God of War 4

Official discussion of the new God of War trailer (not just the graphics, but the story and gameplay).

Does it look good? What do you want to see in this, and most importantly, will Kratos be pussified to meet the current political climate?

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>will Kratos be pussified to meet the current political climate?
He'll be more moody and broken as oppose to literal edgelord.

Will he bang a bunch of hot Norse goddesses this time around, or will they completely abandon sexuality in this game?

He will abandon sexuality because he's a true gentleman with his wife's son

what went wrong what happened to him?

>kills his family
>kills his god family
>suddenly cares about his son of a random bitch he fucked and died

I played all the other ones, I'm down to buy it but they had better show some more gameplay between now and then because they haven't shown anything

this isn't reddit

He grew older.


also prince of persia

So, is it a sequel to GoW 3 or a reboot?

Technically a sequel, but between the completely revamped gameplay and the GAME title it's basically a soft reboot to milk the franchise

But then again how the fuck is he alive after 3? Have they tried to explain it?

Sequel, its definitely actual Kratos and there is Greek pottery showing him with the blades in game. He also says you shouldn't kill gods because of repercussions.
Seems fine.

I am interested to see how they handle the intro, whether or not to try to bridge the games at the start or later. Kratos seems to have been around to see what happened after he killed all the Greek gods. The whole mother part also seems weird, they haven't showed her so either she is from around GoW2/3 and Kratos recently arrives there and she dies shortly after meeting or she is from the gap between 3 and this one.

I think they always implied he was alive, the blood trail at the end of 3 kinda means he isn't dead.

Alright Sup Forums, who are we gonna end up brutally murdering to death this time?

Our options include:

I figure Kratos will have to kill AT LEAST one God in this game, right?

I feel like that kid is gonna make the game WAY easier than it should, even though they limited the camera and combat system by making it slower and more decisive with the player's actions.

dude's born to die

>Kills his family unknowingly, tricked into doing so by Ares
>Kills his fellow gods because they are all conniving sacks of deceitful shit
>Cares about his son because he is the only real family he has

Whose head was that in trailer that they showed to the big dragon face? That's 1 confirmed casuality

So is it actually confirmed to be his real son?

You didn't actually think it wasn't right

Kratos isn't going to kill any gods. His son is. And that will sadden Kratos greatly, and possibly lead to him having to kill him.

He is the archetypal tragic hero. Like Sisyphus, Kratos is bound to an endless cycle of suffering.

The director himself had to confirm it because everyone was memeing too hard.



there are multiple difficulty options

Kratos will accidentally kill the kid in a fit of rage, just like last time.
screencap this

>choose hardest difficulty
>kid is removed from the game.

>in a fit of rage, just like last time.
the first time hardly counts as a fit of rage
ares kidnaps his family from sparta, hides them is some village on the other side of greece, shrouds them in shadow and orders kratos to raid that village
he was obviously tricked here

why would you confirm something like that?

How are they supposed to show more gameplay? It's a Playstation movie

Sup Forums almost makes me unable to enjoy the game with the god of soy and wife's son memes.

But then the game rolls out and these sentiments will be forgotten.
What matters is that the combat should feel enjoyable and satisfying like in the previous titles.

The E3 reveal was set up so well, the pacing and sense of adventuring, the dialouge between farther and wifes son and everything was going so good and then suddenly the beast mode rage segment began with the valhalla troll and what would be the tipping point when all hell was about break loose and fly off the rails and you're expecting the catastrophic beat down of monolithic proportions, then kratos just jumps on him and just punches him a few times and it just felt underwhelming. I mean the intensity was there, the amazement and awe but at the same time something was missing and therew was a huge disconnect. I think we all expected some kratos to break out the blades of chaos type or some other epic hell fire weapon with awesome FX I mean just something other than those underwhelming meele attacks thyat brought the troll down.

