These two are the best youtube game enthusiasts

These two are the best youtube game enthusiasts.

that's not jon and arin

Jon doesn't even do vidya episodes anymore.


CGR just likes to keep things simple and I respect that a lot. No bullshit drama, no SJW shit, just TRUXTON AND EDF

>Screams infront of a camera for 45 minutes about some inane bullshit while failing to make an actual point for the entire video

>from a volcano


I can't believe how many retards there are on Sup Forums today.
AlphaOmegaShit is for edgy faggots who think it's funny and kewl to yell about shit for half an hour.
Angry Joe literally uses the word "liberry" unironically. The man is an actual retard.

He really let himself go

Ironically, I stopped watching CGR because he's always positive and upbeat. I can't have that in my life.

I'm not crazy about Alpho and his Sup Forums rants, but fuck that guy is well acquainted in the intermediate-tier youtube gaming world.

Dude has gone on a merry-go-round with SmoothMcgroove, did podcasts with HCG and now is piggy riding fucking Mark. I wish I was him.


So you watch some dude getting angry for the sake of getting angry? How old are you. 13?

Terry Bogard

The insane shilling almost got me, but then he toned it down thankfuly.
I really feel bad for the guy and I do wish he didn't go into so much shit back when he almost had to close the channel, but those pay-walled reviews, comic shilling, add sellout and the self-indulgent non-content were almost unbearable all at the same time.

It seems he's finaly found a balance. Let's hope it keeps that way.

Throw in gamesack and you've got a deal

>hahaha youtube personalities are so funny i follow them all the time xDDDD

who is the beard

Dude with a weird face so he hides it with the beard.

>look im a middle aged white dude and i have a retro gaming channel xD

wow... super interesting

EDF EDF EDF! Mark's aging like a fine wine, take that Matt Damon.

literally who

dude truxton LMAO


>mfw mark comes to the set with the El Camino

CGR haters BTFO'd

Ian should stick to doing forgotten weapons.

filtered, jesus

that was a fun thread.

CGR is the man, I actually stopped watching him so I am going to see what new vids he has uploaded since last time

good guy, his review of code veronica back in 2000 with that sperg looking guy was hilarious!!!

resetera isn't going to like this.....

CGR is great, AlphaOmegaSin is a huge faggot.

Bunny hop is the only good vidya youtuber

>video games

CGR is at his best when he does those semi-lengthy reviews that are about 15 minutes long, like Front Mission 4.

>middle aged

they're like 30

and you watch anime, you're in no position to criticize anybody

Watch SomecallmeJohnny, he's pretty much on the same line.

It's been 6 years, user. It's time to let go. Arin is but a fucking shell of his former self.

>quoting his supposed thoughts
>no brain activity
You've taken the meme too far, that doesn't even make sense.