Everyone says Mass Effect Andromeda is the worst game Bioware ever made

> Everyone says Mass Effect Andromeda is the worst game Bioware ever made.
> Apparently everyone forgot Bioware 2011.

Even Andromeda is far better than this sorry excuse of a game.

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You just had to remind me of the worst preorder I ever made, didn't you?

did bioware produce anything good post-EA?

Post EA? They're still with them right?

exactly what was wrong with it
had to be gay with the templar faggot otherwise he would hate you? at least animations arent fucked and sera isint innit

I unironically found it enjoyable because sarcastic dick femhawke was hot as fuck.

I assume he means post joining EA

If that's the case, then I generally enjoyed Mass Effect 1-3, but 3 ended on such a pathetic note.
Origins was fun too.

This. Hawke and Varric were great characters.

It wasn't that bad, but considering it followed Origins and came out the same year as Witcher 2 and Skyrim, it fell way, way short.

That wasn't anywhere near as bad as Andromeda, your life is a meme.

A challenger appears

>play through the game as a moody warrior hawke
>it's shit
>replay as a sarcastic couldn't give a fuck rogue hawke
>suddenly it's a good game

This is OP conceding your point.

Mass Effect 2 is their best game by far.

>never played andromeda
>never played da2

skyrim was like 8 months after though

DA2 is objectively better than Andromeda.

it has best waifu though

that's not fenris

that's not merrill

It was

>kids still shit on DA2 only when DA1 was just as fucking bad
Fucking pain in the ass modern "RPGs". Go play something like Eye of the Beholder, kids.

Imo 2>3>1.

Wow ur so cool

2 > 1 > 3 imo

Dragon Age 2 marks the start of a never ending shit-spiral for Bioware that's finally going to end with Anthem.
>Dragon Age 2
>Dragon Age 2 companion web browser game
>Mass Effect 3
>Cancelled Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes
>Cancelled Command & Conquer: Generals 2
>Cisqusition which is already going to be 4 years fucking old by the end of the year
>Cancelled Shadow Realms game
Frankly I'm amazed they've shambled on this long.

>Andromeda is bad meme
It wasn’t casualized piece of shit like ME2 and 3, why the hate?


>get killed at the start
>doesn't matter
>the alliance won't help you
>can't contact them to tell them you found a giant fucking dead reaper in the middle of space
>lol what are reapers anyway, it's the collectors we should be worried about!
>lets recruit all these characters that don't matter because they can all die at the end
>dialogue and character development locked behind romance
>corridor shooter
>we did it we killed the collectors oh yeah the reapers are coming!

it's absolutely fucking retarded

That's fair. I usually see people praising 1 a lot but it's just so wonky at times.

Cooler than you, kid. I played games back when they were good.

Enjoy basically watching a fucking movie these days. Jesus fuck, that's not gaming. Turn off your PlaytendoboxPC and go sit in front of the idiot box if you want to sit there and have a goddamn story fed to you.

It plays like shit, but the plot was the best imo. Sup Forums pretends it's the best ME because muh rpg elements, doesn't matter if the way they were implemented was awful.

3 > 2 > 1 for me

That's another thing that gets brought up; the rpg elements. I genuinely can't remember anything related to them except level ups, the inventory screen, and that one mission where you could spec into advanced classes.

Its shooting mechanics weren't as good but its story was arguably the best and definitely the most coherent since it was the first of the franchise thus had to establish the series as a whole.

ME2 would probably work even better if it were somehow its own game since it changed so much. It has a darker story and tone to ME1. 1 and 2 had a lot of good stuff. Its 3 where things started to really decline.

That's pretty much it. I do like the way dialogue was implemented though, made much more sense than in ME 2 or 3

It sort of one of those things where it appears to be more than what it really is. A person will look at pic related next to what they gave you in 2 and 3 and go yeah it looks way better. It really isn't though. In 2 and 3 they at least did a bit more with skills even if it wasn't much. Like in 1 you still put points into what skill you want but you just don't have to as much points or time into each skill. However 1 didn't give you any options to make skills different at all. Its all just one thing. What you see is what you get with no real choice. So it ends up not being better even though it looks like more. Simply put, the ME games all have pretty poor RPG mechanics. Building the character is really a nothing sort of thing. Dark Souls is extremly simple in its RPG mechanics yet has far more depth than the limited ME RPG mechanics. They could have did so much more with it but to me it seems they didn't know how to make the games have good RPG mechanics at all.