I really, really hope they have additional weapons kept secret within the game otherwise the potential of this game will just be constrained in my eyes. Everything is in place besides more weapons and combat modes which can turn a game from a 7/10 to a 10/10. I really hate when games ship with untapped potential to be fucking awesome sick games because the devs felt the direction of the game should be more grounded in reality like fuck all that shit and fuck the axe, utilize the fucking potential especially when you're on the Sony gravy train, you got the money and talent why limit the weapon and combat to something so underwhelming however functional and fun it may be there's surely more to take off the table. I hope this game proves me wrong.

>Kratos slowly turning into his old angry self
>Kid slowly turning into Kratos

IF they pull it off right we might in for some kino moments

and everybody is talking shit

1, his warrior spirit is fully in tact, in fact more so because they give insight into his self awareness that hes a killer
>a warrior must not feel for his enemies, close your heart to their desperation, close your heart to their suffering
its much better to see him as an efficient killer just doing his job than a berzerker autist reveling in violence. Nigga is ice cold as fuck

2. god of war has always been cinematic as shit with a lot of walking and set pieces so anyone that complains is a troll or a literal retard

3. the old style of game is antiquated, it was fine for ps2 era but game design has evolved
if you want to play the old games again just go play the old games
never understand how people want new content to be the same as old content
also probably the same people that complain about rehashing ideas

Are they foreshadoing kratos becoming angry again

They're also foreshadowing his son to become like Kratos' old self too.

I love god of war. I'm excited to see the novelties the creators are bringing us. I'm open to enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the previous game.
All the negativity on the internet remind me of how foul human nature is. We complain if the game is the same, we complain if the game changes. This is why we can't have nice things.
Whatever, bitter whiny bitches, I hope the game is a financial success so sony will order another and another and another.

This but unironically. It's just a reskinned Last of Us

I'll be satisfied as long as the bitches are hot personally

It's literally a God of War mod for Uncharted like every first party Sony game this generation

So this is Kratos' new wife's sister right? Because she really looks a lot like Atreus

How do you think Kratos will kill Thor?

Nigga how can you talk about gow series and not even know what the whole game is about? Its all based around ares tricking him into killing his wife and daughter who he loved greatly. In gow3, Pandora became almost like a daughter to him. His family is his only passion and he will kill anything for that.

>will Kratos be pussified to meet the current political climate?

Can't be worse than the cringey, 12yo fanfic tier Kratos of GoW 1-3

they're framing getting angry as a bad thing.

if you buy this game you are literally a cuck.

If you like the button mashing god of war why not but the first one? Most people who still follow the series are in it for the story because what the fuck else is good lately.

Kratos will only be trying to kill Loki this game
Thor will show up last minute to protect his brother, sacrificing himself Athena style
Next game is all about Odin seeking revenge, pitting god-killer Kratos against all of the Norse gods, all according to Loki's plan


>I play God of War for the story

Fucking cringe

everyone played it for the setting you mongoloid, and this new game looks like it's nothing but shitty story.

>i play God of War to mash square a lot
honestly there's nothing good about GoW after you grow out of your teen edge phase

>I play button masher to mash buttons

Uhhh yeah

Me? I play God of War for the music

i asked this in some previous thread, but it died: what did unwrapping of Kratos' bandages/wraps signify? That he's tired, getting weaker?
I hate being that autist that gets obsessed with a shitty detail, but it somehow seemed important in the trailer.

his past self
basically angry kratos

From what i get of it and what the trailer said, he's in a different relm which seems obvious he destroyed the greek gods, but some how left that world to another. I'm sure we would get the details how at the beginning, but since he finished his mission he tried to leave that path behind and start a new one but his past, just like previous games in the series, can't escape him and is constantly brought up to affect him and his life. His son wants to take his mother's ashes to highest point but i think this journey will end up his son needing to become a god or he will die. I'm not understanding that part yet.

>2 shipments of Soy Milk have been delivered to your address, keep fighting the good fight for Sony!

