With the success of Sonic Mania how do you think pic related is going to do?

With the success of Sonic Mania how do you think pic related is going to do?

its a worse game, so probably worse

Sonic Mania shat all over the first Freedom Planet, so the devs of that have big shoes to fill for the sequel.

what didn't you like about it, user

freedom planet had a way better story than sonic mania

Its a better game, like way better. I dropped Sonic Mania and replayed this instead because it was actually what I wanted to play. I think it will do a little better this time around assuming they market it and make sure people know it fucking exist on consoles.

Freedom Planet plays nothing like Sonic beyond the moving fast thing. FP is much, MUCH more combat focused, making the comparison unfair. They're different kinds of games.
And Freedom Planet 2 will do fine. FP was extremely successful and from the demo, its looking like 2 will be more of Freedom Planet but with better spritework, better gameplay, and more characters.

I wouldn't know, I just played the arcade mode which axed all the story stuff, because I wanted gameplay, not filler between stages with atrocious VO.

they're way more similar than you make it seem bro

You're not encouraged to fight enemies generally speaking in Sonic, instead being given a moveset that's more focused around giving you mobility so you can move through the level (and they just happen to have some attack functionality), and levels are significantly shorter in Sonic games than in FP. Where a level might be 3 minutes long in Sonic it'll be around 15 minutes in FP. Not saying this to say one is better than the other by the way. Just that the comparison doesn't really fit

release date when?

delayed to mid 2019 iirc
feel fucking bad

>what didn't you like about it, user
incohereant/bad level designs and clashing graphics. altho sonic isnt much better

Wait what? Sauce me user. Too lazy to google it.

rip my hopes and dreams


I want to pet carol.

you know you could have just skipped the cutscenes?

It'll do just fine, especially considering it's a year away.

freedom planet is good better than mania imo but it won't do as well just because it's not called sonic

inb4 they release another 2d sonic a month or two before freedom planet releases

are there plans for unlockable outfits or something?

here's hoping. i wanna see lilac in a bikini