good
In real life it is, but online losing is just frustrating especially because everyone and their mothers ran Sphere Ebola.
Subs kind of make it unfair. Even though I haven't even regularly played WoW since the first month of WotLK (outside of some multiboxing in late WoD to get a few server character sheets maxed for Legion), I've easily spent more money in it than any other game.
Consider the following:
>main account was active from launch to first month of WotLK without a break, so (15*n)+$150 for three expansions
>got a second account in March of 2005, kept that going until BC hit
>BC, I think it was, had recruit a friend shit in it and I exploited it myself with a bunch of accounts to get a bunch of max level alts for myself and later to farm gold to sell via botting
>at least 8 other accounts for 18~ months or so during BC, so (18*n)+(8*$70~) for the chest/expansion
>buy another four or five accounts during WoD to dungeon finder level with three DPS characters with that keystroke multiplexing program based on innerspace
>one last slap in the face: buying Legion on my main account and being disappointed after the first month
over $1000 on LoL skins
$200 for a lifetime sub to DnD online.
$200 for a lifetime sub to The Secret World.
You'd think id fucking learn my lesson the first time but nah I am a fucking dumbass.
1k+ so far
I've probably spent over two hundred dollars on Stellaris and the expansions.
Probably well over $2000 on XIV at this point.
Over 2 years of subscription time, plus a load of extra shit. I bought a lot of the physical merch like the carbuncle and moogle plushies, plus artbooks, soundtracks, even the fucking Odin statue. I got the collector's editions of the 2 expansions too.
Now they just released pre-orders on a Shiva statue and I'm losing my fucking mind over whether or not to get it.
I haven't even been having that much fun with the game lately.
WW2 online.
Been premium and in high command for a while. I generally keep up the sub even when I'm not playing. I like what they're doing and want to support it.
It's my main vidya cost every year, desu. I generally buy a few wargames each year and that's about it.
WoW sub for like 6 years plus all expansions as they came out
My mom paid all but the last two expansions :^)
I'm about 1100$ deep in GTA Online.
Steep day 1 for Xbone + season pass
I have spent $1200 on LoL over the past 7 years. Much less than I thought.
I have never played a video game in my life
My Runescape subscription must have been at least $600
I dunno, but I just managed to score Pocky & Rocky for 80 bucks.
So, what, you bought a single hideout and a halfway decent car? It's fucking criminal what they charge, you poor bastard.
Sweet baby yehowah on a buttery bun man it's time to stop. Don't drop dosh on the Shiva statue, you'll just look at it and feel like an idiot afterwards.
Why do non-casuals even play that game?
Either Nioh or FE Fates. Roughly 80ish on both.
WoW, but it is slowly being overtaken by FFXIV
Definitely ffxiv if we're counting subscriptions.
Ive just realized I don't actually do DLC all that much. A little cosmetic thing here or there, but I don't think I've spent more than $100 total on dlc since I've had my first 360.
WoW subs
Honestly, hard question.
I spent $95 on Earthbound but sold it years later for $130 so hey
I did buy Nier Automata plus the DLC on both PS4 and PC, and would be willing to do it with a potential Switch port, so call me a schmuck there
Prob about 80$ on PS2 in total. I loved that game so much, but it killed me to see all the problems it had that could be fixed if only they were competent. Wish there were more large scale MMOFPS
>Automata running on Switch
Got bad news for ya, buddy.
DLC you can get for free is great.
DLC that you have to pay for is stupid.
World of Warcraft. 11 different accounts and about ~30 months of subscription come out to around $1000
Sure wasted a lot of money on that shitheap.
Game with next highest cost, not sure. I think I have about $70 in Realm of the Mad God currently.
I'm speaking theoretically. For all I know it could be impossible but if Doom can get 720p30, I think Automata could pull off the same with enough tweaking.
22€ for Portal 2.
It's also the only game I broke my 20 bucks rule for
Fifty dollars
I stopped buying games once they became $60 and mostly just play on emulators or wait for Steam sales.
two bucks
I gave my virginity to black men
100 bucks for a USED copy of megaman legends 2.
i really wanted megaman legends 2
*you place the (You) on the floor and gently give it a pat goodbye*
sankyu :3
Lets see:
With WoW, the subscription amounts alone since 2005 until the last time I played in 2016 was $659.57. Add in the costs of the base game and what I paid for the expanions, it is about $879.57 total. With all the other side service stuff I did (Realm transfers, race changes, etc), it would be close to $1K total over the last 12 years or so.
Overwatch I spent about $150 on loot boxes during events until I got tired with how they were being handled and gave up. That and the amount of free loot boxes helped whenever I have the urge to play.