>what did unwrapping of Kratos' bandages/wraps signify?
Kratos is clearly tightening the bandages after they came loose, probably during a fight or fit of rage
the wraps are hiding the scars from the chains that were seared into his flesh
he associates the chains with the killing of his family, something he clearly wants to hide and keep in the past

>When you turn a much beloved action brawler into a glorified escort quest

Yeah sure I love fighting one enemy every 5 minutes while a little faggot yells at me to watch out.

kratos gets JUSTed at the same time as his creator, coincidence?

he is clearly a capable party member that doesn't need to be watched during battle
this is like calling nier or ffxv a giant escort quest

>tfw no PS4 to play this on
maybe I'll get to play it sometime in the future but it will be annoying not playing it when it comes out

have you ever played any of the prior games? ever since the first game, a "cinematic" experience was quite important for the developers. there were tons of cut scenes and lots of world building through slow paced scenes. same goes for the QTEs of previous games. just don't play it if you don't like it

David Jaffe is the Marty Jennetty to Cory Barlog's Shawn Michaels

so here's whats funny about that
him yelling out to you is procedural and dynamic so the AI does it when it feels like it should. The first time they tested it live was during the most recent gameplay demo and they realized during that demo he was super fucking annoying so they are retooling his AI to shut the fuck up and let you work


what else do people play it for except for the story, set pieces and gameplay? if there's any game that combines all three pretty well, it's the God of War series. why are you people just being hateful fucks for the sake of it?

Barlog confirmed in an interview that Kratos will use his axe to chop down a tree. Maybe Yggdrasil?

>much beloved
only by inbred fucking retards.

Gow3 ended being an escort quest and no one said shit about that. Pandora wasn't a shouting cunt either.


>Official discussion

What makes this “official”? You cant just say something is official like that

Is that stupid looking arena shooter still alive?

God of Soy : Wife’s son edition?

I want nu/v/ to leave pls

Dude did you played the games? He regrets killing his family so now he wants to set things right by taking care of that kid

Anybody who found the gameplay reveal of this interesting needs a bullet to the head.

You are beyond saving, thinking this cinematic trash looks good puts you in the retard zone.


kratos gunna have to teach hes wife kid how to control his anger, when he never bothered to do it himself lel.


Holy fuck you are dumb.


>make yet ANOTHER slow as fuck cinematic behind the shoulder piece of shit game
>wow human nature is so vile!!
>fuck off nigger, people are upset because it looks like trash

Did you even read the guy's entire post?

>loved his family
>kills them

>tfw i played for the setting, the gore and the set pieces
this GoW have just a story that the least important part of the series and these fuckers decided to do the opposite.

Its almost like you never played god of war.

Kratos' son is going to kill him.

>b-b-b-buh he was tricked

how do u get tricked into killing your family. kratos brainlet confirmed

A huge part of Greek mythology is the gods tricking/forcing people into doing shity things.

Kratos murdering his family is based on Hercules and his.

Im ready

Which one is your favourite?

>No god of war will ever surpass 2

I still get chills from the advertisements even in 2018.

You're missing Ascension.

Just watch the fucking cut scene on youtube. Everything was on fire and smoke filled everywhere making it hard to see. On top of that hes raiding house to house swinging his blades around without even looking first. He didn't expect his wife and daughter who was hundreds of miles away to be there.

I fucking hate all you fags, your shit wifes son meme makes no sense in context of this game. Maybe if you stopped looking at the world through the lens of your shit ideology and look at the game, you will see this is a natural continuation of the GoW series

...sooo, why were they there in the first place? Was that ever explained?


Not that you guys aren't correct, but these posts demonstrate the GoW target demographics perfectly.

It looks good graphically but that's about it. Not excited for it in the slightest. They threw away all the staples of the series and are turning it into TLOU hack and slash edition with a kid that never shuts the fuck up and super important expository cutscenes every 45 seconds.

Kratos pretty much is a brainlet brute so that part of the story actually makes sense.

Its better this way. You could see they are burned out from doing same shit with Ascension.

Why do you fags keep compering TLOU with GOW?
They have nothing in common