>However 1 didn't give you any options to make skills different at all. Its all just one thing. What you see is what you get with no real choice

>he never unlocked specializations

Now compare it to ME2 which took away a lot of the points you could put. However once you reach level 4 you get the option to choose how you want the skill to work. Although again its still a very limited choice.

To be fair the decline happened around Jade Empire. That's when they almost fully stopped caring about making RPG's and instead just wonky action games with dialog systems.

That sounds about right. I should replay ME1 someday and get refreshed on the story. I only remember small chunks of it.

1's is superior

skills and unlocks > choosing perks

Difference is Andromeda had like another 2 years of dev time, and still sucked. Most of DA2's glaring problems were from being rushed in under 2 years with a small team.

Kek dude that was such a nothing thing. It was kind of cool but you had to beat the game with each class for that. To keep it brief, it wasn't enough. Go play tons of other RPG games to see what character planning and building really looks like. These games have never had good mechanics. I mean shit just look at that skill tree I posted for 1. Its sort of pointless since you really don't even need all of those weapon talents. In fact snipers were so good in 1 that is all what you needed. Charm and Intimidate could have just been combined into a single talent, persuasion. The way 1 worked you had to sacrifice a few talent points to an extent but for the most part it really wasn't much of a sacrifice at all. The skills sucked man. Just accept it. At least 2 and 3 tried to do a little something more interesting even if they still have shit mechanics too.

They handed Andromeda to a team that had never made a vidya before i'd say that's comparable.

>tfw you actually enjoy all the newer Bioware games like DA2, DA:I and ME3
They are my guilty pleasure. Though I must admit I have fondness for bad RPG's in general and Bioware just sort of falls into that by default.

Haven't played Andromeda though. I heard it ran like shit and I have a toaster.

it had a pretty interesting/satisfying ending if you could be bothered pushing your way through it
it wasn't worth it, though

I like 2's story elements as well. Its just one of those games where you really would enjoy it more if you could somehow consider it outside of the series. Just think of it as a new series that only had that one game ME2. In that case I would say its probably equal or near equal to 1.

It would be satisfying if you had some input over what happens.

DA2 in general is a lot of interesting ideas that they couldn't do because time restraints and being bad developers. Damn shame.

When DA2 came out I knew it was the beginning of the end for Bioware. Besides very few characters, the plot and gameplay were trash.

Consider 2 a filler arc or what Andromeda should've been and you're all set.

It woulde be slightly better if they didn't turn Cerberus into nazi and give player some sort of choice regarding his loyalty. They spend entire game making Cerberus look like the only force that actually does something useful even if their methods are questionable, only to turn them into terrorists again, but with unlimited budget

How? What you are basically saying is you prefer to put points into a build and take longer to essentially get the same thing that the later games give you and you prefer to not get any options to make each skill any better with some options. ME mechanics are lazy as fuck but 1 clearly had an issue otherwise they wouldn't have changed it so drastically.

Really what this series needed to do was borrow a lot more from Kotor before it. Which it took many ideas from anyways like tons of dialogue for one. Too bad they didn't take some of its mechanics.

It would be satisfying if my choices mattered and everyone didn't become even more retarded then they were in any prior capacity.

I will say this:

For as bland as Andromeda could be, I still put like 60 hours into it and did the majority of the side quests before beating it. The actual open world concept was great, but so underbaked and limited that a good chunk of the worlds felt a bit too empty.

Dragon Age II was such a insult after how great DA1 was that I got half way through and could not continue. Between the absolutely horrid visuals, copy and paste environments, limited world, and lackluster story killed it for me. There were a few elements (usually side story stuff) that I thought was interesting, but there was not enough for me to see it through to the end.

Hell, I am surprised Bioware didn't get more shit for DAII and was amazed it scored as well as it did. I know that a good chunk of the reviewers were probably paid/bribed, but still.

The whole Cerberus thing was just stupid in general.

>Cerberus murdered my whole unit giving me deep personal scars
>better join up with them!

The DA:2 shitstorm was huge though.

DA2 had rushed development and repetitive environments, but there were still things I enjoyed about it.

da2 wasnt bad, just disappointing in scope compared to origins
andromeda is just shit

Cerberus made no damn sense in general. A lot of the bullshit things in Mass Effect have some sort of explanation, but Cerberus is an enigma.



