>YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- was created under total supervision and with unmitigated cooperation from the original creator, Kikiyama himself.
Kikiyama didn't even work on the game, so its just another Yume 2kki, Yume 3ddi.
>YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- was created under total supervision and with unmitigated cooperation from the original creator, Kikiyama himself.
Kikiyama didn't even work on the game, so its just another Yume 2kki, Yume 3ddi.
Other urls found in this thread:
...And it looks worse than the original. Why were retards hyping this up again?
Seminal release
it looks god fucking awful. I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up
stop making yume nikki threads
newfags are noticing them
Because there are not many overly feminine aspects on this art and she isn't too cutesy.
she's cute in this
the fuck is this
is this supposed to be a remake or a sequel?
mado's model looks like shit
A remake , Kikiyama is supervising it
This. YN discussion should be on the other site and not this decaying shithole
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
We were supposed to be looking at steam, not the countdown i guess
i'm more interested in knowing that kikiyama stands to benefit monetarily from sales
why does this play out like a shitty horror trailer? cute music to start, with a harsh cut to static, someone crying and more loud noise. instead of going for surreal and melancholy tone, they want to go for something sinister and blunt.
Probably should have also linked the main site.
Actually the logo is now clickable so you were meant to look at it.
tl;dr: it's a remake supervised by Kikiyama as the "ideas guy", featuring new areas and NPCs that Kikiyama didn't implement previously, releases in February. That's about what we know, we have no gameplay yet.
I feel like you're overreacting, this looks like it could actually get why people like YN and expand upon it, it's not a fucking VN, that's for sure, even though I do agree it looks somewhat cheap and overpriced, but we'll see.
>Inb4 3 yen have been deposited to your account
>4 weeks
wellp I'm going back to bed
goodnight bros
Damn I actually believed that story about yume nikki creator disappearing without trace after realeasing it and that he probably killed himself, damn shame kinda cuts some of the magic, it made the game even better
It feels weird to see YN fanart in your mother language
The youtubers are going to eat this alive.
>Kikiyama is fucking dead
>cute music to start
That's the main theme for NASU you fuck.
Sweet dreams.
There's still not proof of the original creator being involved. And their site is still unupdated.
I'm willing to give it a shot. It's been almost a decade since I played the original.
Do you think that the new game will include music that lasts more than 5 seconds? I wouldn't mind if some songs were like this:
>In its original form, RPG Maker darling Yume Nikkiwas a divisively controversial work among fans. By contrast, Yume Nikki: Dream Diary is a collaborative show of the utmost respect for auteur Kikiyama’s seminal release.
>The RPG Maker team at Kadokawa has paired up with Active Gaming Media’s development team of ardent Yume Nikki fans to bring you this modern indie reboot in the form of Yume Nikki: Dream Diary.
>This diverging follow-up combines influences from the original game and other recent indie juggernauts to create something wholly unique.
>Yume Nikki: Dream Diary was created under total supervision and with unmitigated cooperation from the original creator, Kikiyama himself. We hope it will help to create a whole new wave of fans, as well as push the envelope in terms of what RPG Maker games can be.
There is, though. Kikiyama copyrighted it, so he must have given the approval, and apparently is also helping.
>not OFF
not only that, the 3d models are ugly
legit on the verge of tears right now. this 3D shit is going to make it way more accessible and on release it's going to become huge streamer/youtube bait. incoming jacksepticeye/markiplier vids and their legion of children memeing Yume Nikki's legacy into complete oblivion. fuck me Sup Forums should we kill ourselves?
what do (you) want from the new game Sup Forums?
what do you hope they do?
I hope it confirms or clears up some theories but still leaves us with a sense of mystery
>Yume Nikki remake
>Shadow of the Colossus remake
>Secret of Mana remake
>riko and reg
>Uboachan is in a state of despair
>comments section of the trailer condemning people who have doubts
I'm interested to see what happens. I don't want to cast this game aside and call it shit, yet, but things aren't looking good when all you have are mediocre looking screenshots and have a release window be less than a month away from your announcement.
I feel like the idea of PS2 CGI cutscene-esque looking graphics can be spooky looking in motion, but in stills, it just looks bad, at least imo.
I think the price point sounds fine, as they seem to be going for a "high budget indie game" production, maybe 5-6 hours, maybe 7 the max in terms of play time.
I'm here just to gather shitpost material to shit up any future threads when the game comes out.
>fuck me Sup Forums should we kill ourselves?
dew eeet
Let that game die in peace, the fanbase mess from 2013 was already bad enough,
>should we kill ourselves?
>is a tripfag
yes do it we'll jump right after you
>Kikiyama's seminal release
its just they way they use it that annoys me. something soft, then a harsh cut to startle you. why is this cheap trick being used to promote a new yumenikki game? is this what i can expect when i play? its frustrating.
I still don't get what's so bad about it becoming more popular , do you see the community as a "cool secret club" or something ?
>I hope it confirms or clears up some theories
I hope for exactly the opposite.
look at twhat happened to Sup Forums when it got exposure
same thing with a fanbase
Is this your first time seeing an old niche game getting exposure? It isn't pretty, let me assure you.
So every popular games is bad?
No exception?
This "game" was fucking horrible.
More popular = more probable to find retards
yume nikki hasn't been secret club material for a long ass time
>more probable to find retards
>more probable to find retards
Okay, this is ironic.