Highest I ever paid for a limited edition game was Steel Battalion on Xbox (About $200 or so), and after that would be The Old Republic limited edition ($150, which I regret greatly).
Around $1.2k in Fire Emblem heroes.
Impulsive, short-sighted money spending virgin vs reasonable money saving Chad
$200 on Vindictus.
The financial virgin
The barter chad
>not paying for your games via cattle, giant stones, and native sex slaves
Man, I love Automata as well and have a Switch, but I would not want to play the game in that system just for the "on the go" meme.
I guess you admitted it yourself that you're nonsensical about it, but all the fucking Switch port-begging/wishes, especially downgraded ports, annoy me to no end. I didn't buy a shitty port console, I want good games that run well on the system.
£120 pounds on breath of the wild collectors edition
sexy box
WoW followed by Run Escape i guess.
Most of that was my mothers money though.
I honestly have probably spent the most on warhammer TW because the DLC game ridiculous but I love the genre and setting but honestly with my job and waining interest in vidya I really havent got my moneys worth honestly. In terms of wasting money, spending it on vidya is the least of my sins though.
I just paid my roommate 3 real life dollars for 40 Embers in Dark Souls III
2.5 usd for a fucking key on TF2, its 2.5 usd more than i never used to buy any related to vidyas
Probably Ragnarok Online back when I played on a private server. Used to use my mom's card and spent a ridiculous amount on it. Had to have been in the hundreds.
By myself, probably Dragon Quest 11. Shit was ridiculously expensive.
Probably about $1-1.5k on WoW
Star citizen
Yeah, if any ports are to come out, I'd want them to be remasters of 6th and 7th gen titles. Like, maybe Atlus could bring the PS2 SMTs to it?
60 euros
gachafags are genuinely deranged and i hope they realize that the game industry would be better off if they all died overnight
$50 Base wow
$50 burning crusade
$50 Wotlk
$50 Cataclysm
$50 Legion
and probably a pretty large sum on monthly subscriptions, although i used to convince my friends to pay my subscription most of the time.
I probably spent $120 on LoL over the two years i played.
I spent another $110-120 or so across both versions of Smash 4.
I'll probably end up getting all of DBFZ's dlc so that's $95 in total there..
Then it'd probably be my greatest shame in video gaming, $90 over the last year on Fire Emblem Heroes.
Gambling is a hell of a vice. Fuck this industry for emabling it.
I can understand most of that but it stings just reading that you spent $90 on FEH.
If it's any consolation that statue is pretty fucking rad.
Yeah once i realized i'd spent more on FEH than i had on any single actual Fire Emblem game I cut that shit out real quick. Helps that i've got Ninian and Micaiah so i don't care what other waifu's they put into the game.
probably around 10,000 dollars in ffxiv. subs/cash shop/erp sessions/gil/clears
it's either that or Rust, but rust is more around 2000 dollars
Bought Witcher 3 for 20 bucks.
Something between $70 and $100 for TF2 stuff. Seeing how it's the most played game in my life, I wouldn't say I overpaid.
About $150 or so on SecondLife
Not sure why, since all I ever do is follow people around like a weirdo.
Steins gate PC collectors edition.
I only paid $50 or more for one video game a total of 3 times in my life.
I've sunk a lot of money than I should have into warframe because of my dumb obsession with looking fabulous while killing things. what's the point of being super powerful robot ninjas if you look boring?
Borderlands 2.
I pirate now
Couple thousand dollars over the course of 12+ years of WoW
Probably close to a grand between Dota 2 and League of Legends cosmetics
Around $150 on an EVE Online subscription
Those are the big ones. Everything else is just the cost of the game, maybe DLC content if I liked the game enough
im $6 deep in TF2.
someone help
probably a wow sub but to be fair i wasnt the one paying for it
mechwarrior online founders pack was probably the bbiggest single purchase
Why is she crying? Why do i get genuinly sad when girls cry Sup Forums?
FFXIV, around 4 years worth of subscription total, multiple race, name and server changes
I only go back to play it once every month or so though.
Witcher 3 collectors edition. I even had to pay extra, because I had to buy XBONE version and exchange the game itself for a PC version. No regrets
Digimon Cyber Sleuth for Vita, 40€ for the Day One Digital Edition to get all the DLC and stuff, and later 60€ for the Asian English physical copy. Still feeling used, just because Scamco didn't want to release a small physical print in western countries for Vita.
like 200~250€ on awesomenauts, including kickstarter and multiple copies.
I bought a Wii U just for Mario Maker.
Thousands of credits in arcade rhythm games.
>one game
They're all the same shit.