It was such a big step down from DA:O. EA fucking things up again, trying to twist a series into something it never was in the hopes it'll make more money.
DA2 did have one thing I really liked. You could disagree with your party members and they wouldn't leave. In fact, those members got a unique skill for being your rival (or whatever they called it) and you could have a romance with them.
That's something other similar rpgs should do. More often than not dialogue with party members turn into a game of "how do I say what they want to hear", since you're rewarded for making them happy and punished, or at least not rewarded, for making them unhappy.
Credit where it's due - DA2 handled that very well.

>DA:O have shit combat that feels like you are just hitting air most of the time
>DA:2 had some legit satisfying combat with a lot of effects and sound bytes that made it fun as fuck
>DA:I feels like you are playing a shitty F2P mmo and is even less satisfying than hitting air in DA:O

Thanks Bioware for making the game where you are meant to spend your time grinding and exploring a big world and shit have the worst feeling combat. Appreciate it.

Pretty sure like half the characters have a bunch of leave flags that can only be mitigated by friendship/romancing though.

Granted most of them, except for Isabela, takes place at the very end.

>DA:2 had some legit satisfying combat with a lot of effects and sound bytes that made it fun as fuck

>shit quest design
>shit encounter design
>Nomad is a chore
>shit story
>shit characters
>shit animations
>shit galaxy map

You could pretty much make the same type of video for most games.

Also, I mean the feeling of combat only. Not encounter design. That was garbage in DA2 since they just had a bunch of spawning waves of enemies with no real tactical shit like in DA:O.

DA2 was pretty lame but MEA is cancer and AIDS and actually sets people on fire starting with their balls simply by being within a few feet of a copy. It's so bad Satan banned it from Hell for being too evil. They tried to remake Evil Dead with a copy of MEA replacing the Necronomicon but all the cast and crew and sets and equipment mysteriously vanished from the face of the earth. The CIA uses MEA when they have given up torturing suspects and instead want to murder them in the most horrific way possible.

>>DA:2 had some legit satisfying combat with a lot of effects and sound bytes that made it fun as fuck


Why the fuck are people talking about this pile of shit so much today? Why the fuck did anyone even shill this pile of shit in the first place? It was literally half finished with copy/pasted dungeons that you had to run through multiple times as part of main story content

Memes aside they did for the most part succeed with that statement.

And you know, when you count how shit the combat feels in DA:O and DA:I it was a kinda noble goal to make the combat not feel like total ass.

Cause DA4 just got announced I suppose.

Why did anyone give a fuck about Dragon Age to begin with? It's been fucking terrible since its inception, the blandest most boring fucking setting I've ever seen in my life

>Side with the Templars
>Side with the Mages
Literally bring about the end of times

God, this game killed DA as a franchise for me.

It's almost like people have different tastes in games or something.

What kind of retard would defend babby's first fantasy like it was any good

Because Origins was good, and 2 was controversial, and Inquisition was popular.
Vidya gaems

Didn’t this get somewhat positive reviews?

>side with the templars
>get hailed as a hero and become viscount
>side with the mages
>forced to leave the city to avoid the coming shitstorm

I hated Origins, unbelievably dull and boring

Terrible taste

agreed, this game boring af. it's so boring like the fable series

I mean, fucking ME Andromeda got positive reviews, too. Not exactly like reviewers are actually people to trust any longer.

A lot of people, and the majority of Sup Forums for that matter.

>Literal abomination 9/11s The Chantry, people expect my mage to side with Mages

Ok Gaider

>pre-ordering games, ever

Guess that kind of illustrates why democracy is a bad system

Why and compared to what?

we already knew that when you said you liked Andromeda, no need to confirm it

The combat is literally WoW combat, the plot and setting are unbelievably generic "elves and dwarves and hyoomans, join the secret guild to fight the ancient evil, there's also a dragon somewhere," it wasn't creative or original at all

killing Anders and siding with the Mages is the correct option.

Ok kid


Ok sweetie

I don’t remember seeing positive reviews for Andromeda, but it did get a lot of shit. Giant bomb called it the worst game of 2018.

2017 I meant obviously

>8/10 from Game Informer and PC Gamer
>7/10 practically across the board elsewhere

I mean, personally, I'd give it a 3/10, and I could understand a 5/10, as it's completely - dauntingly even - fucking mediocre
7 and 8 out of 10 makes me laugh my ass off.

Those are fighting words

Kill Anders, side with Templars playing as Mage Hawke.