Other urls found in this thread:

Spyro, but I can't be arsed to take a high res screenshot. Dino Crisis is good too.


Tried it a while ago. Those loading times made it unplayable for me.

here they FUCKING come. Now the thread will devolve into which FF game is better and that random faggot from FF8 who claims it to be the only good FF game and how other FF games are casual shit.

mega man legends 3

Favorite PS1 game and favorite game

being a kid those loading times didn't feel like they were there mang

dont do this to me

Still probably my favorite game overall

This is still my most favorite game on PS1.
I'm still waiting for a sequel or a remaster/remake that can capture the game's charm, music, atmosphere,etc.

did you play the PC port? it's not that bad, and you have a fast forward button

Final Fantasy IX

nobody ever mentions jumping flash
this was incredible when i was kid

Brave Fencer Musashi

it's a tie for me
fuck you

Been there recently

This is a nintendo board, fuck off

Wish I could get the PC version in fucking Japanese

*blocks your path

The bestest most rewarding kart racer
Good taste

the OG crash

>low res background with low res 3d models and low res fonts
>blend in damn fine and age like a wine

>low res background with high res 3D model and overly high res fonts
>instantly looks like shit

PS1 emulator is still the best way to play FF7/8/9.

Just download the Jap version and emulate it.


Miles, if this is you I've still got your copy of brave fencer musashi. Feel free to come grab it if you are at your parents any weekend



it's not me senpai


jumping flash both of them

id say best way to play it is psp or ps vita. small screen kinda fixes graphical flaws and there are no emulator issues


monkey catching simulator

lol we all know ff9 is the best game. Stop trying to start a flame war.


my negro

9 is the best so why even bother

Rising Zan Samurai Gunman

Spyro's art direction and music were fucking god tier

Came here to post this.

Also my favorite game in general.

Here's mine

Ripto's rage was clearly the best spyro. Year of the Dragon could have been if not for all the bs segments where you have to play as other characters.

also this
3 is the best one

this shit was bonkers


>Ripto's rage was clearly the best spyro
>all those absolutely shit levels
the only thing ripto's rage did right was the boss battles

Objectively correct answer coming through.

Tales of Eternia
Front Mission 3
Ace Combat 3
Breath of Fire 4
Resident Evil 2
Legend of Mana

good taste thread

>posts the only good ps1 game


Maybe. I recently replayed 1 and 2 but I haven't gotten around to 3 yet, it's been years since I last played it. 1 is better than 2 though.


Check out my haul from a swap meet back in october

I really like Syphon Filter 2. It's definitely up there in my top 5.

>1 is better than 2 though.
has those transitions between worlds and 2 feels unfinished

A lot of nostalgia speaking for this one
>be about 12
>got Lost World: Jurassic Park for christmas
>play for a bit up through new years
>after the ball drops I go back to playing through the night in my cold dark basement
>listening to the amazing soundtrack
>feeling cool playing as a dinosaur
>after dying constantly on one of the human levels I get up and walk around to stay awake
>go into my dad's "workshop"
>find some of his playboy magazines
>go back to playing and flipping through the magazine during loading screens
>end up ringing in the new year by teaching myself how to masturbate while I run around killing people as a tyrannosaurus rex in the dead of night
It's maybe the best memories I ever had while playing a video game, just beating out playing Pokemon Emerald in the ER

It really hurts bros.

Will anything ever make me feel this way again?

Remaster with online MP and more playable characters when?

you didn't get megaman legends 3?

I would have to go with King's Field 1.

It was while playing this game that I realized I had been wanting to play a game like this for many years. Whenever I would play an Elder Scrolls game I was always more interested in the dungeon delving than I was in the setting but I was never too satisfied with what the Elder Scrolls series had to offer.

The only AE game I bothered to 100%, also that OST

shit didn't mean to attach a picture

but seriously delete that shit right now

This and SOTN for me

Depending on the day you ask me, either PS1 or PS2 is my favorite console. I started gaming on NES, but didn't "LOVE" games until I got my PS1. Lots of games I could post here, and I'm not sure what my favorite on the system definitely is, but I really love Resident Evil 3.


It's a for sure top 3, possibly best game for me too depending on what mood I'm in. It's such an ambitious 3d game; it really capitalizes on everything that era in gaming was trying to push and develop.

But even game design wise I love the philosophy behind it. The amount of secret rooms and hidden treasures is fucking incredible, there's more attention to detail in that game than any modern open world title today. I had an absolute blast beating it. It's one massive, perfect, immersive dungeon crawl.


I'm still mad

also on PC

>tfw your first Spyro game was Enter the Dragonfly

FF button is fucking mandatory before you get haste

thats some patrician taste right there

It was a toss up between this and Armored Core, but I wound up playing both about the same amount.


Why the fuck did they nerf the skyflyer in the sequels? That shit felt so good to use in this game.

Holy ace combat mind

Runner ups are RE3 and SOTN

My nigga

Monster Rancher 2. Holy shit how did this franchise die so hard?



Tips and Tricks had a demo of that game. I could never afford the full $60, so I played the demo about a million times. How was it?

I just want to have a Klonoa thread with no furfaggotry in it ;_;


Spyro always made me sleepy-eyed with its music.

Probably had the longest sessions with this one so I'd say this is pretty up there.

I would prefer if you wou-

haha dude lmao epic reference

I have fast pants


Do multiplats count?

Nothing else competes.


I always ran out of ammo and never got to finish this. Should get back to it.



Torn between Legend of Legaia, Grandia and Thousand arms.

Can't decide, i love all 3.


The Legends franchise was so amazing.
Still hurts that it never got its third installment.
Where is the love?

blame crapcom