This account was tied to the Yume Nikki site that was launched.
It was active a while ago, but locked.
They just deleted it.
yes. becoming popular brings the cancer
the cancer innately must ruin everything around it
It looks like a low quality unity game. Honestly, if the art style was better the game being in 3D would be fine.
As-is? It needs a lot of work to be even remotely acceptable, and it is launching in a month so nothing is going to change.
The steam blurb makes no fucking sense.
>In its original form, RPG Maker darling YUME NIKKI was a divisively controversial work among fans.
What does this fucking mean?
>By contrast, YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- is a collaborative show of the utmost respect for auteur Kikiyama’s seminal release.
This is also fucking gibberish. Who wrote this trash?
>thinking this is about "cool secret club" clique bullshit
That's bizarre as hell, I wonder what the 4 Tweets it had on it was. Did the k stand for Kikiyama and he got scared off?
They deleted it 5 minutes ago or so.
>What does this fucking mean?
Something people fighting over theory bullshit
probably agm
they are gaijin retards
I can't believe you homos are more concerned with the state of the fanbase after the game's release than new and official YN content. You people are seriously unbelievable.
>Kikiyama themselves
to be honest the character art is great, with the exception of ol' birdo over there who is way too tryhard.
At best I am hoping for something actually new and interesting, instead of "Yume Nikki, all over again."
>Japshit made game looks like shit
Ironically this is probably the most convincing evidence that he's actually alive and involved. Nobody else is that fucking allergic to social media
It means the original YN was open to interpretation, had lots of speculation about the entire YN universe and the metaphorical context blah blah.
This new game is just "Kikiyama said this is what happens" basically.
Either that or it's just poorly translated (which it is already anyway)
yume nikki is huge on atmosphere, so a direct 3d conversion would be really hard to accomplish.
i hope .flow is next. its got all the spooky shit kids actually want now.
Some of the best parts about YN was the fanmade content though.
And threads on here were pretty nice too.
Kiki doesn't want people to know who they are
>its a 2.5D sidescroller
>madotsuki looks like an MMD model
>we don't even know who the actual devs are
>i'd buy it anyway
lolrust was surprised about the countdown leading to a 3D remake this morning.
And he talked about wanting to do something about .flow less than a week ago, so
our secret club used to shame tripfags and bully them away
sadly that doesnt happen anymore
what causes a person to go to the largest western online ANONYMOUS imageboard anyway and then decide "hey I want an identity"
go to any of the plethora of boards or forums that encourage that then
You keep my waifu out of this.
I was kind of hoping some of the lesser known guys would get some love. Like the invisible girl or one of the 10 000 whatsits instead of Poniko and Stair rape-kun.
>P-please don;t f-forget about my g-game guys
jk I love.flow
I want the FC demon to get some content too.
absolutely agree.
This place has become a hive of idiot millenials that take shitpost as unironic fact.
gone are the days of 2005-2010
Cool cant wait
I've never played Yume Nikki, but this looks like legit garbage. Kind of makes me want to play the original though.
anyone know how yume 2kki ended up?
it being a constantly updated community thing was kinda hard to follow back then
I'd sell my kidney for a .flow anime
I'm already wet thinking about an animated Sabi speaking in a low delinquent-style voice
it's still being updatedゆめにっき派生
It's still being updated to this day, go play it.
ahahah newfag.
Yume Nikki was already tainted by pube-y pie, cryaotic and a whole bunch of other shit.
The fact you are concerned with any fandom at all shows you are a shithead for not just going on a mediablackout and enjoying a work for what it is, by itself.
Why should it matter what other people do.
Why does it matter to you what some facebook normalfag thinks?
Let idiots be idiots. Go ahead and kill yourself.
I wont care, the only opinion I value is my own, not the ones of anyone on this site or anywhere on the internet.
You need to appreciate works for what they are, and not by what "le seekrit anonymouse" club says, else youre just a dumb cow.
>it's still being updated
haha what a newfag.
You must be reaaaallly new if you think dream diary genre is untouched by youtube celebs.
jesus christ you insecure spergburglar who gives a shit? go back to uboachan, nobody will ever bother you there. EVERYONE knows yume nikki it has enjoyed its niche cult following for like 14 years. let them try something else with it, it doesnt invalidate the original at all, since that is on steam and free
At least we got a doujin that was better than the YN manga.
It's not that bad, by now we only get an update every couple of months with one minor area.
could you translate?
They'd probably have to generate an actual plot, though. .flow was always a lot more interesting from a dramatic perspective because something clearly happened to Sabi, and the mystery is figuring out what.
If anything, it lends itself to more popular mediums.
begin the start of the breakdown
I still haven't finished the original because every time I try play it I wander gor one of the levels for half an hour without finding the solution to anything. Normally I'd look up a guide but with something like this it kinda defeats the purpose
uboachan had over a decade to make their own 3D yume nikki and none of their projects ever went anywhere.
Respectable post, amen brotha.
I don't see how people here can allow their opinions and emotions to be so easily swayed by any amount of random fucks on the internet. It's very disheartening.
A. you probably werent around for it but yes it was controversial and there was a lot of infighting.
esp. when it came to fangames and reception of the original.
B. this remake will not be its own spinoff like the trash that yume nikki 3d was, nor an original work like yume 2kki, but follow closely the original.
sorry you're such a dense uncomprehensive fool.
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